2025-01-11 12:30:11 +01:00

1.3 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. The project is versioned using CalVer.



  • Added checker "Escaped Ampersands": check_ampersands.py which checks all CSV journals in the folder journals to make sure all instances of ampersands are unescaped


  • .github/workflows/tests.yml contains the script check_ampersands.py
  • Minor format changes in README.md and LISENSE.md as the old GitHub actions check was already failing
  • Found an escaped ampersand using the new script in journal_abbreviations_dainst.csv so this was amended.


  • [;<frequency>] was removed, because it was used very seldom - and the data should be collected at other places.
  • "Web of Science" abbreviation list was removed. The data source is from 2016 and had serious issues. #176


Initial tagged release