2025-01-11 12:30:11 +01:00

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Virtual Machines for testing JabRef

This folder contains directories making use of Vagrant to install virtual machines on VirtualBox



  1. Install VirtualBox
    • Windows: winget install -e --id Oracle.VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant
    • Windows: winget install -e --id Hashicorp.Vagrant
  3. Install Vagrant Virtual Box Guest Additions Plugin. This helps ensururing that the guest additions of each box are automatically updated.
    • vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Setup VM

  1. cd into {vmdir}, e..g, cd ubuntu
  2. Start the vm vagrant up
  3. Restart the vm
  4. Linux virtual machines: Store ssh configuration: vagrant ssh-config > vagrant-ssh

Use VM

You can use the UI offered by the VirtualBox client. On Linux, you can also do ssh -Y -F vagrant-ssh default to SSH into the machine.

If asked for a password, this is vagrant.

Multiple Screens

One can configure mulitple screen as the virtual machine settings of Virtual Box: Navigate to "Display" (1), set "Video Memory" to the maximum value (2), and then adjust the number of displays (3).

Virtual Box settings for multiple screens at VM settings

In case you want to have a fixed resoltuion, one can pin the screen resolution as follows: During running of Virutal Box, (1) unselect "Auto-size Guest Display" and (2) adjust the screen resolution to full HD

Virtual Box settings for multiple screens at running VM

Remove VM

Execute vagrant destroy. Then, everything is removed.

Available VMs

VM JabRef Browser LibreOffice IntelliJ
Debian 12 source Firefox -- yes
fedora source -- -- --
Linux Mint (Cinnamon) source Firefox yes --
ubuntu snap Firefox yes --
windows source Edge -- --


VBoxManage.exe: error: Could not rename the directory 'C:\Users\$username\VirtualBox VMs\output-ubuntu_source_1720167378145_42641_1720548095320_67904' to 'C:\Users\$username\VirtualBox VMs\jabref-ubuntu' to save the settings file (VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS)

Solution: Delete folder C:\Users\$username\VirtualBox VMs\jabref-ubuntu

How to use another JabRef snap image?

Solution: snap refresh --edge jabref (or --stable, ...). More info on snaps is available at https://snapcraft.io/docs/quickstart-tour.

An error occurred during installation of VirtualBox Guest Additions 7.0.20. Some functionality may not work as intended.

Install the guest additions manually by "Devices" > "Install Virtual Box Gueat Additions".

I get a strange installation error.

Look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/78040474/873282.

How can I update the guest additions?

They should be automatically updated during a reboot. A manual update can be triggered by vagrant vbguest --do install.