Issues: - The `change` event was not dispatched in MaskEditor.svelte when an undo/redo was performed. Therefore, if the user then closed the editor or switched to another note without performing an operation that would cause the `change` event to be dispatched, the undone or redone changes were not saved to DB. - When `IOMode.kind === "edit"` (i.e., Edit Current or Browse), the beginning of the undo history was a blank canvas, not a canvas with existing masks. Therefore, if you continued to undo to the beginning of the history, the masks that existed when you opened the editor would be lost, and they would not be restored even when you performed a redo. - In the 'Add' dialog, the undo history was not reset when starting to create a new IO note after adding an IO note. Also add a small UI improvement: The undo/redo buttons are now disabled when there is no action to undo/redo.
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164 lines
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// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
import { protoBase64 } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { getImageForOcclusion, getImageOcclusionNote } from "@tslib/backend";
import * as tr from "@tslib/ftl";
import { fabric } from "fabric";
import type { PanZoom } from "panzoom";
import { get } from "svelte/store";
import { optimumCssSizeForCanvas } from "./canvas-scale";
import { notesDataStore, tagsWritable, zoomResetValue } from "./store";
import Toast from "./Toast.svelte";
import { addShapesToCanvasFromCloze } from "./tools/add-from-cloze";
import { enableSelectable, moveShapeToCanvasBoundaries } from "./tools/lib";
import { undoStack } from "./tools/tool-undo-redo";
import type { Size } from "./types";
export const setupMaskEditor = async (
path: string,
instance: PanZoom,
onChange: () => void,
): Promise<fabric.Canvas> => {
const imageData = await getImageForOcclusion({ path });
const canvas = initCanvas(onChange);
// get image width and height
const image = document.getElementById("image") as HTMLImageElement;
image.src = getImageData(imageData.data!);
image.onload = function() {
const size = optimumCssSizeForCanvas({ width: image.width, height: image.height }, containerSize());
image.height = size.height;
image.width = size.width;
setCanvasZoomRatio(canvas, instance);
return canvas;
export const setupMaskEditorForEdit = async (
noteId: number,
instance: PanZoom,
onChange: () => void,
): Promise<fabric.Canvas> => {
const clozeNoteResponse = await getImageOcclusionNote({ noteId: BigInt(noteId) });
const kind = clozeNoteResponse.value?.case;
if (!kind || kind === "error") {
new Toast({
target: document.body,
props: {
message: tr.notetypesErrorGettingImagecloze(),
type: "error",
}).$set({ showToast: true });
const clozeNote = clozeNoteResponse.value.value;
const canvas = initCanvas(onChange);
// get image width and height
const image = document.getElementById("image") as HTMLImageElement;
image.style.visibility = "hidden";
image.src = getImageData(clozeNote.imageData!);
image.onload = function() {
const size = optimumCssSizeForCanvas({ width: image.width, height: image.height }, containerSize());
image.height = size.height;
image.width = size.width;
setCanvasZoomRatio(canvas, instance);
addShapesToCanvasFromCloze(canvas, clozeNote.occlusions);
enableSelectable(canvas, true);
addClozeNotesToTextEditor(clozeNote.header, clozeNote.backExtra, clozeNote.tags);
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
image.style.visibility = "visible";
return canvas;
function initCanvas(onChange: () => void): fabric.Canvas {
const canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas");
globalThis.canvas = canvas;
// enables uniform scaling by default without the need for the Shift key
canvas.uniformScaling = false;
canvas.uniScaleKey = "none";
canvas.on("object:modified", onChange);
canvas.on("object:removed", onChange);
return canvas;
const getImageData = (imageData): string => {
const b64encoded = protoBase64.enc(imageData);
return "data:image/png;base64," + b64encoded;
export const setCanvasZoomRatio = (
canvas: fabric.Canvas,
instance: PanZoom,
): void => {
const zoomRatioW = (innerWidth - 40) / canvas.width!;
const zoomRatioH = (innerHeight - 100) / canvas.height!;
const zoomRatio = zoomRatioW < zoomRatioH ? zoomRatioW : zoomRatioH;
instance.zoomAbs(0, 0, zoomRatio);
const addClozeNotesToTextEditor = (header: string, backExtra: string, tags: string[]) => {
const noteFieldsData: { id: string; title: string; divValue: string; textareaValue: string }[] = get(
noteFieldsData[0].divValue = header;
noteFieldsData[1].divValue = backExtra;
noteFieldsData[0].textareaValue = header;
noteFieldsData[1].textareaValue = backExtra;
noteFieldsData.forEach((note) => {
const divId = `${note.id}--div`;
const textAreaId = `${note.id}--textarea`;
const divElement = document.getElementById(divId)!;
const textAreaElement = document.getElementById(textAreaId)! as HTMLTextAreaElement;
divElement.innerHTML = note.divValue;
textAreaElement.value = note.textareaValue;
function containerSize(): Size {
const container = document.querySelector(".editor-main")!;
return {
width: container.clientWidth,
height: container.clientHeight,
export async function resetIOImage(path) {
const imageData = await getImageForOcclusion({ path });
const image = document.getElementById("image") as HTMLImageElement;
image.src = getImageData(imageData.data!);
const canvas = globalThis.canvas;
image.onload = function() {
const size = optimumCssSizeForCanvas(
{ width: image.naturalWidth, height: image.naturalHeight },
image.height = size.height;
image.width = size.width;
globalThis.resetIOImage = resetIOImage;