All platforms: - rename scripts/ to tools/: Bazelisk expects to find its wrapper script (used by the Mac changes below) in tools/. Rather than have a separate scripts/ and tools/, it's simpler to just move everything into tools/. - wheel outputs and binary bundles now go into .bazel/out/dist. While not technically Bazel build products, doing it this way ensures they get cleaned up when 'bazel clean' is run, and it keeps them out of the source folder. - update to the latest Bazel Windows changes: - bazel.bat has been removed, and tools\setup-env.bat has been added. Other scripts like .\run.bat will automatically call it to set up the environment. - because Bazel is now on the path, you can 'bazel test ...' from any folder, instead of having to do \anki\bazel. - the bat files can handle being called from any working directory, so things like running "\anki\tools\python" from c:\ will work. - build installer as part of bundling process Mac changes: - `arch -arch x86_64 bazel ...` will now automatically use a different build root, so that it is cheap to switch back and forth between archs on a new Mac. - tools/run-qt* will now automatically use Rosetta - disable jemalloc in Mac x86 build for now, as it won't build under Rosetta (perhaps due to its build scripts using $host_cpu instead of $target_cpu) - create app bundle as part of bundling process Linux changes: - remove arm64 orjson workaround in Linux bundle, as without a readily-available, relatively distro-agonstic PyQt/Qt build we can use, the arm64 Linux bundle is of very limited usefulness. - update Docker files for release build - include fcitx5 in both the qt5 and qt6 bundles - create tarballs as part of the bundling process
292 lines
6.2 KiB
292 lines
6.2 KiB
/* XPM */
static char * anki_xpm[] = {
"32 32 256 2",
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"@ c #505050",
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"| c #737373",
"1 c #727272",
"2 c #6D6D6D",
"3 c #606060",
"4 c #636363",
"5 c #828282",
"6 c #808080",
"7 c #7F7F7F",
"8 c #7E7E7E",
"9 c #7D7D7D",
"0 c #6C6C6C",
"a c #616161",
"b c #898989",
"c c #888888",
"d c #868686",
"e c #848484",
"f c #818181",
"g c #989898",
"h c #656565",
"i c #646464",
"j c #8A8A8A",
"k c #8E8E8E",
"l c #8C8C8C",
"m c #858585",
"n c #838383",
"o c #929292",
"p c #A7A7A7",
"q c #949494",
"r c #C7C7C7",
"s c #E8E9E9",
"t c #6E6E6E",
"u c #696969",
"v c #959595",
"w c #939393",
"x c #919191",
"y c #8F8F8F",
"z c #999999",
"A c #F6FBFE",
"B c #DFEFFB",
"C c #E6F1F9",
"D c #BADEF5",
"E c #D4E9F7",
"F c #A5A5A5",
"G c #575757",
"H c #979797",
"I c #969696",
"J c #8D8D8D",
"K c #8B8B8B",
"L c #878787",
"M c #E5EFF5",
"N c #97CDF1",
"O c #8DC8EF",
"P c #7ABFED",
"Q c #D4EAF9",
"R c #C6C6C6",
"S c #5B5B5B",
"T c #9E9E9E",
"U c #9C9C9C",
"V c #9B9B9B",
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"4. c #D7D7D7",
"5. c #6A6A6A",
"6. c #000000",
"7. c #5D5D5D",
"8. c #585858",
"9. c #A8A8A8",
"0. c #E1E1E1",
"a. c #ACACAC",
"b. c #5A5A5A",
"c. c #717171",
"d. c #EEF0F1",
"e. c #CCCCCC",
"f. c #565656",
"g. c #676767",
"h. c #C9C9C9",
"i. c #AAD6F4",
"j. c #DBEBF6",
"k. c #ADADAD",
"l. c #6F6F6F",
"m. c #ECF3F7",
"n. c #4CA9E7",
"o. c #4EAAE7",
"p. c #D2E9F9",
"q. c #319CE3",
"r. c #118CDF",
"s. c #E4E4E4",
"t. c #C2C2C2",
"u. c #C0C0C0",
"v. c #C8C8C8",
"w. c #EEEFF0",
"x. c #9DD0F2",
"y. c #2998E2",
"z. c #1C91E0",
"A. c #92CBF0",
"B. c #96CDF1",
"C. c #98CEF1",
"D. c #99CEF1",
"E. c #F0F8FD",
"F. c #5C5C5C",
"G. c #ECECEC",
"H. c #EEF5F9",
"I. c #C1E1F7",
"J. c #93CBF0",
"K. c #58AEE9",
"L. c #3BA0E5",
"M. c #2F9AE3",
"N. c #2596E2",
"O. c #1990E0",
"P. c #108BDF",
"Q. c #0686DD",
"R. c #47A6E7",
"S. c #E9EFF3",
"T. c #171717",
"U. c #DBEDFA",
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"W. c #67B6EA",
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"3+ c #E2F1FB",
"4+ c #8EC8F0",
"5+ c #82C2EE",
"6+ c #78BEED",
"7+ c #6CB8EB",
"8+ c #63B3EA",
"9+ c #D5EBF9",
"0+ c #B9B9B9",
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"b+ c #111111",
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"e+ c #A5D3F3",
"f+ c #AAD5F4",
"g+ c #ACD7F4",
"h+ c #8FC9F0",
"i+ c #CACACA",
"j+ c #ECF6FC",
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"m+ c #F0F7FD",
"n+ c #F9FCFE",
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"q+ c #F1F8FC",
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"s+ c #CFCFCF",
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"u+ c #EFF7FC",
"v+ c #F3F3F4",
"w+ c #F1F1F1",
"x+ c #0D0D0D",
"y+ c #BFBFBF",
"z+ c #FDFEFE",
"A+ c #EBEBEB",
"B+ c #AEAEAE",
"C+ c #040404",
"D+ c #1B1B1B",
"E+ c #A3A3A3",
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"G+ c #020202",
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