
901 B

arch-repo manager

Special thanks to nachoparker for his article:


Install de-p1st-repo on your local machine as well as on a remote server.

Adjust /etc/de-p1st-repo/*.conf according to your needs.

Run a webserver on the server to serve static content:

  • -> Hosting some simple static content
  • sudo docker run --name arch-repo -v /mnt/data/live/arch-repo:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx

Add the newly created mirror to your /etc/pacman.conf:

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =

normal usage

  1. Build packages on local machine
  • aur sync -c SOME_AUR_PACKAGE
  • aur sync -c -u
  1. Push new packages to remote repository
  • arch-repo-push-new
  1. Check for AUR updates
  • arch-repo-vercmp