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Code Howtos |
Fetchers are the implementation of the search using online services. Some fetchers require API keys to get them working. To get the fetchers running in a JabRef development setup, the keys need to be placed in the respective environment variable. The following table lists the respective fetchers, where to get the key from and the environment variable where the key has to be placed.
Service | Key Source | Environment Variable | Rate Limit |
IEEEXplore | IEEE Xplore API portal | IEEEAPIKey |
200 calls/day |
MathSciNet | (none) | (none) | Depending on the current network |
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System | ADS UI | AstrophysicsDataSystemAPIKey |
5000 calls/day |
ScienceDirect | ScienceDirectApiKey |
SemanticScholar | https://www.semanticscholar.org/product/api#api-key-form | SemanticScholarApiKey |
Springer Nature | Springer Nature API Portal | SpringerNatureAPIKey |
5000 calls/day |
Zentralblatt Math | (none) | (none) | Depending on the current network |
Biodiversity Heritage Library | Biodiversitylibrary | BiodiversityHeritageApiKey |
- |
"Depending on the current network" means that it depends on whether your request is routed through a network having paid access. For instance, some universities have subscriptions to MathSciNet.
On Windows, you have to log off and log on to let IntelliJ know about the environment variable change. Execute the gradle task processResources
in the group "others" within IntelliJ to ensure the values have been correctly written. Now, the fetcher tests should run without issues.
JabRef supports different kinds of fetchers:
: Completes an existing bibliographic entry with information retrieved by the fetcherFulltextFetcher
: Searches for a PDF for an exiting bibliography entrySearchBasedFetcher
: Searches providers using a given query and returns a set of (new) bibliography entry. The user-facing side is implemented in the UI described at https://docs.jabref.org/collect/import-using-online-bibliographic-database.
There are more fetchers supported by JabRef. Investigate the package org.jabref.logic.importer
. Another possibility is to investigate the inheritance relation of WebFetcher
(Ctrl+H in IntelliJ).
Fulltext Fetchers
- all fulltext fetchers run in parallel
- the result with the highest priority wins
are ignored
Trust Levels
(highest): definitive URL for a particular paperPUBLISHER
: any publisher libraryPREPRINT
: any preprint library that might include non final publications of a paperMETA_SEARCH
: meta search enginesUNKNOWN
(lowest): anything else not fitting the above categories
Current trust levels
All fetchers are contained in the package org.jabref.logic.importer.fetcher
. Here we list the trust levels of some of them:
- DOI: SOURCE, as the DOI is always forwarded to the correct publisher page for the paper
- ScienceDirect: Publisher
- Springer: Publisher
- ACS: Publisher
- IEEE: Publisher
- Google Scholar: META_SEARCH, because it is a search engine
- Arxiv: PREPRINT, because preprints are published there
- A DOI uniquely identifies a paper. Per definition, a DOI leads to the right paper. Everything else is good guessing.
- We assume the DOI resolution surely points to the correct paper and that publisher fetches may have errors: For instance, a title of a paper may lead to different publications of it. One the conference version, the other the journal version. --> the PDF could be chosen randomly
Code was first introduced at PR#3882.
Background on embedding the keys in JabRef
The keys are placed into the build.properties
In build.gradle
, these variables are filled:
"springerNatureAPIKey" : System.getenv('SpringerNatureAPIKey')
The BuildInfo
class reads from that file.
new BuildInfo().springerNatureAPIKey
When executing ./gradlew run
, gradle executes processResources
and populates build/build.properties
accordingly. However, when working directly in the IDE, Eclipse keeps reading build.properties
from src/main/resources
. In IntelliJ, the task JabRef Main
is executing ./gradlew processResources
before running JabRef from the IDE to ensure the build.properties
is properly populated.