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# NixOS
- [NixOS](#nixos)
- [NixOS installation](#nixos-installation)
- [Graphical installation](#graphical-installation)
- [Remote installation: disko and nixos-anywhere](#remote-installation-disko-and-nixos-anywhere)
- [ARM device: SD image for the Raspberry Pi 3B+](#arm-device-sd-image-for-the-raspberry-pi-3b)
- [ISO](#iso)
- [Default configuration](#default-configuration)
- [Apply modified configuration](#apply-modified-configuration)
- [ARM device: Vanilla UEFI boot loader for the Raspberry Pi 3B+](#arm-device-vanilla-uefi-boot-loader-for-the-raspberry-pi-3b)
- [Update, build and switch](#update-build-and-switch)
- [Update](#update)
- [Build and switch: Using Colmena](#build-and-switch-using-colmena)
- [Build and switch: Manually](#build-and-switch-manually)
- [Option I: Build new config and activate it:](#option-i-build-new-config-and-activate-it)
- [Option II: Build new config and activate it during next boot:](#option-ii-build-new-config-and-activate-it-during-next-boot)
- [Option III: Build config and view changes:](#option-iii-build-config-and-view-changes)
- [niv: Dependency management](#niv-dependency-management)
- [Add Home Manager with niv](#add-home-manager-with-niv)
- [Add NUR with niv](#add-nur-with-niv)
- [Colmena: Deployment and secret management](#colmena-deployment-and-secret-management)
- [BTRFS swap file](#btrfs-swap-file)
- [LUKS Parameters](#luks-parameters)
- [Automount encrypted drive](#automount-encrypted-drive)
- [Failed services](#failed-services)
- [Garbage collection](#garbage-collection)
- [Run AppImages](#run-appimages)
- [General Notes](#general-notes)
- [Nix Pills](#nix-pills)
- [Papers](#papers)
- [System information](#system-information)
- [Search for packages](#search-for-packages)
- [Search for options](#search-for-options)
- [Search wich package owns a file](#search-wich-package-owns-a-file)
- [List files of package](#list-files-of-package)
- [Compare two versions of NixOS system profile](#compare-two-versions-of-nixos-system-profile)
- [NixOS configuration debugging](#nixos-configuration-debugging)
- [Show Nix configuration](#show-nix-configuration)
- [Evaluate NixOS configuration to JSON](#evaluate-nixos-configuration-to-json)
- [References](#references)
- [TODOs](#todos)
## NixOS installation
### Graphical installation
For beginners, NixOS can be installed with a graphical installer.
Getting the ISO:
* There is no official torrent as they are not needed due to CDN.
* ISO and checksum are available here: https://nixos.org/download#nixos-iso
* There are unofficial torrents. If the checksum is compared with the one from the official website, these can be used as well: https://github.com/AnimMouse/NixOS-ISO-Torrents/releases
During installation:
* If the installation target is a SSD
* Trim the whole disk to mark all cells as unused and restore its initial performance
* `sudo blkdiscard -f /dev/nvmeXXX`
* Select manual partitioning:
* One 512MB (or larger) Fat32 partition, mounted at `/boot`, "boot" flag enabled
* Another partition (e.g. BTRFS) covering the rest of the drive, mounted at `/`, encryption enabled
## Remote installation: disko and nixos-anywhere
Install NixOS via SSH everywhere.
There is a separate repository for these steps. Its README can be found here: https://codeberg.org/privacy1st/nixos-anywhere-example/src/template/README.md
## ARM device: SD image for the Raspberry Pi 3B+
### ISO
If you are on an architecture other than aarch64, enable emulation: `boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ];`.
An ISO for the Raspberry Pi 3B+ can then be built with:
# If on aarch64
#nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.sdImage -I nixos-config=./iso-aarch64.nix
# If not on aarch64
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.sdImage -I nixos-config=./iso-aarch64.nix --argstr system aarch64-linux
ls result/sd-image/*.img
**Note** about cross compilation
Alternatively to emulating the aarch64 architecture we could also cross compile from e.g. x86 to it. However, this has one big drawback: The binary cache (https://cache.nixos.org/) won't be used. The reason for this is that packages built with cross compilation are (slightly) different from native built ones. Their checksums don't match.
### Default configuration
When the Raspberry Pi is booted, run `nixos-generate-config` to generate the default `configuration.nix` and `hardware-configuration.nix` files.
A slightly modified config can be found in [./hosts/pi3bplus/](./hosts/pi3bplus/)
### Apply modified configuration
The Rapberry Pi 3B+ has only 1GB RAM, which is not enough for `nixos-rebuild`. It is recommended to create and activate a SWAP file first: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/swap#Swap_file_creation
nix-channel --list
#=> nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-23.05
nix-channel --update nixos
nixos-rebuild boot
## ARM device: Vanilla UEFI boot loader for the Raspberry Pi 3B+
**TODO**: The EFI menu was working. But I got many squashfs errors when booting an USB stick with the NixOS installer.
* https://www.eisfunke.com/posts/2023/uefi-boot-on-raspberry-pi-3.html
Preparing a micro SD card with an UEFI boot loader:
nix-shell -p parted gptfdisk
sudo parted --script /dev/SDX -- \
mklabel gpt \
mkpart ESP fat32 2Mib 512MiB \
set 1 esp on \
mkpart primary 512MiB 100% \
sudo wipefs --all /dev/SDX1
sudo wipefs --all /dev/SDX2
sudo mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/SDX1
sudo gdisk /dev/SDX
# r
# p
# h
# 1
# N
# 0c
# N
# N
# o
# w
# Y
In addition to the SD card, attach an USB stick with NixOS ARM (https://nixos.org/download.html#nixos-iso, https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-23.05/nixos.iso_minimal.aarch64-linux, https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-23.05/nixos.iso_minimal_new_kernel_no_zfs.aarch64-linux or https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/nixos.iso_minimal.aarch64-linux) to the Raspberry Pi.
sudo umount /dev/SDX
sudo dd if=nixos-minimal-XXX-aarch64-linux.iso of=/dev/SDX bs=4M conv=fsync
Then install NixOS the way you prefer, but don't touch/modify the partition table!
See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM/UEFI#Installing
## Update, build and switch
Local (yodaTux):
niv update && colmena build --on $(hostname) -v && colmena apply-local --sudo
niv update && colmena build --on @server -v && colmena apply --on @server switch
### Update
* Updating NixOS. https://superuser.com/a/1604695
Update channel and configuration:
sudo nix-channel --update && niv update
To apply the updates, continue with "Build and switch".
### Build and switch: Using Colmena
See section "Colmena: Deployment and secret management" to build and apply updates.
### Build and switch: Manually
* https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nixos-rebuild
* https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-get-this-pending-updates-notification-in-gnome/16344/3
* https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-get-this-pending-updates-notification-in-gnome/16344/6
#### Option I: Build new config and activate it:
sudo nixos-rebuild -I nixos-config=hosts/$(hostname)/configuration.nix switch
To view changes, see section "Compare two versions of NixOS system profile".
#### Option II: Build new config and activate it during next boot:
sudo nixos-rebuild -I nixos-config=hosts/$(hostname)/configuration.nix boot
#### Option III: Build config and view changes:
# This leaves a symlink named `result` in the current directory.
sudo nixos-rebuild -I nixos-config=hosts/$(hostname)/configuration.nix build
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command store diff-closures /run/current-system ./result
#=> ...
#=> linux: 6.1.47, 6.1.47-modules → 6.1.51, 6.1.51-modules, -11.8 KiB
Depending on if there are large kernel changes, either switch to it directly or wait until next boot:
sudo ./result/bin/switch-to-configuration switch
# or
sudo ./result/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
Note: The Perl script executed by both above commands _should_ create a new bootloader menu entry and mark it as default. However, if I remember correctly, the menu entry was once missing and the configuration change thus not permanent. This might need further testing. See also: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nixos-rebuild#Internals
## niv: Dependency management
* https://nix.dev/tutorials/first-steps/towards-reproducibility-pinning-nixpkgs#dependency-management-with-niv
> Easy dependency management for Nix projects.
> Nix is a very powerful tool for building code and setting up environments. niv complements it by making it easy to
> describe and update remote dependencies (URLs, GitHub repos, etc). It is a simple, practical alternative to Nix
> flakes.
> https://github.com/nmattia/niv
> Niv is an easy dependency management for Nix projects with package pinning.
> https://github.com/mikeroyal/NixOS-Guide
niv init
Change the tracking branch of nixpkgs from unstable to 23.05:
niv modify nixpkgs --branch nixos-23.05
Add nixpkgs unstable:
niv add NixOS/nixpkgs -n unstable -b nixpkgs-unstable
### Add Home Manager with niv
Home Manager:
> [Home Manager] allows declarative configuration of user specific (non-global) packages and dotfiles.
> To avoid breaking users' configurations, Home Manager is released in branches corresponding to NixOS releases (
> e.g. `release-23.05`).
> Home Manager provides both the channel-based setup and the flake-based one.
> https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager
Check your channel:
sudo nix-channel --list
#=> nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-23.05
Use the corresponding branch:
niv add nix-community/home-manager -n home-manager -b release-23.05
### Add NUR with niv
> The Nix User Repository (NUR) is community-driven meta repository for Nix packages.
> ... packages are built from source and are not reviewed by any Nixpkgs member.
> https://github.com/nix-community/NUR
niv add nix-community/NUR -n NUR
## Colmena: Deployment and secret management
* https://github.com/zhaofengli/colmena#colmena
> Colmena is a simple, stateless NixOS deployment tool modeled after NixOps and morph, written in Rust.
Alternative: Deployment with Morph: https://xeiaso.net/blog/morph-setup-2021-04-25
Configuration is done inside [hive.nix](hive.nix).
Build config:
colmena build -v
Apply to all non-local nodes:
colmena apply --on @server switch
#colmena apply --on @server boot
#colmena apply --on @yodaTab switch
#colmena apply --on @yodaTab boot
Apply to local node:
colmena apply-local --sudo switch
#colmena apply-local --sudo boot
- You can filter hosts by tags with `--on @tag-a,@tag-b`.
- You can use globs in tag matching as well: `colmena apply --on '@infra-*'`
## BTRFS swap file
* Detailed instructions: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Btrfs#Swap_file
* https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/btrfs#Swap_file
* Create subvolume `@swap` directly below top-level subvolume.
* Mount at `/swap`
* Create swapfile: `sudo btrfs filesystem mkswapfile --size 8g --uuid clear /swap/swapfile`
* Regenerate hardware-configuration: `sudo nixos-generate-config --dir hosts/$(hostname)`
* Add `swapDevices = [ { device = "/swap/swapfile"; } ];` to hardware configuration and run `nixos-rebuild switch` (see above).
## LUKS Parameters
**Warning**: NixOS has a hardcoded timeout of 10 seconds when opening encrypted drives during boot. Please choose `--iter-time` <= `5000`.
* https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ed2ccd4d1748e52d5d28c440d5be4b25a4f21c08/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix#L498
* https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ed2ccd4d1748e52d5d28c440d5be4b25a4f21c08/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix#L30
* https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ed2ccd4d1748e52d5d28c440d5be4b25a4f21c08/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix#L36C7-L36C7
## Automount encrypted drive
~~* Generate and add keyfile to LUKS device~~
* Use the same password for all attached LUKS devices to be only prompted once while booting
* Discussion: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-unlock-some-luks-devices-with-a-keyfile-on-a-first-luks-device/18949/11
* Related NixOS config option: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ed2ccd4d1748e52d5d28c440d5be4b25a4f21c08/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix#L570-L584
* luksOpen and mount drive, e.g. to `/mnt/data1`
* Re-generate hardware configuration:
sudo nixos-generate-config --dir hosts/$(hostname)
* If it is an SSD, enable `boot.initrd.luks.devices.<name>.allowDiscards`
## Failed services
If there are e.g. file conflicts due to preexisting dotfiles, the Home Manager user service might fail. To list all failed services, run:
systemctl --failed
## Garbage collection
* https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/package-management/garbage-collection.html
* https://discourse.nixos.org/t/why-doesnt-nix-collect-garbage-remove-old-generations-from-efi-menu/17592/4
This is automated in [base.nix](modules/base.nix) with the `nix.gc` option.
Run manually for all profiles:
sudo nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 14d
Remove leftover EFI entries of removed generations:
sudo /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
## Run AppImages
* https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Appimage
# Note how your shell prefix changes.
nix-shell -p appimage-run
# Inside the shell, you can run an AppImage:
appimage-run ~/Downloads/ubports-installer_0.10.0_linux_x86_64.AppImage
## General Notes
* There is controversy about flakes, rather use channels (e.g. with niv)
* Prins, P., Suresh, J. and Dolstra, E., "Nix fixes dependency hell on all Linux distributions," [Archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20081226010942/http://www.linux.com/feature/155922) December 26, 2008, at the Wayback Machine linux.com, December 22, 2008
### Nix Pills
* https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/pr01
It provides a tutorial introduction into the Nix package manager and Nixpkgs package collection, in the form of short
chapters called 'pills'.
### Papers
Papers about Nix:
* The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model (2006). http://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf, https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf, https://github.com/edolstra/edolstra.github.io/blob/master/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf
* May 2023: Some insights from the thesis in short form. https://jonathanlorimer.dev/posts/nix-thesis.html
* NixOS: A Purely Functional Linux Distribution (2008): https://github.com/edolstra/edolstra.github.io/blob/master/pubs/nixos-icfp2008-final.pdf, https://github.com/edolstra/edolstra.github.io/blob/master/pubs/nixos-jfp-final.pdf
* Nix: A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software Deployment (2004): https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/nspfssd-lisa2004-final.pdf
### System information
nix-info -m
- system: `"x86_64-linux"`
- host os: `Linux 6.1.51, NixOS, 23.05 (Stoat), 23.05.3242.da5adce0ffaf`
- multi-user?: `yes`
- sandbox: `yes`
- version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.13.5`
- channels(root): `"nixos-23.05"`
- nixpkgs: `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos`
### Search for packages
* https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=23.05
### Search for options
* https://search.nixos.org/options?channel=23.05
* Or `man configuration.nix`
* https://mipmip.github.io/home-manager-option-search
* Or `man home-configuration.nix`
### Search which package owns a file
# Note how your shell prefix changes.
nix-shell -p nix-index
# Either build the index manually (requires >12GB RAM):
# Or download weekly build:
mkdir -p ~/.cache/nix-index/ && wget -q -N https://github.com/nix-community/nix-index-database/releases/latest/download/index-x86_64-linux -O ~/.cache/nix-index/files
# Then search for a file
nix-locate --whole-name '/bash'
### List files of package
* https://discourse.nixos.org/t/list-files-of-package/25830/2?u=langfingaz
Example for `nano`:
find $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A nano --no-link)
Excerpt of the result:
### Compare two versions of NixOS system profile
Get latest system profile. This is the profile (usually) being active after booting the system:
ls -1 /nix/var/nix/profiles/ | sort -t'-' -n -k2 | tail -n 1
#=> 120
Compare current with previous profile:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/36641298
prev="$(ls -1 /nix/var/nix/profiles/ | sort -t'-' -n -k2 | tail -n 2 | head -n 1)"
curr="$(ls -1 /nix/var/nix/profiles/ | sort -t'-' -n -k2 | tail -n 1)"
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command store diff-closures /nix/var/nix/profiles/"${prev}" /nix/var/nix/profiles/"${curr}"
Compare two arbitrary system profiles:
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command store diff-closures /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-110-link /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-116-link
cpupower: 6.1.47 → 6.1.51
element-desktop: 1.11.38 → 1.11.40, +2218.9 KiB
element-web: 1.11.38 → 1.11.40, -73.1 KiB
exempi: 2.6.3 → 2.6.4
firefox: 116.0.3 → 117.0
firefox-unwrapped: 116.0.3 → 117.0, -292.6 KiB
gnome-shell-extension-openweather: ∅ → 121, +590.5 KiB
hm_fontconfigconf.d10hmfonts.conf: ∅ → ε
initrd: ∅ → ε
initrd-linux: 6.1.47 → 6.1.51
libcap: 2.68 → 2.69
linux: 6.1.47, 6.1.47-modules → 6.1.51, 6.1.51-modules, -11.8 KiB
meld: ∅ → 3.22.0, +3858.5 KiB
net-snmp: 5.9.3 → 5.9.4
nixos-system-yodaTab: 23.05.3085.2ab91c8d65c0 → 23.05.3242.da5adce0ffaf
openjdk: +19.5 KiB
python3.10-pygobject: +27.0 KiB
stage: ∅ → 1-init.sh, +29.5 KiB
tor-browser-bundle-bin: 12.5.2 → 12.5.3, +18.1 KiB
user: +2885.0 KiB
### NixOS configuration debugging
* https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_command/repl
Evaluating parts of the configuration.
First, start `nix repl`:
nix repl --file '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -I nixos-config=hosts/$(hostname)/configuration.nix
Example: `config.home-manager`
# Press `TAB`
#=> config.home-manager.backupFileExtension config.home-manager.useUserPackages
#=> config.home-manager.extraSpecialArgs config.home-manager.users
#=> config.home-manager.sharedModules config.home-manager.verbose
#=> config.home-manager.useGlobalPkgs
Example: The `home` variable:
Example: The value of one config option
# The following option is set to `"${config.xdg.dataHome}/.histfile";`
# where `config` is the Home Manager configuration.
#=> "/home/yoda/.local/share/.histfile"
### Show Nix configuration
* https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/command-ref/new-cli/nix3-show-config.html
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command show-config
### Evaluate NixOS configuration to JSON
See also section "NixOS Configuration Debugging"!
* https://discourse.nixos.org/t/can-i-run-nix-instantiate-eval-strict-on-my-configuration-nix/7105/4
This evaluates `configuration.nix` (single module):
NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix-instantiate --strict --json --eval -E '
import ./hosts/yodaTab/configuration.nix {
config = {};
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
' > evaluated-config.json
Then open `evaluated-config.json`.
### References
Some references to websites that helped me create this repository:
* https://github.com/Misterio77/nix-starter-configs
* https://github.com/mikeroyal/NixOS-Guide#getting-started
## TODOs
* Nitrokey LUKS unlock
* Yubikey LUKS: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Yubikey_based_Full_Disk_Encryption_(FDE)_on_NixOS
* Yubikey LUKS: https://github.com/georgewhewell/nixos-host/blob/master/profiles/luks-yubi.nix
* Old wiki entry, initramfs smartcard LUKS unlock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartCardLUKSDiskEncryption#SmartCard_Setup
* Nitrokey PAM log-in
* https://docs.nitrokey.com/pro/linux/login-with-pam
* You have two options: `pam_p11` or `PAM Poldi`.
* The solution with pam_p11 is more difficult to achieve and is based on S/MIME certificates.
* I could not find pam-poldi for NixOS :/
* Impermanence, opt-in to persistence:
* nix-shell / lorri
* https://ghedam.at/15978/an-introduction-to-nix-shell
* docker-compose.yml for services and nix-shell to run the code