339 lines
12 KiB
339 lines
12 KiB
Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
<script context="module" lang="ts">
import type { EditorFieldAPI } from "./EditorField.svelte";
import type { RichTextInputAPI } from "./RichTextInput.svelte";
import type { PlainTextInputAPI } from "./PlainTextInput.svelte";
import type { EditorToolbarAPI } from "./EditorToolbar.svelte";
import contextProperty from "../sveltelib/context-property";
export interface NoteEditorAPI {
fields: EditorFieldAPI[];
currentField: Writable<EditorFieldAPI>;
activeInput: Writable<RichTextInputAPI | PlainTextInputAPI | null>;
focusInRichText: Writable<boolean>;
toolbar: EditorToolbarAPI;
const key = Symbol("noteEditor");
const [set, getNoteEditor, hasNoteEditor] = contextProperty<NoteEditorAPI>(key);
export { getNoteEditor, hasNoteEditor };
<script lang="ts">
import NoteEditor from "./NoteEditor.svelte";
import FieldsEditor from "./FieldsEditor.svelte";
import Fields from "./Fields.svelte";
import EditorField from "./EditorField.svelte";
import type { FieldData } from "./EditorField.svelte";
import TagEditor from "./TagEditor.svelte";
import EditorToolbar from "./EditorToolbar.svelte";
import Notification from "./Notification.svelte";
import Absolute from "../components/Absolute.svelte";
import Badge from "../components/Badge.svelte";
import DecoratedElements from "./DecoratedElements.svelte";
import RichTextInput from "./RichTextInput.svelte";
import { MathjaxHandle } from "./mathjax-overlay";
import { ImageHandle } from "./image-overlay";
import PlainTextInput from "./PlainTextInput.svelte";
import RichTextBadge from "./RichTextBadge.svelte";
import PlainTextBadge from "./PlainTextBadge.svelte";
import StickyBadge from "./StickyBadge.svelte";
import { onMount, onDestroy } from "svelte";
import type { Writable } from "svelte/store";
import { writable, get } from "svelte/store";
import { bridgeCommand } from "../lib/bridgecommand";
import { isApplePlatform } from "../lib/platform";
import { promiseWithResolver } from "../lib/promise";
import { ChangeTimer } from "./change-timer";
import { alertIcon } from "./icons";
function quoteFontFamily(fontFamily: string): string {
// generic families (e.g. sans-serif) must not be quoted
if (!/^[-a-z]+$/.test(fontFamily)) {
fontFamily = `"${fontFamily}"`;
return fontFamily;
let size = isApplePlatform() ? 1.6 : 2.0;
let wrap = true;
let fieldStores: Writable<string>[] = [];
let fieldNames: string[] = [];
export function setFields(fs: [string, string][]): void {
// this is a bit of a mess -- when moving to Rust calls, we should make
// sure to have two backend endpoints for:
// * the note, which can be set through this view
// * the fieldname, font, etc., which cannot be set
const newFieldNames: string[] = [];
for (const [index, [fieldName]] of fs.entries()) {
newFieldNames[index] = fieldName;
for (let i = fieldStores.length; i < newFieldNames.length; i++) {
const newStore = writable("");
fieldStores[i] = newStore;
newStore.subscribe((value) => updateField(i, value));
for (
let i = fieldStores.length;
i > newFieldNames.length;
i = fieldStores.length
) {
for (const [index, [_, fieldContent]] of fs.entries()) {
fieldNames = newFieldNames;
let fonts: [string, number, boolean][] = [];
let richTextsHidden: boolean[] = [];
let plainTextsHidden: boolean[] = [];
export function setFonts(fs: [string, number, boolean][]): void {
fonts = fs;
richTextsHidden = fonts.map((_, index) => richTextsHidden[index] ?? false);
plainTextsHidden = fonts.map((_, index) => plainTextsHidden[index] ?? true);
let focusTo: number = 0;
export function focusField(n: number): void {
focusTo = n;
let textColor: string = "black";
let highlightColor: string = "black";
export function setColorButtons([textClr, highlightClr]: [string, string]): void {
textColor = textClr;
highlightColor = highlightClr;
let tags = writable<string[]>([]);
export function setTags(ts: string[]): void {
$tags = ts;
let stickies: boolean[] | null = null;
export function setSticky(sts: boolean[]): void {
stickies = sts;
let noteId: number | null = null;
export function setNoteId(ntid: number): void {
noteId = ntid;
function getNoteId(): number | null {
return noteId;
let cols: ("dupe" | "")[] = [];
export function setBackgrounds(cls: ("dupe" | "")[]): void {
cols = cls;
let hint: string = "";
export function setClozeHint(hnt: string): void {
hint = hnt;
$: fieldsData = fieldNames.map((name, index) => ({
fontFamily: quoteFontFamily(fonts[index][0]),
fontSize: fonts[index][1],
direction: fonts[index][2] ? "rtl" : "ltr",
})) as FieldData[];
function saveTags({ detail }: CustomEvent): void {
const fieldSave = new ChangeTimer();
function updateField(index: number, content: string): void {
() => bridgeCommand(`key:${index}:${getNoteId()}:${content}`),
export function saveFieldNow(): void {
/* this will always be a key save */
export function saveOnPageHide() {
if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") {
// will fire on session close and minimize
function toggleStickyAll(): void {
bridgeCommand("toggleStickyAll", (values: boolean[]) => (stickies = values));
import { registerShortcut } from "../lib/shortcuts";
let deregisterSticky: () => void;
export function activateStickyShortcuts() {
deregisterSticky = registerShortcut(toggleStickyAll, "Shift+F9");
export function focusIfField(x: number, y: number): boolean {
const elements = document.elementsFromPoint(x, y);
const first = elements[0];
if (first.shadowRoot) {
const richTextInput = first.shadowRoot.lastElementChild! as HTMLElement;
return true;
return false;
let richTextInputs: RichTextInput[] = [];
$: richTextInputs = richTextInputs.filter(Boolean);
let plainTextInputs: PlainTextInput[] = [];
$: plainTextInputs = plainTextInputs.filter(Boolean);
let editorFields: EditorField[] = [];
$: fieldApis = editorFields.filter(Boolean).map((field) => field.api);
const currentField = writable<EditorFieldAPI | null>(null);
const activeInput = writable<RichTextInputAPI | PlainTextInputAPI | null>(null);
const focusInRichText = writable<boolean>(false);
const [toolbarPromise, toolbarResolve] = promiseWithResolver<EditorToolbarAPI>();
let toolbar: EditorToolbarAPI;
$: if (toolbar) {
export const api = set(
toolbar: toolbarPromise,
fields: { get: () => fieldApis },
onMount(() => {
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", saveOnPageHide);
return () => document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", saveOnPageHide);
onDestroy(() => deregisterSticky);
<EditorToolbar {size} {wrap} {textColor} {highlightColor} bind:api={toolbar} />
{#if hint}
<Absolute bottom right --margin="10px">
<Badge --badge-color="tomato" --icon-align="top"
>{@html alertIcon}</Badge
<span>{@html hint}</span>
{#each fieldsData as field, index}
autofocus={index === focusTo}
on:focusin={() => {
$currentField = api.fields[index];
on:focusout={() => {
$currentField = null;
--label-color={cols[index] === "dupe"
? "var(--flag1-bg)"
: "transparent"}
<svelte:fragment slot="field-state">
<RichTextBadge bind:off={richTextsHidden[index]} />
<PlainTextBadge bind:off={plainTextsHidden[index]} />
{#if stickies}
<StickyBadge active={stickies[index]} {index} />
<svelte:fragment slot="editing-inputs">
on:focusin={() => {
$focusInRichText = true;
$activeInput = richTextInputs[index].api;
on:focusout={() => {
$focusInRichText = false;
$activeInput = null;
<ImageHandle />
<MathjaxHandle />
on:focusin={() => {
$activeInput = plainTextInputs[index].api;
on:focusout={() => {
$activeInput = null;
<TagEditor {size} {wrap} {tags} on:tagsupdate={saveTags} />