To avoid all sorts of problems, we need to ensure cards scheduled with the V2 scheduler are not studied in older clients. Unfortunately we can't just bump the file's schema version, as the existing clients will freely import files created with newer versions. This patch changes that, so things should be a bit easier in the future. In the mean time, we need a way to prevent older clients from importing files created with the V2 scheduler. To do this, we switch to using a 'collection.anki21' file in the archive, and include a dummy collection .anki2 file. The code has been tested with both deck and collection packages, but exporting deck packages w/ scheduling info will remain disabled until the V2 scheduler has had more testing.
329 lines
11 KiB
329 lines
11 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: Damien Elmes <anki@ichi2.net>
# License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
import copy
import re
from anki.lang import _
from anki.utils import intTime, json
from anki.db import DB
from anki.collection import _Collection
from anki.consts import *
from anki.stdmodels import addBasicModel, addClozeModel, addForwardReverse, \
addForwardOptionalReverse, addBasicTypingModel
def Collection(path, lock=True, server=False, sync=True, log=False):
"Open a new or existing collection. Path must be unicode."
assert path.endswith(".anki2")
path = os.path.abspath(path)
create = not os.path.exists(path)
if create:
base = os.path.basename(path)
for c in ("/", ":", "\\"):
assert c not in base
# connect
db = DB(path)
if create:
ver = _createDB(db)
ver = _upgradeSchema(db)
db.execute("pragma temp_store = memory")
if sync:
db.execute("pragma cache_size = 10000")
db.execute("pragma journal_mode = wal")
db.execute("pragma synchronous = off")
# add db to col and do any remaining upgrades
col = _Collection(db, server, log)
_upgrade(col, ver)
elif ver > SCHEMA_VERSION:
raise Exception("This file requires a newer version of Anki.")
elif create:
# add in reverse order so basic is default
if lock:
return col
def _upgradeSchema(db):
ver = db.scalar("select ver from col")
return ver
# add odid to cards, edue->odue
if db.scalar("select ver from col") == 1:
db.execute("alter table cards rename to cards2")
_addSchema(db, setColConf=False)
insert into cards select
id, nid, did, ord, mod, usn, type, queue, due, ivl, factor, reps, lapses,
left, edue, 0, flags, data from cards2""")
db.execute("drop table cards2")
db.execute("update col set ver = 2")
# remove did from notes
if db.scalar("select ver from col") == 2:
db.execute("alter table notes rename to notes2")
_addSchema(db, setColConf=False)
insert into notes select
id, guid, mid, mod, usn, tags, flds, sfld, csum, flags, data from notes2""")
db.execute("drop table notes2")
db.execute("update col set ver = 3")
return ver
def _upgrade(col, ver):
if ver < 3:
# new deck properties
for d in col.decks.all():
d['dyn'] = 0
d['collapsed'] = False
if ver < 4:
clozes = []
for m in col.models.all():
if not "{{cloze:" in m['tmpls'][0]['qfmt']:
m['type'] = MODEL_STD
for m in clozes:
_upgradeClozeModel(col, m)
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 4")
if ver < 5:
col.db.execute("update cards set odue = 0 where queue = 2")
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 5")
if ver < 6:
import anki.models
for m in col.models.all():
m['css'] = anki.models.defaultModel['css']
for t in m['tmpls']:
if 'css' not in t:
# ankidroid didn't bump version
m['css'] += "\n" + t['css'].replace(
".card ", ".card%d "%(t['ord']+1))
del t['css']
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 6")
if ver < 7:
"update cards set odue = 0 where (type = 1 or queue = 2) "
"and not odid")
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 7")
if ver < 8:
"update cards set due = due / 1000 where due > 4294967296")
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 8")
if ver < 9:
# adding an empty file to a zip makes python's zip code think it's a
# folder, so remove any empty files
changed = False
dir = col.media.dir()
if dir:
for f in os.listdir(col.media.dir()):
if os.path.isfile(f) and not os.path.getsize(f):
"delete from log where fname = ?", f)
"delete from media where fname = ?", f)
changed = True
if changed:
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 9")
if ver < 10:
update cards set left = left + left*1000 where queue = 1""")
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 10")
if ver < 11:
for d in col.decks.all():
if d['dyn']:
order = d['order']
# failed order was removed
if order >= 5:
order -= 1
d['terms'] = [[d['search'], d['limit'], order]]
del d['search']
del d['limit']
del d['order']
d['resched'] = True
d['return'] = True
if 'extendNew' not in d:
d['extendNew'] = 10
d['extendRev'] = 50
for c in col.decks.allConf():
r = c['rev']
r['ivlFct'] = r.get("ivlfct", 1)
if 'ivlfct' in r:
del r['ivlfct']
r['maxIvl'] = 36500
for m in col.models.all():
for t in m['tmpls']:
t['bqfmt'] = ''
t['bafmt'] = ''
col.db.execute("update col set ver = 11")
def _upgradeClozeModel(col, m):
m['type'] = MODEL_CLOZE
# convert first template
t = m['tmpls'][0]
for type in 'qfmt', 'afmt':
t[type] = re.sub("{{cloze:1:(.+?)}}", r"{{cloze:\1}}", t[type])
t['name'] = _("Cloze")
# delete non-cloze cards for the model
rem = []
for t in m['tmpls'][1:]:
if "{{cloze:" not in t['qfmt']:
for r in rem:
col.models.remTemplate(m, r)
del m['tmpls'][1:]
# Creating a new collection
def _createDB(db):
db.execute("pragma page_size = 4096")
db.execute("pragma legacy_file_format = 0")
def _addSchema(db, setColConf=True):
create table if not exists col (
id integer primary key,
crt integer not null,
mod integer not null,
scm integer not null,
ver integer not null,
dty integer not null,
usn integer not null,
ls integer not null,
conf text not null,
models text not null,
decks text not null,
dconf text not null,
tags text not null
create table if not exists notes (
id integer primary key, /* 0 */
guid text not null, /* 1 */
mid integer not null, /* 2 */
mod integer not null, /* 3 */
usn integer not null, /* 4 */
tags text not null, /* 5 */
flds text not null, /* 6 */
sfld integer not null, /* 7 */
csum integer not null, /* 8 */
flags integer not null, /* 9 */
data text not null /* 10 */
create table if not exists cards (
id integer primary key, /* 0 */
nid integer not null, /* 1 */
did integer not null, /* 2 */
ord integer not null, /* 3 */
mod integer not null, /* 4 */
usn integer not null, /* 5 */
type integer not null, /* 6 */
queue integer not null, /* 7 */
due integer not null, /* 8 */
ivl integer not null, /* 9 */
factor integer not null, /* 10 */
reps integer not null, /* 11 */
lapses integer not null, /* 12 */
left integer not null, /* 13 */
odue integer not null, /* 14 */
odid integer not null, /* 15 */
flags integer not null, /* 16 */
data text not null /* 17 */
create table if not exists revlog (
id integer primary key,
cid integer not null,
usn integer not null,
ease integer not null,
ivl integer not null,
lastIvl integer not null,
factor integer not null,
time integer not null,
type integer not null
create table if not exists graves (
usn integer not null,
oid integer not null,
type integer not null
insert or ignore into col
""" % ({'v':SCHEMA_VERSION, 's':intTime(1000)}))
if setColConf:
_addColVars(db, *_getColVars(db))
def _getColVars(db):
import anki.collection
import anki.decks
g = copy.deepcopy(anki.decks.defaultDeck)
g['id'] = 1
g['name'] = _("Default")
g['conf'] = 1
g['mod'] = intTime()
gc = copy.deepcopy(anki.decks.defaultConf)
gc['id'] = 1
return g, gc, anki.collection.defaultConf.copy()
def _addColVars(db, g, gc, c):
update col set conf = ?, decks = ?, dconf = ?""",
json.dumps({'1': g}),
json.dumps({'1': gc}))
def _updateIndices(db):
"Add indices to the DB."
-- syncing
create index if not exists ix_notes_usn on notes (usn);
create index if not exists ix_cards_usn on cards (usn);
create index if not exists ix_revlog_usn on revlog (usn);
-- card spacing, etc
create index if not exists ix_cards_nid on cards (nid);
-- scheduling and deck limiting
create index if not exists ix_cards_sched on cards (did, queue, due);
-- revlog by card
create index if not exists ix_revlog_cid on revlog (cid);
-- field uniqueness
create index if not exists ix_notes_csum on notes (csum);