* Move move-nodes logic into domlib Refactor input-manager Refactor out FocusTrap from EditingArea Remove unnecessary selecting of node from surround Add onInput interface to input-manager Create MathjaxElement.svelte - This should contain all the setup necessary for displaying <anki-mathjax> elements in the rich text input - Does not contain setup necessary for Mathjax Overlay Deal with backwards deletion, when caret inside anki-mathjax Set mathjax elements contenteditable=false Do not undecorate mathjaxx element on disconnect - Fixes issues, where Mathjax might undecorate when it is moved into a different div Add framed element custom element Introduce iterateActions to allow global hooks for RichTextInput Remove some old code Deal with deletion of frame handles Make Anki frame and frame handles restore each other Make FrameElement restore its structure upon modification Frame and strip off framing from MathjaxElement automatically Move FrameHandle to separate FrameStart/FrameEnd Refactor FrameHandle Set data-frames on FrameElement Fix logic error connected to FrameElement Communicate frameHandle move{in,out} to anki-mathjax Clear selection when blurring ContentEditable Make sure frame is destroyed when undecorating Mathjax Use Hairline space instead of zeroWidth - it has better behavior in the contenteditable when placing the caret via clicking Allow detection of block elements with `block` attribute - This way, anki-mathjax block="true" will make field a field be recognized to have block content Make block frame element operater without handles - Clicking on the left/right side of a block mathjax will insert a br element to that side When deleting, remove mathajax-element not just image Update MathjaxButtons to correctly show block state SelectAll when moving into inline anki mathjax Remove CodeMirror autofocus functionality Move it to Mathjaxeditor directly Fix getRangeAt throwing error Update older code to use cross-browser Fix issue with FrameHandles not being properyly removed Satisfy formatting Use === instead of node.isSameNode() Fix issue of focusTrap not initialized * Fix after rebasing * Fix focus not being moved to first field * Add documentation for input-manager and iterate-actions * Export logic of ContentEditable to content-editable * Fix issue with inserting newline right next to inline Mathjax * Fix reframing issue of Mathjax Svelte component * Allow for deletion of Inline Mathjax again * Rename iterate-actions to action-list * Add copyright header * Split off frame-handle from frame-element * Add some comments for framing process * Add mising return types
72 lines
1.9 KiB
72 lines
1.9 KiB
Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
<script lang="ts">
import Shortcut from "../../components/Shortcut.svelte";
import DropdownMenu from "../../components/DropdownMenu.svelte";
import MathjaxEditor from "./MathjaxEditor.svelte";
import MathjaxButtons from "./MathjaxButtons.svelte";
import type { Writable } from "svelte/store";
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
import { placeCaretAfter } from "../../domlib/place-caret";
export let element: Element;
export let code: Writable<string>;
export let selectAll: boolean;
const acceptShortcut = "Enter";
const newlineShortcut = "Shift+Enter";
function appendNewline(): void {
code.update((value) => `${value}\n`);
export let updateSelection: () => Promise<void>;
let dropdownApi: any;
export async function update() {
await updateSelection?.();
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
<div class="mathjax-menu">
<slot />
on:blur={() => dispatch("reset")}
on:action={() => dispatch("moveoutend")}
<Shortcut keyCombination={newlineShortcut} on:action={appendNewline} />
on:delete={() => {
<style lang="scss">
.mathjax-menu :global(.dropdown-menu) {
border-color: var(--border);