https://forums.ankiweb.net/t/audio-in-back-template-is-played-on-front-template-on-desktop-2-1-46/12399 Unlike when using <template> element, if a DocumentFragment is created using Range.createContextualFragment(), <audio>/<video> elements with `aotoplay` will play immediately even before they are inserted into the actual document, which will cause audio or video on the answer side to be played on the question side.
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// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
function injectPreloadLink(href: string, as: string): void {
const link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "preload";
link.href = href;
link.as = as;
export function allImagesLoaded(): Promise<void[]> {
return Promise.all(
function imageLoaded(img: HTMLImageElement): Promise<void> {
return img.complete
? Promise.resolve()
: new Promise((resolve) => {
img.addEventListener("load", () => resolve());
img.addEventListener("error", () => resolve());
function clearPreloadLinks(): void {
.forEach((link) => link.remove());
function extractImageSrcs(html: string): string[] {
const tmpl = document.createElement("template");
tmpl.innerHTML = html;
const fragment = tmpl.content;
const srcs = [...fragment.querySelectorAll("img[src]")].map(
(img) => (img as HTMLImageElement).src
return srcs;
export function preloadAnswerImages(qHtml: string, aHtml: string): void {
const aSrcs = extractImageSrcs(aHtml);
if (aSrcs.length) {
const qSrcs = extractImageSrcs(qHtml);
const diff = aSrcs.filter((src) => !qSrcs.includes(src));
diff.forEach((src) => injectPreloadLink(src, "image"));