2013-02-01 23:21:53 +09:00

472 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: Damien Elmes <>
# License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later;
import copy
from anki.utils import intTime, ids2str, json
from anki.hooks import runHook
from anki.consts import *
from anki.lang import _
from anki.errors import DeckRenameError
# fixmes:
# - make sure users can't set grad interval < 1
defaultDeck = {
'newToday': [0, 0], # currentDay, count
'revToday': [0, 0],
'lrnToday': [0, 0],
'timeToday': [0, 0], # time in ms
'conf': 1,
'usn': 0,
'desc': "",
'dyn': 0, # anki uses int/bool interchangably here
'collapsed': False,
# added in beta11
'extendNew': 10,
'extendRev': 50,
defaultDynamicDeck = {
'newToday': [0, 0],
'revToday': [0, 0],
'lrnToday': [0, 0],
'timeToday': [0, 0],
'collapsed': False,
'dyn': 1,
'desc': "",
'usn': 0,
'delays': None,
'separate': True,
# list of (search, limit, order); we only use first element for now
'terms': [["", 100, 0]],
'resched': True,
'return': True, # currently unused
defaultConf = {
'name': _("Default"),
'new': {
'delays': [1, 10],
'ints': [1, 4, 7], # 7 is not currently used
'initialFactor': 2500,
'separate': True,
'order': NEW_CARDS_DUE,
'perDay': 20,
'lapse': {
'delays': [10],
'mult': 0,
'minInt': 1,
'leechFails': 8,
# type 0=suspend, 1=tagonly
'leechAction': 0,
'rev': {
'perDay': 100,
'ease4': 1.3,
'fuzz': 0.05,
'minSpace': 1,
'ivlFct': 1,
'maxIvl': 36500,
'maxTaken': 60,
'timer': 0,
'autoplay': True,
'replayq': True,
'mod': 0,
'usn': 0,
class DeckManager(object):
# Registry save/load
def __init__(self, col):
self.col = col
def load(self, decks, dconf):
self.decks = json.loads(decks)
self.dconf = json.loads(dconf)
self.changed = False
def save(self, g=None):
"Can be called with either a deck or a deck configuration."
if g:
g['mod'] = intTime()
g['usn'] = self.col.usn()
self.changed = True
def flush(self):
if self.changed:
self.col.db.execute("update col set decks=?, dconf=?",
self.changed = False
# Deck save/load
def id(self, name, create=True, type=defaultDeck):
"Add a deck with NAME. Reuse deck if already exists. Return id as int."
name = name.replace('"', '')
for id, g in self.decks.items():
if g['name'].lower() == name.lower():
return int(id)
if not create:
return None
g = copy.deepcopy(type)
if "::" in name:
# not top level; ensure all parents exist
name = self._ensureParents(name)
g['name'] = name
while 1:
id = intTime(1000)
if str(id) not in self.decks:
g['id'] = id
self.decks[str(id)] = g
return int(id)
def rem(self, did, cardsToo=False, childrenToo=True):
"Remove the deck. If cardsToo, delete any cards inside."
if str(did) == '1':
# we won't allow the default deck to be deleted, but if it's a
# child of an existing deck then it needs to be renamed
deck = self.get(did)
if '::' in deck['name']:
deck['name'] = _("Default")
# log the removal regardless of whether we have the deck or not
self.col._logRem([did], REM_DECK)
# do nothing else if doesn't exist
if not str(did) in self.decks:
deck = self.get(did)
if deck['dyn']:
# deleting a cramming deck returns cards to their previous deck
# rather than deleting the cards
if childrenToo:
for name, id in self.children(did):
self.rem(id, cardsToo)
# delete children first
if childrenToo:
# we don't want to delete children when syncing
for name, id in self.children(did):
self.rem(id, cardsToo)
# delete cards too?
if cardsToo:
# don't use cids(), as we want cards in cram decks too
cids = self.col.db.list(
"select id from cards where did=? or odid=?", did, did)
# delete the deck and add a grave
del self.decks[str(did)]
# ensure we have an active deck
if did in[0]))
def allNames(self, dyn=True):
"An unsorted list of all deck names."
if dyn:
return [x['name'] for x in self.decks.values()]
return [x['name'] for x in self.decks.values() if not x['dyn']]
def all(self):
"A list of all decks."
return self.decks.values()
def allIds(self):
return self.decks.keys()
def collapse(self, did):
deck = self.get(did)
deck['collapsed'] = not deck['collapsed']
def count(self):
return len(self.decks)
def get(self, did, default=True):
id = str(did)
if id in self.decks:
return self.decks[id]
elif default:
return self.decks['1']
def byName(self, name):
"Get deck with NAME."
for m in self.decks.values():
if m['name'] == name:
return m
def update(self, g):
"Add or update an existing deck. Used for syncing and merging."
self.decks[str(g['id'])] = g
# mark registry changed, but don't bump mod time
def rename(self, g, newName):
"Rename deck prefix to NAME if not exists. Updates children."
# make sure target node doesn't already exist
if newName in self.allNames():
raise DeckRenameError(_("That deck already exists."))
# ensure we have parents
newName = self._ensureParents(newName)
# rename children
for grp in self.all():
if grp['name'].startswith(g['name'] + "::"):
grp['name'] = grp['name'].replace(g['name']+ "::",
newName + "::", 1)
# adjust name
g['name'] = newName
# ensure we have parents again, as we may have renamed parent->child
newName = self._ensureParents(newName)
# renaming may have altered active did order
def renameForDragAndDrop(self, draggedDeckDid, ontoDeckDid):
draggedDeck = self.get(draggedDeckDid)
draggedDeckName = draggedDeck['name']
ontoDeckName = self.get(ontoDeckDid)['name']
if ontoDeckDid == None or ontoDeckDid == '':
if len(self._path(draggedDeckName)) > 1:
self.rename(draggedDeck, self._basename(draggedDeckName))
elif self._canDragAndDrop(draggedDeckName, ontoDeckName):
draggedDeck = self.get(draggedDeckDid)
draggedDeckName = draggedDeck['name']
ontoDeckName = self.get(ontoDeckDid)['name']
self.rename(draggedDeck, ontoDeckName + "::" + self._basename(draggedDeckName))
def _canDragAndDrop(self, draggedDeckName, ontoDeckName):
return draggedDeckName <> ontoDeckName \
and not self._isParent(ontoDeckName, draggedDeckName) \
and not self._isAncestor(draggedDeckName, ontoDeckName)
def _isParent(self, parentDeckName, childDeckName):
return self._path(childDeckName) == self._path(parentDeckName) + [ self._basename(childDeckName) ]
def _isAncestor(self, ancestorDeckName, descendantDeckName):
ancestorPath = self._path(ancestorDeckName)
return ancestorPath == self._path(descendantDeckName)[0:len(ancestorPath)]
def _path(self, name):
return name.split("::")
def _basename(self, name):
return self._path(name)[-1]
def _ensureParents(self, name):
"Ensure parents exist, and return name with case matching parents."
s = ""
path = self._path(name)
if len(path) < 2:
return name
for p in path[:-1]:
if not s:
s += p
s += "::" + p
# fetch or create
did =
# get original case
s =
name = s + "::" + path[-1]
return name
# Deck configurations
def allConf(self):
"A list of all deck config."
return self.dconf.values()
def confForDid(self, did):
deck = self.get(did, default=False)
assert deck
if 'conf' in deck:
conf = self.getConf(deck['conf'])
conf['dyn'] = False
return conf
# dynamic decks have embedded conf
return deck
def getConf(self, confId):
return self.dconf[str(confId)]
def updateConf(self, g):
self.dconf[str(g['id'])] = g
def confId(self, name, cloneFrom=defaultConf):
"Create a new configuration and return id."
c = copy.deepcopy(cloneFrom)
while 1:
id = intTime(1000)
if str(id) not in self.dconf:
c['id'] = id
c['name'] = name
self.dconf[str(id)] = c
return id
def remConf(self, id):
"Remove a configuration and update all decks using it."
assert int(id) != 1
del self.dconf[str(id)]
for g in self.all():
# ignore cram decks
if 'conf' not in g:
if str(g['conf']) == str(id):
g['conf'] = 1
def setConf(self, grp, id):
grp['conf'] = id
def didsForConf(self, conf):
dids = []
for deck in self.decks.values():
if 'conf' in deck and deck['conf'] == conf['id']:
return dids
def restoreToDefault(self, conf):
oldOrder = conf['new']['order']
new = copy.deepcopy(defaultConf)
new['id'] = conf['id']
new['name'] = conf['name']
self.dconf[str(conf['id'])] = new
# if it was previously randomized, resort
if not oldOrder:
# Deck utils
def name(self, did, default=False):
deck = self.get(did, default=default)
if deck:
return deck['name']
return _("[no deck]")
def nameOrNone(self, did):
deck = self.get(did, default=False)
if deck:
return deck['name']
return None
def setDeck(self, cids, did):
"update cards set did=?,usn=?,mod=? where id in "+
ids2str(cids), did, self.col.usn(), intTime())
def maybeAddToActive(self):
# reselect current deck, or default if current has disappeared
c = self.current()['id'])
def cids(self, did, children=False):
if not children:
return self.col.db.list("select id from cards where did=?", did)
dids = [did]
for name, id in self.children(did):
return self.col.db.list("select id from cards where did in "+
def recoverOrphans(self):
dids = self.decks.keys()
mod = self.col.db.mod
self.col.db.execute("update cards set did = 1 where did not in "+
self.col.db.mod = mod
# Deck selection
def active(self):
"The currrently active dids. Make sure to copy before modifying."
return self.col.conf['activeDecks']
def selected(self):
"The currently selected did."
return self.col.conf['curDeck']
def current(self):
return self.get(self.selected())
def select(self, did):
"Select a new branch."
# make sure arg is an int
did = int(did)
# current deck
self.col.conf['curDeck'] = did
# and active decks (current + all children)
actv = self.children(did)
self.col.conf['activeDecks'] = [did] + [a[1] for a in actv]
self.changed = True
def children(self, did):
"All children of did, as (name, id)."
name = self.get(did)['name']
actv = []
for g in self.all():
if g['name'].startswith(name + "::"):
actv.append((g['name'], g['id']))
return actv
def parents(self, did):
"All parents of did."
# get parent and grandparent names
parents = []
for part in self.get(did)['name'].split("::")[:-1]:
if not parents:
parents.append(parents[-1] + "::" + part)
# convert to objects
for c, p in enumerate(parents):
parents[c] = self.get(
return parents
# Sync handling
def beforeUpload(self):
for d in self.all():
d['usn'] = 0
for c in self.allConf():
c['usn'] = 0
# Dynamic decks
def newDyn(self, name):
"Return a new dynamic deck and set it as the current deck."
did =, type=defaultDynamicDeck)
return did
def isDyn(self, did):
return self.get(did)['dyn']