- Tweak wording - Move conflict handling options to a disclosure
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importing-failed-debug-info = Import failed. Debugging info:
importing-aborted = Aborted: { $val }
importing-added-duplicate-with-first-field = Added duplicate with first field: { $val }
importing-all-supported-formats = All supported formats { $val }
importing-allow-html-in-fields = Allow HTML in fields
importing-anki-files-are-from-a-very = .anki files are from a very old version of Anki. You can import them with add-on 175027074 or with Anki 2.0, available on the Anki website.
importing-anki2-files-are-not-directly-importable = .anki2 files are not directly importable - please import the .apkg or .zip file you have received instead.
importing-appeared-twice-in-file = Appeared twice in file: { $val }
importing-by-default-anki-will-detect-the = By default, Anki will detect the character between fields, such as a tab, comma, and so on. If Anki is detecting the character incorrectly, you can enter it here. Use \t to represent tab.
importing-change = Change
importing-colon = Colon
importing-comma = Comma
importing-empty-first-field = Empty first field: { $val }
importing-field-separator = Field separator
importing-field-mapping = Field mapping
importing-field-of-file-is = Field <b>{ $val }</b> of file is:
importing-fields-separated-by = Fields separated by: { $val }
importing-file-must-contain-field-column = File must contain at least one column that can be mapped to a note field.
importing-file-version-unknown-trying-import-anyway = File version unknown, trying import anyway.
importing-first-field-matched = First field matched: { $val }
importing-identical = Identical
importing-ignore-field = Ignore field
importing-ignore-lines-where-first-field-matches = Ignore lines where first field matches existing note
importing-ignored = <ignored>
importing-import-even-if-existing-note-has = Import even if existing note has same first field
importing-import-options = Import options
importing-importing-complete = Importing complete.
importing-invalid-file-please-restore-from-backup = Invalid file. Please restore from backup.
importing-map-to = Map to { $val }
importing-map-to-tags = Map to Tags
importing-mapped-to = mapped to <b>{ $val }</b>
importing-mapped-to-tags = mapped to <b>Tags</b>
# the action of combining two existing notetypes to create a new one
importing-merge-notetypes = Merge notetypes
importing-merge-notetypes-help =
If checked, and you or the deck author altered the schema of a notetype, Anki will
merge the two versions instead of keeping both.
Altering a notetype's schema means adding, removing, or reordering fields or templates,
or changing the sort field.
As a counterexample, changing the front side of an existing template does *not* constitute
a schema change.
Warning: This will require a one-way sync, and may mark existing notes as modified.
importing-mnemosyne-20-deck-db = Mnemosyne 2.0 Deck (*.db)
importing-multicharacter-separators-are-not-supported-please = Multi-character separators are not supported. Please enter one character only.
importing-notes-added-from-file = Notes added from file: { $val }
importing-notes-found-in-file = Notes found in file: { $val }
importing-notes-skipped-as-theyre-already-in = Notes skipped, as up-to-date copies are already in your collection: { $val }
importing-notes-skipped-update-due-to-notetype = Notes not updated, as notetype has been modified since you first imported the notes: { $val }
importing-notes-updated-as-file-had-newer = Notes updated, as file had newer version: { $val }
importing-include-reviews = Include reviews
importing-also-import-progress = Also import any learning progress
importing-conflict-handling = Conflict handling
importing-include-reviews-help =
If enabled, any previous reviews that the deck sharer included will also be imported.
Otherwise, all cards will be imported as new cards.
importing-packaged-anki-deckcollection-apkg-colpkg-zip = Packaged Anki Deck/Collection (*.apkg *.colpkg *.zip)
importing-pauker-18-lesson-paugz = Pauker 1.8 Lesson (*.pau.gz)
# the '|' character
importing-pipe = Pipe
importing-rows-had-num1d-fields-expected-num2d = '{ $row }' had { $found } fields, expected { $expected }
importing-selected-file-was-not-in-utf8 = Selected file was not in UTF-8 format. Please see the importing section of the manual.
importing-semicolon = Semicolon
importing-skipped = Skipped
importing-supermemo-xml-export-xml = Supermemo XML export (*.xml)
importing-tab = Tab
importing-tag-modified-notes = Tag modified notes:
importing-text-separated-by-tabs-or-semicolons = Text separated by tabs or semicolons (*)
importing-the-first-field-of-the-note = The first field of the note type must be mapped.
importing-the-provided-file-is-not-a = The provided file is not a valid .apkg file.
importing-this-file-does-not-appear-to = This file does not appear to be a valid .apkg file. If you're getting this error from a file downloaded from AnkiWeb, chances are that your download failed. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please try again with a different browser.
importing-this-will-delete-your-existing-collection = This will delete your existing collection and replace it with the data in the file you're importing. Are you sure?
importing-unable-to-import-from-a-readonly = Unable to import from a read-only file.
importing-unknown-file-format = Unknown file format.
importing-update-existing-notes-when-first-field = Update existing notes when first field matches
importing-updated = Updated
importing-update-if-newer = If newer
importing-update-always = Always
importing-update-never = Never
importing-update-notes = Update notes
importing-update-notes-help =
When to update an existing note in your collection. By default, this is only done
if the matching imported note was more recently modified.
importing-update-notetypes = Update notetypes
importing-update-notetypes-help =
When to update an existing notetype in your collection. By default, this is only done
if the matching imported notetype was more recently modified. Changes to template text
and styling can always be imported, but for schema changes (e.g. the number or order of
fields has changed), the '{ importing-merge-notetypes }' option will also need to be enabled.
importing-note-added =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note added
*[other] { $count } notes added
importing-note-imported =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note imported.
*[other] { $count } notes imported.
importing-note-unchanged =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note unchanged
*[other] { $count } notes unchanged
importing-note-updated =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note updated
*[other] { $count } notes updated
importing-processed-media-file =
{ $count ->
[one] Imported { $count } media file
*[other] Imported { $count } media files
importing-importing-file = Importing file...
importing-extracting = Extracting data...
importing-gathering = Gathering data...
importing-failed-to-import-media-file = Failed to import media file: { $debugInfo }
importing-processed-notes =
{ $count ->
[one] Processed { $count } note...
*[other] Processed { $count } notes...
importing-processed-cards =
{ $count ->
[one] Processed { $count } card...
*[other] Processed { $count } cards...
importing-existing-notes = Existing notes
# "Existing notes: Duplicate" (verb)
importing-duplicate = Duplicate
# "Existing notes: Preserve" (verb)
importing-preserve = Preserve
# "Existing notes: Update" (verb)
importing-update = Update
importing-tag-all-notes = Tag all notes
importing-tag-updated-notes = Tag updated notes
importing-file = File
# "Match scope: notetype / notetype and deck". Controls how duplicates are matched.
importing-match-scope = Match scope
# Used with the 'match scope' option
importing-notetype-and-deck = Notetype and deck
importing-cards-added =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } card added.
*[other] { $count } cards added.
importing-file-empty = The file you selected is empty.
importing-notes-added =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } new note imported.
*[other] { $count } new notes imported.
importing-notes-updated =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note was used to update existing ones.
*[other] { $count } notes were used to update existing ones.
importing-existing-notes-skipped =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note already present in your collection.
*[other] { $count } notes already present in your collection.
importing-conflicting-notes-skipped =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note was not imported, because its note type has changed.
*[other] { $count } notes were not imported, because their note type has changed.
importing-conflicting-notes-skipped2 =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note was not imported, because its notetype has changed, and '{ importing-merge-notetypes }' was not enabled.
*[other] { $count } notes were not imported, because their notetype has changed, and '{ importing-merge-notetypes }' was not enabled.
importing-import-log = Import Log
importing-no-notes-in-file = No notes found in file.
importing-notes-found-in-file2 =
{ $notes ->
[one] { $notes } note
*[other] { $notes } notes
} found in file. Of those:
importing-show = Show
importing-details = Details
importing-status = Status
importing-duplicate-note-added = Duplicate note added
importing-added-new-note = New note added
importing-existing-note-skipped = Note skipped, as an up-to-date copy is already in your collection
importing-note-skipped-update-due-to-notetype = Note not updated, as notetype has been modified since you first imported the note
importing-note-updated-as-file-had-newer = Note updated, as file had newer version
importing-note-skipped-due-to-missing-notetype = Note skipped, as its notetype was missing
importing-note-skipped-due-to-missing-deck = Note skipped, as its deck was missing
importing-note-skipped-due-to-empty-first-field = Note skipped, as its first field is empty
importing-field-separator-help =
The character separating fields in the text file. You can use the preview to check
if the fields are separated correctly.
Please note that if this character appears in any field itself, the field has to be
quoted accordingly to the CSV standard. Spreadsheet programs like LibreOffice will
do this automatically.
importing-allow-html-in-fields-help =
Enable this if the file contains HTML formatting. E.g. if the file contains the string
'<br>', it will appear as a line break on your card. On the other hand, with this
option disabled, the literal characters '<br>' will be rendered.
importing-notetype-help =
Newly-imported notes will have this notetype, and only existing notes with this
notetype will be updated.
You can choose which fields in the file correspond to which notetype fields with the
mapping tool.
importing-deck-help = Imported cards will be placed in this deck.
importing-existing-notes-help =
What to do if an imported note matches an existing one.
- `{ importing-update }`: Update the existing note.
- `{ importing-preserve }`: Do nothing.
- `{ importing-duplicate }`: Create a new note.
importing-match-scope-help =
Only existing notes with the same notetype will be checked for duplicates. This can
additionally be restricted to notes with cards in the same deck.
importing-tag-all-notes-help =
These tags will be added to both newly-imported and updated notes.
importing-tag-updated-notes-help = These tags will be added to any updated notes.
## NO NEED TO TRANSLATE. This text is no longer used by Anki, and will be removed in the future.
importing-importing-collection = Importing collection...
importing-unable-to-import-filename = Unable to import { $filename }: file type not supported
importing-notes-that-could-not-be-imported = Notes that could not be imported as note type has changed: { $val }