Damien Elmes 5004cd332b
Integrate FSRS into Anki (#2654)
* Pack FSRS data into

* Update FSRS card data when preset or weights change

+ Show FSRS stats in card stats

* Show a warning when there's a limited review history

* Add some translations; tweak UI

* Fix default requested retention

* Add browser columns, fix calculation of R

* Property searches

eg prop:d>0.1

* Integrate FSRS into reviewer

* Warn about long learning steps

* Hide minimum interval when FSRS is on

* Don't apply interval multiplier to FSRS intervals

* Expose memory state to Python

* Don't set memory state on new cards

* Port Jarret's new tests; add some helpers to make tests more compact

* Fix learning cards not being given memory state

* Require update to v3 scheduler

* Don't exclude single learning step when calculating memory state

* Use relearning step when learning steps unavailable

* Update docstring

* fix single_card_revlog_to_items (#2656)

* not need check the review_kind for unique_dates

* add email address to CONTRIBUTORS

* fix last first learn & keep early review

* cargo fmt

* cargo clippy --fix

* Add Jarrett to about screen

* Fix fsrs_memory_state being initialized to default in get_card()

* Set initial memory state on graduate

* Update to latest FSRS

* Fix experiment.log being empty

* Fix broken colpkg imports

Introduced by "Update FSRS card data when preset or weights change"

* Update memory state during (re)learning; use FSRS for graduating intervals

* Reset memory state when cards are manually rescheduled as new

* Add difficulty graph; hide eases when FSRS enabled

* Add retrievability graph

* Derive memory_state from revlog when it's missing and shouldn't be


Co-authored-by: Jarrett Ye <>
2023-09-16 16:09:26 +10:00

349 lines
17 KiB

### Text shown on the "Deck Options" screen
## Top section
# Used in the deck configuration screen to show how many decks are used
# by a particular configuration group, eg "Group1 (used by 3 decks)"
deck-config-used-by-decks =
used by { $decks ->
[one] { $decks } deck
*[other] { $decks } decks
deck-config-default-name = Default
deck-config-title = Deck Options
## Daily limits section
deck-config-daily-limits = Daily Limits
deck-config-new-limit-tooltip =
The maximum number of new cards to introduce in a day, if new cards are available.
Because new material will increase your short-term review workload, this should typically
be at least 10x smaller than your review limit.
deck-config-review-limit-tooltip =
The maximum number of review cards to show in a day,
if cards are ready for review.
deck-config-limit-deck-v3 =
When studying a deck that has subdecks inside it, the limits set on each
subdeck control the maximum number of cards drawn from that particular deck.
The selected deck's limits control the total cards that will be shown.
deck-config-limit-new-bound-by-reviews =
The review limit affects the new limit. For example, if your review limit is
set to 200, and you have 190 reviews waiting, a maximum of 10 new cards will
be introduced. If your review limit has been reached, no new cards will be
deck-config-limit-interday-bound-by-reviews =
The review limit also affects interday learning cards. When applying the limit,
interday learning cards are fetched first, then reviews.
deck-config-tab-description =
- `Preset`: The limit is shared with all decks using this preset.
- `This deck`: The limit is specific to this deck.
- `Today only`: Make a temporary change to this deck's limit.
deck-config-new-cards-ignore-review-limit = New cards ignore review limit
deck-config-new-cards-ignore-review-limit-tooltip =
By default, the review limit also applies to new cards, and no new cards will be
shown when the review limit has been reached. If this option is enabled, new cards
will be shown regardless of the review limit.
deck-config-affects-entire-collection = Affects the entire collection.
## Daily limit tabs: please try to keep these as short as the English version,
## as longer text will not fit on small screens.
deck-config-shared-preset = Preset
deck-config-deck-only = This deck
deck-config-today-only = Today only
## New Cards section
deck-config-learning-steps = Learning steps
# Please don't translate `1m`, `2d`
-deck-config-delay-hint = Delays are typically minutes (eg `1m`) or days (eg `2d`), but hours (eg `1h`) and seconds (eg `30s`) are also supported.
deck-config-learning-steps-tooltip =
One or more delays, separated by spaces. The first delay will be used
when you press the `Again` button on a new card, and is 1 minute by default.
The `Good` button will advance to the next step, which is 10 minutes by default.
Once all steps have been passed, the card will become a review card, and
will appear on a different day. { -deck-config-delay-hint }
deck-config-graduating-interval-tooltip =
The number of days to wait before showing a card again, after the `Good` button
is pressed on the final learning step.
deck-config-easy-interval-tooltip =
The number of days to wait before showing a card again, after the `Easy` button
is used to immediately remove a card from learning.
deck-config-new-insertion-order = Insertion order
deck-config-new-insertion-order-tooltip =
Controls the position (due #) new cards are assigned when you add new cards.
Cards with a lower due number will be shown first when studying. Changing
this option will automatically update the existing position of new cards.
deck-config-new-insertion-order-sequential = Sequential (oldest cards first)
deck-config-new-insertion-order-random = Random
deck-config-new-insertion-order-random-with-v3 =
With the V3 scheduler, it is better to leave this set to sequential, and
adjust the new card gather order instead.
## Lapses section
deck-config-relearning-steps = Relearning steps
deck-config-relearning-steps-tooltip =
Zero or more delays, separated by spaces. By default, pressing the `Again`
button on a review card will show it again 10 minutes later. If no delays
are provided, the card will have its interval changed, without entering
relearning. { -deck-config-delay-hint }
deck-config-leech-threshold-tooltip =
The number of times `Again` needs to be pressed on a review card before it is
marked as a leech. Leeches are cards that consume a lot of your time, and
when a card is marked as a leech, it's a good idea to rewrite it, delete it, or
think of a mnemonic to help you remember it.
# See actions-suspend-card and scheduling-tag-only for the wording
deck-config-leech-action-tooltip =
`Tag Only`: Add a "leech" tag to the note, and display a pop-up.
`Suspend Card`: In addition to tagging the note, hide the card until it is
manually unsuspended.
## Burying section
deck-config-bury-title = Burying
deck-config-bury-new-siblings = Bury new siblings
deck-config-bury-review-siblings = Bury review siblings
deck-config-bury-interday-learning-siblings = Bury interday learning siblings
deck-config-bury-new-tooltip =
Whether other `new` cards of the same note (eg reverse cards, adjacent cloze deletions)
will be delayed until the next day.
deck-config-bury-review-tooltip = Whether other `review` cards of the same note will be delayed until the next day.
deck-config-bury-interday-learning-tooltip =
Whether other `learning` cards of the same note with intervals > 1 day
will be delayed until the next day.
deck-config-bury-priority-tooltip =
When Anki gathers cards, it first gathers intraday learning cards, then
interday learning cards, then reviews, and finally new cards. This affects
how burying works:
- If you have all burying options enabled, the sibling that comes earliest in
that list will be shown. For example, a review card will be shown in preference
to a new card.
- Siblings later in the list can not bury earlier card types. For example, if you
disable burying of new cards, and study a new card, it will not bury any interday
learning or review cards, and you may see both a review sibling and new sibling in the
same session.
## Ordering section
deck-config-ordering-title = Display Order
deck-config-new-gather-priority = New card gather order
deck-config-new-gather-priority-tooltip-2 =
`Deck`: gathers cards from each deck in order, starting from the top. Cards from each deck are
gathered in ascending position. If the daily limit of the selected deck is reached, gathering
may stop before all decks have been checked. This order is fastest in large collections, and
allows you to prioritize subdecks that are closer to the top.
`Ascending position`: gathers cards by ascending position (due #), which is typically
the oldest-added first.
`Descending position`: gathers cards by descending position (due #), which is typically
the latest-added first.
`Random notes`: gathers cards of randomly selected notes. When sibling burying is
disabled, this allows all cards of a note to be seen in a session (eg. both a front->back
and back->front card)
`Random cards`: gathers cards completely randomly.
deck-config-new-gather-priority-deck = Deck
deck-config-new-gather-priority-position-lowest-first = Ascending position
deck-config-new-gather-priority-position-highest-first = Descending position
deck-config-new-gather-priority-random-notes = Random notes
deck-config-new-gather-priority-random-cards = Random cards
deck-config-new-card-sort-order = New card sort order
deck-config-new-card-sort-order-tooltip-2 =
`Card type`: Displays cards in order of card type number. If you have sibling burying
disabled, this will ensure all front→back cards are seen before any back→front cards.
This is useful to have all cards of the same note shown in the same session, but not
too close to one another.
`Order gathered`: Shows cards exactly as they were gathered. If sibling burying is disabled,
this will typically result in all cards of a note being seen one after the other.
`Card type, then random`: Like `Card type`, but shuffles the cards of each card
type number. If you use `Ascending position` to gather the oldest cards, you could use
this setting to see those cards in a random order, but still ensure cards of the same
note do not end up too close to one another.
`Random note, then card type`: Picks notes at random, then shows all of their siblings
in order.
`Random`: Fully shuffles the gathered cards.
deck-config-sort-order-card-template-then-random = Card type, then random
deck-config-sort-order-random-note-then-template = Random note, then card type
deck-config-sort-order-random = Random
deck-config-sort-order-template-then-gather = Card type
deck-config-sort-order-gather = Order gathered
deck-config-new-review-priority = New/review order
deck-config-new-review-priority-tooltip = When to show new cards in relation to review cards.
deck-config-interday-step-priority = Interday learning/review order
deck-config-interday-step-priority-tooltip =
When to show (re)learning cards that cross a day boundary.
The review limit is always applied first to interday learning cards, and
then reviews. This option will control the order the gathered cards are shown in,
but interday learning cards will always be gathered first.
deck-config-review-mix-mix-with-reviews = Mix with reviews
deck-config-review-mix-show-after-reviews = Show after reviews
deck-config-review-mix-show-before-reviews = Show before reviews
deck-config-review-sort-order = Review sort order
deck-config-review-sort-order-tooltip =
The default order prioritizes cards that have been waiting longest, so that
if you have a backlog of reviews, the longest-waiting ones will appear
first. If you have a large backlog that will take more than a few days to
clear, or wish to see cards in subdeck order, you may find the alternate
sort orders preferable.
deck-config-sort-order-due-date-then-random = Due date, then random
deck-config-sort-order-due-date-then-deck = Due date, then deck
deck-config-sort-order-deck-then-due-date = Deck, then due date
deck-config-sort-order-ascending-intervals = Ascending intervals
deck-config-sort-order-descending-intervals = Descending intervals
deck-config-sort-order-ascending-ease = Ascending ease
deck-config-sort-order-descending-ease = Descending ease
deck-config-sort-order-relative-overdueness = Relative overdueness
deck-config-display-order-will-use-current-deck =
Anki will use the display order from the deck you
select to study, and not any subdecks it may have.
## Timer section
deck-config-timer-title = Timer
deck-config-maximum-answer-secs = Maximum answer seconds
deck-config-maximum-answer-secs-tooltip =
The maximum number of seconds to record for a single review. If an answer
exceeds this time (because you stepped away from the screen for example),
the time taken will be recorded as the limit you have set.
deck-config-show-answer-timer-tooltip =
In the review screen, show a timer that counts the number of seconds you're
taking to review each card.
## Audio section
deck-config-audio-title = Audio
deck-config-disable-autoplay = Don't play audio automatically
deck-config-disable-autoplay-tooltip =
When enabled, Anki will not play audio automatically.
It can be played manually by clicking/tapping on an audio icon, or by using the replay audio action.
deck-config-skip-question-when-replaying = Skip question when replaying answer
deck-config-always-include-question-audio-tooltip =
Whether the question audio should be included when the Replay action is
used while looking at the answer side of a card.
## Advanced section
deck-config-advanced-title = Advanced
deck-config-maximum-interval-tooltip =
The maximum number of days a review card will wait. When reviews have
reached the limit, `Hard`, `Good` and `Easy` will all give the same delay.
The shorter you set this, the greater your workload will be.
deck-config-starting-ease-tooltip =
The ease multiplier new cards start with. By default, the `Good` button on a
newly-learned card will delay the next review by 2.5x the previous delay.
deck-config-easy-bonus-tooltip =
An extra multiplier that is applied to a review card's interval when you rate
it `Easy`.
deck-config-interval-modifier-tooltip =
This multiplier is applied to all reviews, and minor adjustments can be used
to make Anki more conservative or aggressive in its scheduling. Please see
the manual before changing this option.
deck-config-hard-interval-tooltip = The multiplier applied to a review interval when answering `Hard`.
deck-config-new-interval-tooltip = The multiplier applied to a review interval when answering `Again`.
deck-config-minimum-interval-tooltip = The minimum interval given to a review card after answering `Again`.
deck-config-custom-scheduling = Custom scheduling
deck-config-custom-scheduling-tooltip = Affects the entire collection. Use at your own risk!
## Adding/renaming
deck-config-add-group = Add Preset
deck-config-name-prompt = Name
deck-config-rename-group = Rename Preset
deck-config-clone-group = Clone Preset
## Removing
deck-config-remove-group = Remove Preset
deck-config-will-require-full-sync =
The requested change will require a one-way sync. If you have made changes
on another device, and not synced them to this device yet, please do so before
you proceed.
deck-config-confirm-remove-name = Remove { $name }?
## Other Buttons
deck-config-save-button = Save
deck-config-save-to-all-subdecks = Save to All Subdecks
deck-config-revert-button-tooltip = Restore this setting to its default value.
## These strings are shown via the Description button at the bottom of the
## overview screen.
deck-config-description-new-handling = Anki 2.1.41+ handling
deck-config-description-new-handling-hint =
Treats input as markdown, and cleans HTML input. When enabled, the
description will also be shown on the congratulations screen.
Markdown will appear as text on Anki 2.1.40 and below.
## Warnings shown to the user
deck-config-daily-limit-will-be-capped =
A parent deck has a limit of { $cards ->
[one] { $cards } card
*[other] { $cards } cards
}, which will override this limit.
deck-config-reviews-too-low =
If adding { $cards ->
[one] { $cards } new card each day
*[other] { $cards } new cards each day
}, your review limit should be at least { $expected }.
deck-config-learning-step-above-graduating-interval = The graduating interval should be at least as long as your final learning step.
deck-config-good-above-easy = The easy interval should be at least as long as the graduating interval.
deck-config-relearning-steps-above-minimum-interval = The minimum lapse interval should be at least as long as your final relearning step.
deck-config-maximum-answer-secs-above-recommended = Anki can schedule your reviews more efficiently when you keep each question short.
## Selecting a deck
deck-config-which-deck = Which deck would you like to display options for?
## Messages related to the FSRS scheduler
deck-config-updating-cards = Updating cards: { $current_cards_count }/{ $total_cards_count }...
deck-config-invalid-weights = Weights must be either left blank to use the defaults, or must be 17 comma-separated numbers.
deck-config-not-enough-history = Insufficient review history to perform this operation.
deck-config-limited-history =
{ $count ->
[one] Only { $count } review was found.
*[other] Only { $count } reviews were found.
} The custom weights are likely to be inaccurate, and using the defaults instead is recommended.
deck-config-compute-weights-search = Search; leave blank for all cards using this preset
# Numbers that control how aggressively the FSRS algorithm schedules cards
deck-config-weights = Model weights
deck-config-compute-optimal-weights = Compute optimal weights
deck-config-compute-optimal-retention = Compute optimal retention
deck-config-compute-button = Compute
deck-config-analyze-button = Analyze
deck-config-desired-retention = Desired retention
deck-config-smaller-is-better = Smaller numbers indicate better memory estimates.
deck-config-steps-too-large-for-fsrs = When FSRS is enabled, interday (re)learning steps are not recommended.
## NO NEED TO TRANSLATE. This text is no longer used by Anki, and will be removed in the future.
deck-config-bury-siblings = Bury siblings
deck-config-do-not-bury = Do not bury siblings
deck-config-bury-if-new = Bury if new
deck-config-bury-if-new-or-review = Bury if new or review
deck-config-bury-if-new-review-or-interday = Bury if new, review, or interday learning
deck-config-bury-tooltip =
Siblings are other cards from the same note (eg forward/reverse cards, or
other cloze deletions from the same text).
When this option is off, multiple cards from the same note may be seen on the same
day. When enabled, Anki will automatically *bury* siblings, hiding them until the next
day. This option allows you to choose which kinds of cards may be buried when you answer
one of their siblings.
When using the V3 scheduler, interday learning cards can also be buried. Interday
learning cards are cards with a current learning step of one or more days.