92 lines
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92 lines
2.4 KiB
Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
<script lang="typescript" context="module">
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
type UpdateMap = Map<string, (event: Event) => boolean>;
type ActiveMap = Map<string, boolean>;
const updateMap = new Map() as UpdateMap;
const activeMap = new Map() as ActiveMap;
const activeStore = writable(activeMap);
function updateButton(key: string, event: MouseEvent): void {
(map: ActiveMap): ActiveMap =>
new Map([...map, [key, updateMap.get(key)(event)]])
function updateButtons(callback: (key: string) => boolean): void {
(map: ActiveMap): ActiveMap => {
const newMap = new Map() as ActiveMap;
for (const key of map.keys()) {
newMap.set(key, callback(key));
return newMap;
export function updateActiveButtons(event: Event) {
updateButtons((key: string): boolean => updateMap.get(key)(event));
export function clearActiveButtons() {
updateButtons((): boolean => false);
<script lang="typescript">
import SquareButton from "./SquareButton.svelte";
export let id: string;
export let className = "";
export let tooltip: string;
export let shortcutLabel: string | undefined;
export let icon: string;
export let command: string;
export let onClick = (_event: MouseEvent) => {
function onClickWrapped(event: MouseEvent): void {
updateButton(command, event);
export let onUpdate = (_event: Event) => document.queryCommandState(command);
updateMap.set(command, onUpdate);
let active = false;
activeStore.subscribe((map: ActiveMap): (() => void) => {
active = Boolean(map.get(command));
return () => map.delete(command);
activeMap.set(command, active);
export let disables = true;
export let dropdownToggle = false;
{@html icon}