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## Copyright (C) 2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
## This file is part of the Qt Concurrent project on Trolltech Labs.
## This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
## License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
## and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
## this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
## General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
## http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/opensource.html
## If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
## review the following information:
## http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/licensing.html or contact the
## sales department at sales@trolltech.com.
## This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
import sip
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
# This was originally a Trolltech file. The QBzr folks did some work to
# bring it up to date, and I've done some work on top of theirs to fix a few
# minor bugs.
# To test a model, instantiate this class with a reference to the model and
# its parent
# from modeltest import ModelTest
# model = MyFancyModel(self)
# self.modeltest = ModelTest(model, self)
class ModelTest(QtCore.QObject):
def __init__(self, _model, parent=None):
Connect to all of the models signals, Whenever anything happens recheck everything.
self._model = _model
self.model = sip.cast(_model, QtCore.QAbstractItemModel)
self.insert = []
self.remove = []
self.fetchingMore = False
# Special checks for inserting/removing
def nonDestructiveBasicTest(self):
nonDestructiveBasicTest tries to call a number of the basic functions (not all)
to make sure the model doesn't outright segfault, testing the functions that makes sense.
assert(self.model.buddy(QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) >= 0)
assert(self.model.data(QtCore.QModelIndex(), QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole) == QtCore.QVariant())
self.fetchingMore = True
self.fetchingMore = False
flags = self.model.flags(QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert( int(flags & QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) == QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled or int(flags & QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled ) == 0 )
self.model.headerData(0,QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
self.model.index(0,0, QtCore.QModelIndex())
cache = QtCore.QVariant()
self.model.match(QtCore.QModelIndex(), -1, cache)
assert(self.model.parent(QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) >= 0)
variant = QtCore.QVariant()
self.model.setData(QtCore.QModelIndex(), variant, -1)
self.model.setHeaderData(-1, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.QVariant())
self.model.setHeaderData(0, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.QVariant())
self.model.setHeaderData(999999, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.QVariant())
def rowCount(self):
Tests self.model's implementation of QtCore.QAbstractItemModel::rowCount() and hasChildren()
self.models that are dynamically populated are not as fully tested here.
# check top row
topindex = self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex())
rows = self.model.rowCount(topindex)
assert(rows >= 0)
if rows > 0:
hasChildren = self.model.hasChildren(topindex)
assert(hasChildren is True)
secondlvl = self.model.index(0,0,topindex)
if secondlvl.isValid():
# check a row count where parent is valid
rows = self.model.rowCount(secondlvl)
assert(rows >= 0)
if rows > 0:
assert(self.model.hasChildren(secondlvl) == True)
# The self.models rowCount() is tested more extensively in checkChildren,
# but this catches the big mistakes
def columnCount(self):
Tests self.model's implementation of QtCore.QAbstractItemModel::columnCount() and hasChildren()
# check top row
topidx = self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.columnCount(topidx) >= 0)
# check a column count where parent is valid
childidx = self.model.index(0,0,topidx)
if childidx.isValid() :
assert(self.model.columnCount(childidx) >= 0)
# columnCount() is tested more extensively in checkChildren,
# but this catches the big mistakes
def hasIndex(self):
Tests self.model's implementation of QtCore.QAbstractItemModel::hasIndex()
# Make sure that invalid values returns an invalid index
assert(self.model.hasIndex(-2,-2) == False)
assert(self.model.hasIndex(-2,0) == False)
assert(self.model.hasIndex(0,-2) == False)
rows = self.model.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
cols = self.model.columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
# check out of bounds
assert(self.model.hasIndex(rows,cols) == False)
assert(self.model.hasIndex(rows+1,cols+1) == False)
if rows > 0:
assert(self.model.hasIndex(0,0) == True)
# hasIndex() is tested more extensively in checkChildren()
# but this catches the big mistakes
def index(self):
Tests self.model's implementation of QtCore.QAbstractItemModel::index()
# Make sure that invalid values returns an invalid index
assert(self.model.index(-2,-2, QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.index(-2,0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.index(0,-2, QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
rows = self.model.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
cols = self.model.columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
if rows == 0:
# Catch off by one errors
assert(self.model.index(rows,cols, QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.index(0,0, QtCore.QModelIndex()).isValid() == True)
# Make sure that the same index is *always* returned
a = self.model.index(0,0, QtCore.QModelIndex())
b = self.model.index(0,0, QtCore.QModelIndex())
# index() is tested more extensively in checkChildren()
# but this catches the big mistakes
def parent(self):
Tests self.model's implementation of QtCore.QAbstractItemModel::parent()
# Make sure the self.model wont crash and will return an invalid QtCore.QModelIndex
# when asked for the parent of an invalid index
assert(self.model.parent(QtCore.QModelIndex()) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
if self.model.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) == 0:
# Column 0 | Column 1 |
# QtCore.Qself.modelIndex() | |
# \- topidx | topidx1 |
# \- childix | childidx1 |
# Common error test #1, make sure that a top level index has a parent
# that is an invalid QtCore.Qself.modelIndex
topidx = self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex())
assert(self.model.parent(topidx) == QtCore.QModelIndex())
# Common error test #2, make sure that a second level index has a parent
# that is the first level index
if self.model.rowCount(topidx) > 0 :
childidx = self.model.index(0,0,topidx)
print(childidx, childidx.row(), childidx.column(), childidx.parent())
print(topidx, topidx.row(), topidx.column(), topidx.parent())
assert(self.model.parent(childidx) == topidx)
# Common error test #3, the second column should NOT have the same children
# as the first column in a row
# Usually the second column shouldn't have children
topidx1 = self.model.index(0,1,QtCore.QModelIndex())
if self.model.rowCount(topidx1) > 0:
childidx = self.model.index(0,0,topidx)
childidx1 = self.model.index(0,0,topidx1)
assert(childidx != childidx1)
# Full test, walk n levels deep through the self.model making sure that all
# parent's children correctly specify their parent
def data(self):
Tests self.model's implementation of QtCore.QAbstractItemModel::data()
# Invalid index should return an invalid qvariant
qvar = self.model.data(QtCore.QModelIndex(), QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
assert(qvar is None)
if self.model.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) == 0:
# A valid index should have a valid QtCore.QVariant data
assert( self.model.index(0,0, QtCore.QModelIndex()).isValid())
# shouldn't be able to set data on an invalid index
assert( self.model.setData( QtCore.QModelIndex(), QtCore.QVariant("foo"), QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole) == False)
# General Purpose roles that should return a QString
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( variant.canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.String ) )
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.StatusTipRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( variant.canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.String ) )
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.WhatsThisRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( variant.canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.String ) )
# General Purpose roles that should return a QSize
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.SizeHintRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( variant.canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.Size ) )
# General Purpose roles that should return a QFont
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.FontRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( QtCore.QVariant(variant).canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.Font ) )
# Check that the alignment is one we know about
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
if variant is not None:
alignment = variant #.toInt()[0]
assert( alignment == (alignment & int(QtCore.Qt.AlignHorizontal_Mask | QtCore.Qt.AlignVertical_Mask)))
# General Purpose roles that should return a QColor
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.BackgroundColorRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( variant.canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.Color ) )
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.TextColorRole)
if variant is not None:
assert( variant.canConvert( QtCore.QVariant.Color ) )
# Check that the "check state" is one we know about.
variant = self.model.data(self.model.index(0,0,QtCore.QModelIndex()), QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole)
if variant is not None:
state = variant.toInt()[0]
assert( state == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked or
state == QtCore.Qt.PartiallyChecked or
state == QtCore.Qt.Checked )
def runAllTests(self):
if self.fetchingMore:
print("passed nonDestructiveBasicTest")
print("passed rowCount")
print("passed columnCount")
print("passed hasIndex")
print("passed index")
print("passed parent")
print("passed data")
def rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, parent, start, end):
Store what is about to be inserted to make sure it actually happens
c = {}
c['parent'] = parent
c['oldSize'] = self.model.rowCount(parent)
c['last'] = self.model.data(self.model.index(start-1, 0, parent))
c['next'] = self.model.data(self.model.index(start, 0, parent))
def rowsInserted(self, parent, start, end):
Confirm that what was said was going to happen actually did
c = self.insert.pop()
assert(c['parent'] == parent)
assert(c['oldSize'] + (end - start + 1) == self.model.rowCount(parent))
assert(c['last'] == self.model.data(self.model.index(start-1, 0, c['parent'])))
# if c['next'] != self.model.data(model.index(end+1, 0, c['parent'])):
# qDebug << start << end
# for i in range(0, self.model.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())):
# qDebug << self.model.index(i, 0).data().toString()
# qDebug() << c['next'] << self.model.data(model.index(end+1, 0, c['parent']))
assert(c['next'] == self.model.data(self.model.index(end+1, 0, c['parent'])))
def rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, parent, start, end):
Store what is about to be inserted to make sure it actually happens
c = {}
c['parent'] = parent
c['oldSize'] = self.model.rowCount(parent)
c['last'] = self.model.data(self.model.index(start-1, 0, parent))
c['next'] = self.model.data(self.model.index(end+1, 0, parent))
def rowsRemoved(self, parent, start, end):
Confirm that what was said was going to happen actually did
c = self.remove.pop()
assert(c['parent'] == parent)
assert(c['oldSize'] - (end - start + 1) == self.model.rowCount(parent))
assert(c['last'] == self.model.data(self.model.index(start-1, 0, c['parent'])))
assert(c['next'] == self.model.data(self.model.index(start, 0, c['parent'])))
def checkChildren(self, parent, depth = 0):
Called from parent() test.
A self.model that returns an index of parent X should also return X when asking
for the parent of the index
This recursive function does pretty extensive testing on the whole self.model in an
effort to catch edge cases.
This function assumes that rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()), columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) and index() already work.
If they have a bug it will point it out, but the above tests should have already
found the basic bugs because it is easier to figure out the problem in
those tests then this one
# First just try walking back up the tree.
p = parent
while p.isValid():
p = p.parent()
#For self.models that are dynamically populated
if self.model.canFetchMore( parent ):
self.fetchingMore = True
self.fetchingMore = False
rows = self.model.rowCount(parent)
cols = self.model.columnCount(parent)
if rows > 0:
# Some further testing against rows(), columns, and hasChildren()
assert( rows >= 0 )
assert( cols >= 0 )
if rows > 0:
assert(self.model.hasChildren(parent) == True)
# qDebug() << "parent:" << self.model.data(parent).toString() << "rows:" << rows
# << "columns:" << cols << "parent column:" << parent.column()
assert( self.model.hasIndex( rows+1, 0, parent) == False)
for r in range(0,rows):
if self.model.canFetchMore(parent):
self.fetchingMore = True
self.fetchingMore = False
assert(self.model.hasIndex(r,cols+1,parent) == False)
for c in range(0,cols):
index = self.model.index(r,c,parent)
# rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) and columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) said that it existed...
assert(index.isValid() == True)
# index() should always return the same index when called twice in a row
modIdx = self.model.index(r,c,parent)
assert(index == modIdx)
# Make sure we get the same index if we request it twice in a row
a = self.model.index(r,c,parent)
b = self.model.index(r,c,parent)
assert( a == b )
# Some basic checking on the index that is returned
# assert( index.model() == self.model )
# This raises an error that is not part of the qbzr code.
# see http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com/10335500.html
assert( index.row() == r )
assert( index.column() == c )
# While you can technically return a QtCore.QVariant usually this is a sign
# if an bug in data() Disable if this really is ok in your self.model
assert(self.model.data(index, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole) is not None)
#if the next test fails here is some somehwat useful debug you play with
# if self.model.parent(index) != parent:
# qDebug() << r << c << depth << self.model.data(index).toString()
# << self.model.data(parent).toString()
# qDebug() << index << parent << self.model.parent(index)
# # And a view that you can even use to show the self.model
# # view = QtGui.QTreeView()
# # view.setself.model(model)
# # view.show()
# Check that we can get back our real parent
p = self.model.parent( index )
assert( p.internalId() == parent.internalId() )
assert( p.row() == parent.row() )
# recursively go down the children
if self.model.hasChildren(index) and depth < 10:
# qDebug() << r << c << "hasChildren" << self.model.rowCount(index)
depth += 1
self.checkChildren(index, depth)
# if depth >= 10:
# qDebug() << "checked 10 deep"
# Make sure that after testing the children that the index doesn't change
newIdx = self.model.index(r,c,parent)
assert(index == newIdx)