1. Documented on README.development how to setup the environment for Windows. 2. Fixed qt/ts/package.json not working due usage of ; instead of && 3. Fixed copy-qt-files rsync using Windows paths instead of Unix ones 4. Fixed Makefile's using Windows Linux Subsystem bash instead of the Cygwin one. 5. Ensured running the correct pip module by using python -m pip instead of just pip. 6. Fixed Makefiles using Windows `find` command, instead of the Cygwin's one (POSIX find). 7. Fixed pyenv sourcing/activate using /pyevn/bin/ instead of /python/Scripts/ on Windows. 8. Fixed pyaudio not installing/linking with portaudio on Windows by installing for a patched fork at evandroforks/pyaudio 9. Forked and fixed portaudio not building with Visual Studio 2017 or superior and added the reference for the patched fork on README.development at evandroforks/portaudio.
127 lines
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127 lines
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SHELL := /bin/bash
ECHOCMD := /bin/echo -e
FIND_EXEC := $(if $(wildcard /bin/find),,/usr)/bin/find
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
IS_WINDOWS := true
.SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c
MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
BLACKARGS := -t py36 aqt tests setup.py tools/*.py --exclude='aqt/forms|buildinfo|colors'
ISORTARGS := aqt tests setup.py
$(shell mkdir -p .build ../dist)
PHONY: all
all: check
.build/run-deps: setup.py
$(if ${IS_WINDOWS},python -m pip install git+https://github.com/evandroforks/pyaudio,)
python -m pip install -e .
@touch $@
.build/dev-deps: requirements.dev
python -m pip install -r requirements.dev
@touch $@
.build/ui: $(shell ${FIND_EXEC} designer -type f)
@touch $@
.build/i18n: $(wildcard i18n/po/desktop/*/anki.po)
(cd i18n && ./pull-git && ./build-mo-files && ./copy-qt-files)
@touch $@
TSDEPS := $(wildcard ts/src/*.ts) $(wildcard ts/scss/*.scss)
.build/js: $(TSDEPS)
(cd ts && npm i && npm run build)
python ./tools/extract_scss_colors.py
@touch $@
.build/hooks: tools/genhooks_gui.py ../pylib/tools/hookslib.py
python tools/genhooks_gui.py
black aqt/gui_hooks.py
@touch $@
BUILD_STEPS := .build/run-deps .build/dev-deps .build/js .build/ui aqt/buildinfo.py .build/hooks .build/i18n
# Checking
.PHONY: check
check: $(BUILD_STEPS) .build/mypy .build/test .build/fmt .build/imports .build/lint .build/ts-fmt
.PHONY: fix
isort $(ISORTARGS)
black $(BLACKARGS)
(cd ts && npm run pretty)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf .build aqt.egg-info build dist
# Checking Typescript
JSDEPS := $(patsubst ts/src/%.ts, web/%.js, $(TSDEPS))
.build/ts-fmt: $(TSDEPS)
(cd ts && npm i && npm run check-pretty)
@touch $@
# Checking python
PYLIB := ../pylib
CHECKDEPS := $(shell ${FIND_EXEC} aqt tests -name '*.py' | grep -v buildinfo.py)
.build/mypy: $(CHECKDEPS) .build/qt-stubs
mypy aqt
@touch $@
.build/test: $(CHECKDEPS)
python -m pytest -s
@touch $@
.build/lint: $(CHECKDEPS)
pylint -j 0 --rcfile=.pylintrc -f colorized --extension-pkg-whitelist=PyQt5,ankirspy aqt tests setup.py
@touch $@
.build/imports: $(CHECKDEPS)
isort $(ISORTARGS) --check
@touch $@
.build/fmt: $(CHECKDEPS)
black --check $(BLACKARGS)
@touch $@
@touch $@
# Building
.PHONY: build
build: $(BUILD_STEPS)
rm -rf dist build
python setup.py -q bdist_wheel
rsync -a dist/*.whl ../dist/
.PHONY: develop
develop: $(BUILD_STEPS)
aqt/buildinfo.py: ../meta/version ../meta/buildhash
echo "buildhash='$$(cat ../meta/buildhash)'" > $@
echo "version='$$(cat ../meta/version)'" >> $@