Damien Elmes 129157eb21 Better approximate average retention/ease/difficulty
Our average calculation is based on pre-binned values, so it's not
entirely accurate, but using the midpoint of the bin brings us closer.
In the future we can solve this by calculating it on the Rust end instead.
2023-12-12 15:09:13 +10:00

123 lines
3.6 KiB

// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later;
/* eslint
@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off",
import type { GraphsResponse } from "@tslib/anki/stats_pb";
import * as tr from "@tslib/ftl";
import { localizedNumber } from "@tslib/i18n";
import type { Bin, ScaleLinear } from "d3";
import { bin, interpolateRdYlGn, scaleLinear, scaleSequential, sum } from "d3";
import type { SearchDispatch, TableDatum } from "./graph-helpers";
import { getNumericMapBinValue, numericMap } from "./graph-helpers";
import type { HistogramData } from "./histogram-graph";
export interface GraphData {
retrievability: Map<number, number>;
export function gatherData(data: GraphsResponse): GraphData {
return { retrievability: numericMap(data.retrievability!.retrievability) };
function makeQuery(start: number, end: number): string {
const fromQuery = `"prop:r>=${start / 100}"`;
let tillQuery = `"prop:r<${(end + 1) / 100}"`;
if (end === 99) {
tillQuery = tillQuery.replace("<", "<=");
return `${fromQuery} AND ${tillQuery}`;
function getAdjustedScaleAndTicks(
min: number,
max: number,
desiredBars: number,
): [ScaleLinear<number, number, never>, number[]] {
const prescale = scaleLinear().domain([min, max]).nice();
const ticks = prescale.ticks(desiredBars);
const predomain = prescale.domain() as [number, number];
const minOffset = min - predomain[0];
const tickSize = ticks[1] - ticks[0];
if (minOffset === 0 || (minOffset % tickSize !== 0 && tickSize % minOffset !== 0)) {
return [prescale, ticks];
const add = (n: number): number => n + minOffset;
return [
scaleLinear().domain( as [number, number]),,
export function prepareData(
data: GraphData,
dispatch: SearchDispatch,
browserLinksSupported: boolean,
): [HistogramData | null, TableDatum[]] {
// get min/max
const allEases = data.retrievability;
if (!allEases.size) {
return [null, []];
const xMin = 0;
const xMax = 100;
const desiredBars = 20;
const [scale, ticks] = getAdjustedScaleAndTicks(xMin, xMax, desiredBars);
const bins = bin()
.value((m) => {
return m[0];
.domain(scale.domain() as [number, number])
.thresholds(ticks)(allEases.entries() as any);
const total = sum(bins as any, getNumericMapBinValue);
const colourScale = scaleSequential(interpolateRdYlGn).domain([0, 100]);
function hoverText(bin: Bin<number, number>, _percent: number): string {
const percent = `${bin.x0}%-${bin.x1}%`;
return tr.statisticsRetrievabilityTooltip({
cards: getNumericMapBinValue(bin as any),
function onClick(bin: Bin<number, number>): void {
const start = bin.x0!;
const end = bin.x1! - 1;
const query = makeQuery(start, end);
dispatch("search", { query });
const xTickFormat = (num: number): string => localizedNumber(num, 0) + "%";
const tableData = [
label: tr.statisticsAverageRetrievability(),
value: xTickFormat(sum(Array.from(allEases.entries()).map(([k, v]) => (k + 2.5) * v)) / total),
return [
onClick: browserLinksSupported ? onClick : null,
showArea: false,
binValue: getNumericMapBinValue,