or they end up with an invalid status when unburied
1349 lines
46 KiB
1349 lines
46 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: Damien Elmes <>
# License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later;
import time, random, itertools
from operator import itemgetter
from heapq import *
#from import Card
from anki.utils import ids2str, intTime, fmtTimeSpan
from anki.lang import _
from anki.consts import *
from anki.hooks import runHook
# queue types: 0=new/cram, 1=lrn, 2=rev, 3=day lrn, -1=suspended, -2=buried
# revlog types: 0=lrn, 1=rev, 2=relrn, 3=cram
# positive revlog intervals are in days (rev), negative in seconds (lrn)
class Scheduler(object):
name = "std"
haveCustomStudy = True
_spreadRev = True
def __init__(self, col):
self.col = col
self.queueLimit = 50
self.reportLimit = 1000
self.reps = 0
self._haveQueues = False
def getCard(self):
"Pop the next card from the queue. None if finished."
if not self._haveQueues:
card = self._getCard()
if card:
self.reps += 1
return card
def reset(self):
deck = self.col.decks.current()
self._haveQueues = True
def answerCard(self, card, ease):
assert ease >= 1 and ease <= 4
card.reps += 1
# former is for logging new cards, latter also covers filt. decks
card.wasNew = card.type == 0
wasNewQ = card.queue == 0
if wasNewQ:
# came from the new queue, move to learning
card.queue = 1
# if it was a new card, it's now a learning card
if card.type == 0:
card.type = 1
# init reps to graduation
card.left = self._startingLeft(card)
# dynamic?
if card.odid and card.type == 2:
if self._resched(card):
# reviews get their ivl boosted on first sight
card.ivl = self._dynIvlBoost(card)
card.odue = + card.ivl
self._updateStats(card, 'new')
if card.queue in (1, 3):
self._answerLrnCard(card, ease)
if not wasNewQ:
self._updateStats(card, 'lrn')
elif card.queue == 2:
self._answerRevCard(card, ease)
self._updateStats(card, 'rev')
raise Exception("Invalid queue")
self._updateStats(card, 'time', card.timeTaken())
card.mod = intTime()
card.usn = self.col.usn()
def counts(self, card=None):
counts = [self.newCount, self.lrnCount, self.revCount]
if card:
idx = self.countIdx(card)
if idx == 1:
counts[1] += card.left/1000
counts[idx] += 1
return tuple(counts)
def dueForecast(self, days=7):
"Return counts over next DAYS. Includes today."
daysd = dict(self.col.db.all("""
select due, count() from cards
where did in %s and queue = 2
and due between ? and ?
group by due
order by due""" % self._deckLimit(),
for d in range(days):
d =
if d not in daysd:
daysd[d] = 0
# return in sorted order
ret = [x[1] for x in sorted(daysd.items())]
return ret
def countIdx(self, card):
if card.queue == 3:
return 1
return card.queue
def answerButtons(self, card):
if card.odue:
# normal review in dyn deck?
if card.odid and card.queue == 2:
return 4
conf = self._lapseConf(card)
if card.type == 0 or len(conf['delays']) > 1:
return 3
return 2
elif card.queue == 2:
return 4
return 3
def unburyCards(self):
"Unbury cards when closing."
mod = self.col.db.mod
"update cards set queue = type where queue = -2")
self.col.db.mod = mod
# Rev/lrn/time daily stats
def _updateStats(self, card, type, cnt=1):
key = type+"Today"
for g in ([self.col.decks.get(card.did)] +
# add
g[key][1] += cnt
def extendLimits(self, new, rev):
cur = self.col.decks.current()
parents = self.col.decks.parents(cur['id'])
children = [self.col.decks.get(did) for (name, did) in
for g in [cur] + parents + children:
# add
g['newToday'][1] -= new
g['revToday'][1] -= rev
def _walkingCount(self, limFn=None, cntFn=None):
tot = 0
pcounts = {}
# for each of the active decks
for did in
# early alphas were setting the active ids as a str
did = int(did)
# get the individual deck's limit
lim = limFn(self.col.decks.get(did))
if not lim:
# check the parents
parents = self.col.decks.parents(did)
for p in parents:
# add if missing
if p['id'] not in pcounts:
pcounts[p['id']] = limFn(p)
# take minimum of child and parent
lim = min(pcounts[p['id']], lim)
# see how many cards we actually have
cnt = cntFn(did, lim)
# if non-zero, decrement from parent counts
for p in parents:
pcounts[p['id']] -= cnt
# we may also be a parent
pcounts[did] = lim - cnt
# and add to running total
tot += cnt
return tot
# Deck list
def deckDueList(self):
"Returns [deckname, did, rev, lrn, new]"
decks = self.col.decks.all()
lims = {}
data = []
def parent(name):
parts = name.split("::")
if len(parts) < 2:
return None
parts = parts[:-1]
return "::".join(parts)
for deck in decks:
# if we've already seen the exact same deck name, remove the
# invalid duplicate and reload
if deck['name'] in lims:
self.col.decks.rem(deck['id'], cardsToo=False, childrenToo=True)
return self.deckDueList()
p = parent(deck['name'])
# new
nlim = self._deckNewLimitSingle(deck)
if p:
if p not in lims:
# if parent was missing, this deck is invalid, and we
# need to reload the deck list
self.col.decks.rem(deck['id'], cardsToo=False, childrenToo=True)
return self.deckDueList()
nlim = min(nlim, lims[p][0])
new = self._newForDeck(deck['id'], nlim)
# learning
lrn = self._lrnForDeck(deck['id'])
# reviews
rlim = self._deckRevLimitSingle(deck)
if p:
rlim = min(rlim, lims[p][1])
rev = self._revForDeck(deck['id'], rlim)
# save to list
data.append([deck['name'], deck['id'], rev, lrn, new])
# add deck as a parent
lims[deck['name']] = [nlim, rlim]
return data
def deckDueTree(self):
return self._groupChildren(self.deckDueList())
def _groupChildren(self, grps):
# first, split the group names into components
for g in grps:
g[0] = g[0].split("::")
# and sort based on those components
# then run main function
return self._groupChildrenMain(grps)
def _groupChildrenMain(self, grps):
tree = []
# group and recurse
def key(grp):
return grp[0][0]
for (head, tail) in itertools.groupby(grps, key=key):
tail = list(tail)
did = None
rev = 0
new = 0
lrn = 0
children = []
for c in tail:
if len(c[0]) == 1:
# current node
did = c[1]
rev += c[2]
lrn += c[3]
new += c[4]
# set new string to tail
c[0] = c[0][1:]
children = self._groupChildrenMain(children)
# tally up children counts
for ch in children:
rev += ch[2]
lrn += ch[3]
new += ch[4]
# limit the counts to the deck's limits
conf = self.col.decks.confForDid(did)
deck = self.col.decks.get(did)
if not conf['dyn']:
rev = max(0, min(rev, conf['rev']['perDay']-deck['revToday'][1]))
new = max(0, min(new, conf['new']['perDay']-deck['newToday'][1]))
tree.append((head, did, rev, lrn, new, children))
return tuple(tree)
# Getting the next card
def _getCard(self):
"Return the next due card id, or None."
# learning card due?
c = self._getLrnCard()
if c:
return c
# new first, or time for one?
if self._timeForNewCard():
return self._getNewCard()
# card due for review?
c = self._getRevCard()
if c:
return c
# day learning card due?
c = self._getLrnDayCard()
if c:
return c
# new cards left?
c = self._getNewCard()
if c:
return c
# collapse or finish
return self._getLrnCard(collapse=True)
# New cards
def _resetNewCount(self):
cntFn = lambda did, lim: self.col.db.scalar("""
select count() from (select 1 from cards where
did = ? and queue = 0 limit ?)""", did, lim)
self.newCount = self._walkingCount(self._deckNewLimitSingle, cntFn)
def _resetNew(self):
self._newDids =[:]
self._newQueue = []
def _fillNew(self):
if self._newQueue:
return True
if not self.newCount:
return False
while self._newDids:
did = self._newDids[0]
lim = min(self.queueLimit, self._deckNewLimit(did))
if lim:
# fill the queue with the current did
self._newQueue = self.col.db.all("""
select id, due from cards where did = ? and queue = 0 limit ?""", did, lim)
if self._newQueue:
return True
# nothing left in the deck; move to next
def _getNewCard(self):
if not self._fillNew():
(id, due) = self._newQueue.pop()
# move any siblings to the end?
conf = self.col.decks.confForDid(self._newDids[0])
if conf['dyn'] or conf['new']['separate']:
n = len(self._newQueue)
while self._newQueue and self._newQueue[-1][1] == due:
self._newQueue.insert(0, self._newQueue.pop())
n -= 1
if not n:
# we only have one note in the queue; stop rotating
self.newCount -= 1
return self.col.getCard(id)
def _updateNewCardRatio(self):
if self.col.conf['newSpread'] == NEW_CARDS_DISTRIBUTE:
if self.newCount:
self.newCardModulus = (
(self.newCount + self.revCount) / self.newCount)
# if there are cards to review, ensure modulo >= 2
if self.revCount:
self.newCardModulus = max(2, self.newCardModulus)
self.newCardModulus = 0
def _timeForNewCard(self):
"True if it's time to display a new card when distributing."
if not self.newCount:
return False
if self.col.conf['newSpread'] == NEW_CARDS_LAST:
return False
elif self.col.conf['newSpread'] == NEW_CARDS_FIRST:
return True
elif self.newCardModulus:
return self.reps and self.reps % self.newCardModulus == 0
def _deckNewLimit(self, did, fn=None):
if not fn:
fn = self._deckNewLimitSingle
sel = self.col.decks.get(did)
lim = -1
# for the deck and each of its parents
for g in [sel] + self.col.decks.parents(did):
rem = fn(g)
if lim == -1:
lim = rem
lim = min(rem, lim)
return lim
def _newForDeck(self, did, lim):
"New count for a single deck."
if not lim:
return 0
lim = min(lim, self.reportLimit)
return self.col.db.scalar("""
select count() from
(select 1 from cards where did = ? and queue = 0 limit ?)""", did, lim)
def _deckNewLimitSingle(self, g):
"Limit for deck without parent limits."
if g['dyn']:
return self.reportLimit
c = self.col.decks.confForDid(g['id'])
return max(0, c['new']['perDay'] - g['newToday'][1])
def totalNewForCurrentDeck(self):
return self.col.db.scalar(
select count() from cards where id in (
select id from cards where did in %s and queue = 0 limit ?)"""
% ids2str(, self.reportLimit)
# Learning queues
def _resetLrnCount(self):
# sub-day
self.lrnCount = self.col.db.scalar("""
select sum(left/1000) from (select left from cards where
did in %s and queue = 1 and due < ? limit %d)""" % (
self._deckLimit(), self.reportLimit),
self.dayCutoff) or 0
# day
self.lrnCount += self.col.db.scalar("""
select count() from cards where did in %s and queue = 3
and due <= ? limit %d""" % (self._deckLimit(), self.reportLimit),
def _resetLrn(self):
self._lrnQueue = []
self._lrnDayQueue = []
self._lrnDids =[:]
# sub-day learning
def _fillLrn(self):
if not self.lrnCount:
return False
if self._lrnQueue:
return True
self._lrnQueue = self.col.db.all("""
select due, id from cards where
did in %s and queue = 1 and due < :lim
limit %d""" % (self._deckLimit(), self.reportLimit), lim=self.dayCutoff)
# as it arrives sorted by did first, we need to sort it
return self._lrnQueue
def _getLrnCard(self, collapse=False):
if self._fillLrn():
cutoff = time.time()
if collapse:
cutoff += self.col.conf['collapseTime']
if self._lrnQueue[0][0] < cutoff:
id = heappop(self._lrnQueue)[1]
card = self.col.getCard(id)
self.lrnCount -= card.left/1000
return card
# daily learning
def _fillLrnDay(self):
if not self.lrnCount:
return False
if self._lrnDayQueue:
return True
while self._lrnDids:
did = self._lrnDids[0]
# fill the queue with the current did
self._lrnDayQueue = self.col.db.list("""
select id from cards where
did = ? and queue = 3 and due <= ? limit ?""",
did,, self.queueLimit)
if self._lrnDayQueue:
# order
r = random.Random()
# is the current did empty?
if len(self._lrnDayQueue) < self.queueLimit:
return True
# nothing left in the deck; move to next
def _getLrnDayCard(self):
if self._fillLrnDay():
self.lrnCount -= 1
return self.col.getCard(self._lrnDayQueue.pop())
def _answerLrnCard(self, card, ease):
# ease 1=no, 2=yes, 3=remove
conf = self._lrnConf(card)
if card.odid and not card.wasNew:
type = 3
elif card.type == 2:
type = 2
type = 0
leaving = False
# lrnCount was decremented once when card was fetched
lastLeft = card.left
# immediate graduate?
if ease == 3:
self._rescheduleAsRev(card, conf, True)
leaving = True
# graduation time?
elif ease == 2 and (card.left%1000)-1 <= 0:
self._rescheduleAsRev(card, conf, False)
leaving = True
# one step towards graduation
if ease == 2:
# decrement real left count and recalculate left today
left = (card.left % 1000) - 1
card.left = self._leftToday(conf['delays'], left)*1000 + left
# failed
card.left = self._startingLeft(card)
resched = self._resched(card)
if 'mult' in conf and resched:
# review that's lapsed
card.ivl = max(1, card.ivl*conf['mult'])
# new card; no ivl adjustment
if resched and card.odid:
card.odue = + 1
delay = self._delayForGrade(conf, card.left)
if card.due < time.time():
# not collapsed; add some randomness
delay *= random.uniform(1, 1.25)
card.due = int(time.time() + delay)
# due today?
if card.due < self.dayCutoff:
self.lrnCount += card.left/1000
# if the queue is not empty and there's nothing else to do, make
# sure we don't put it at the head of the queue and end up showing
# it twice in a row
card.queue = 1
if self._lrnQueue and not self.revCount and not self.newCount:
smallestDue = self._lrnQueue[0][0]
card.due = max(card.due, smallestDue+1)
heappush(self._lrnQueue, (card.due,
# the card is due in one or more days, so we need to use the
# day learn queue
ahead = ((card.due - self.dayCutoff) / 86400) + 1
card.due = + ahead
card.queue = 3
self._logLrn(card, ease, conf, leaving, type, lastLeft)
def _delayForGrade(self, conf, left):
left = left % 1000
delay = conf['delays'][-left]
except IndexError:
if conf['delays']:
delay = conf['delays'][0]
# user deleted final step; use dummy value
delay = 1
return delay*60
def _lrnConf(self, card):
if card.type == 2:
return self._lapseConf(card)
return self._newConf(card)
def _rescheduleAsRev(self, card, conf, early):
lapse = card.type == 2
if lapse:
if self._resched(card):
card.due = max(, card.odue)
card.due = card.odue
card.odue = 0
self._rescheduleNew(card, conf, early)
card.queue = 2
card.type = 2
# if we were dynamic, graduating means moving back to the old deck
resched = self._resched(card)
if card.odid:
card.did = card.odid
card.odue = 0
card.odid = 0
# if rescheduling is off, it needs to be set back to a new card
if not resched and not lapse:
card.queue = card.type = 0
card.due = self.col.nextID("pos")
def _startingLeft(self, card):
if card.type == 2:
conf = self._lapseConf(card)
conf = self._lrnConf(card)
tot = len(conf['delays'])
tod = self._leftToday(conf['delays'], tot)
return tot + tod*1000
def _leftToday(self, delays, left, now=None):
"The number of steps that can be completed by the day cutoff."
if not now:
now = intTime()
delays = delays[-left:]
ok = 0
for i in range(len(delays)):
now += delays[i]*60
if now > self.dayCutoff:
ok = i
return ok+1
def _graduatingIvl(self, card, conf, early, adj=True):
if card.type == 2:
# lapsed card being relearnt
if card.odid:
if conf['resched']:
return self._dynIvlBoost(card)
return card.ivl
if not early:
# graduate
ideal = conf['ints'][0]
# early remove
ideal = conf['ints'][1]
if adj:
return self._adjRevIvl(card, ideal)
return ideal
def _rescheduleNew(self, card, conf, early):
"Reschedule a new card that's graduated for the first time."
card.ivl = self._graduatingIvl(card, conf, early)
card.due =
card.factor = conf['initialFactor']
def _logLrn(self, card, ease, conf, leaving, type, lastLeft):
lastIvl = -(self._delayForGrade(conf, lastLeft))
ivl = card.ivl if leaving else -(self._delayForGrade(conf, card.left))
def log():
"insert into revlog values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
int(time.time()*1000),, self.col.usn(), ease,
ivl, lastIvl, card.factor, card.timeTaken(), type)
# duplicate pk; retry in 10ms
def removeLrn(self, ids=None):
"Remove cards from the learning queues."
if ids:
extra = " and id in "+ids2str(ids)
# benchmarks indicate it's about 10x faster to search all decks
# with the index than scan the table
extra = " and did in "+ids2str(self.col.decks.allIds())
# review cards in relearning
update cards set
due = odue, queue = 2, mod = %d, usn = %d, odue = 0
where queue in (1,3) and type = 2
""" % (intTime(), self.col.usn(), extra))
# new cards in learning
"select id from cards where queue in (1,3) %s" % extra))
def _lrnForDeck(self, did):
cnt = self.col.db.scalar(
select sum(left/1000) from
(select left from cards where did = ? and queue = 1 and due < ? limit ?)""",
did, intTime() + self.col.conf['collapseTime'], self.reportLimit) or 0
return cnt + self.col.db.scalar(
select count() from
(select 1 from cards where did = ? and queue = 3
and due <= ? limit ?)""",
did,, self.reportLimit)
# Reviews
def _deckRevLimit(self, did):
return self._deckNewLimit(did, self._deckRevLimitSingle)
def _deckRevLimitSingle(self, d):
if d['dyn']:
return self.reportLimit
c = self.col.decks.confForDid(d['id'])
return max(0, c['rev']['perDay'] - d['revToday'][1])
def _revForDeck(self, did, lim):
lim = min(lim, self.reportLimit)
return self.col.db.scalar(
select count() from
(select 1 from cards where did = ? and queue = 2
and due <= ? limit ?)""",
did,, lim)
def _resetRevCount(self):
def cntFn(did, lim):
return self.col.db.scalar("""
select count() from (select id from cards where
did = ? and queue = 2 and due <= ? limit %d)""" % lim,
self.revCount = self._walkingCount(
self._deckRevLimitSingle, cntFn)
def _resetRev(self):
self._revQueue = []
self._revDids =[:]
def _fillRev(self):
if self._revQueue:
return True
if not self.revCount:
return False
while self._revDids:
did = self._revDids[0]
lim = min(self.queueLimit, self._deckRevLimit(did))
if lim:
# fill the queue with the current did
self._revQueue = self.col.db.list("""
select id from cards where
did = ? and queue = 2 and due <= ? limit ?""",
did,, lim)
if self._revQueue:
# ordering
if self.col.decks.get(did)['dyn']:
# dynamic decks need due order preserved
# random order for regular reviews
r = random.Random()
# is the current did empty?
if len(self._revQueue) < lim:
return True
# nothing left in the deck; move to next
def _getRevCard(self):
if self._fillRev():
self.revCount -= 1
return self.col.getCard(self._revQueue.pop())
def totalRevForCurrentDeck(self):
return self.col.db.scalar(
select count() from cards where id in (
select id from cards where did in %s and queue = 2 and due <= ? limit ?)"""
% ids2str(,, self.reportLimit)
# Answering a review card
def _answerRevCard(self, card, ease):
delay = 0
if ease == 1:
delay = self._rescheduleLapse(card)
self._rescheduleRev(card, ease)
self._logRev(card, ease, delay)
def _rescheduleLapse(self, card):
conf = self._lapseConf(card)
card.lastIvl = card.ivl
if self._resched(card):
card.lapses += 1
card.ivl = self._nextLapseIvl(card, conf)
card.factor = max(1300, card.factor-200)
card.due = + card.ivl
# if it's a filtered deck, update odue as well
if card.odid:
card.odue = card.due
# if suspended as a leech, nothing to do
delay = 0
if self._checkLeech(card, conf) and card.queue == -1:
return delay
# if no relearning steps, nothing to do
if not conf['delays']:
return delay
# record rev due date for later
if not card.odue:
card.odue = card.due
delay = self._delayForGrade(conf, 0)
card.due = int(delay + time.time())
card.left = self._startingLeft(card)
# queue 1
if card.due < self.dayCutoff:
self.lrnCount += card.left/1000
card.queue = 1
heappush(self._lrnQueue, (card.due,
# day learn queue
ahead = ((card.due - self.dayCutoff) / 86400) + 1
card.due = + ahead
card.queue = 3
return delay
def _nextLapseIvl(self, card, conf):
return max(conf['minInt'], int(card.ivl*conf['mult']))
def _rescheduleRev(self, card, ease):
# update interval
card.lastIvl = card.ivl
if self._resched(card):
self._updateRevIvl(card, ease)
# then the rest
card.factor = max(1300, card.factor+[-150, 0, 150][ease-2])
card.due = + card.ivl
card.due = card.odue
if card.odid:
card.did = card.odid
card.odid = 0
card.odue = 0
def _logRev(self, card, ease, delay):
def log():
"insert into revlog values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
int(time.time()*1000),, self.col.usn(), ease,
-delay or card.ivl, card.lastIvl, card.factor, card.timeTaken(),
# duplicate pk; retry in 10ms
# Interval management
def _nextRevIvl(self, card, ease):
"Ideal next interval for CARD, given EASE."
delay = self._daysLate(card)
conf = self._revConf(card)
fct = card.factor / 1000.0
ivl2 = self._constrainedIvl((card.ivl + delay/4) * 1.2, conf, card.ivl)
ivl3 = self._constrainedIvl((card.ivl + delay/2) * fct, conf, ivl2)
ivl4 = self._constrainedIvl(
(card.ivl + delay) * fct * conf['ease4'], conf, ivl3)
if ease == 2:
interval = ivl2
elif ease == 3:
interval = ivl3
elif ease == 4:
interval = ivl4
# interval capped?
return min(interval, conf['maxIvl'])
def _fuzzedIvl(self, ivl):
min, max = self._fuzzIvlRange(ivl)
return random.randint(min, max)
def _fuzzIvlRange(self, ivl):
if ivl < 2:
return [1, 1]
elif ivl == 2:
return [2, 3]
elif ivl < 7:
fuzz = int(ivl*0.25)
elif ivl < 30:
fuzz = max(2, int(ivl*0.15))
fuzz = max(4, int(ivl*0.05))
# fuzz at least a day
fuzz = max(fuzz, 1)
return [ivl-fuzz, ivl+fuzz]
def _constrainedIvl(self, ivl, conf, prev):
"Integer interval after interval factor and prev+1 constraints applied."
new = ivl * conf.get('ivlFct', 1)
return int(max(new, prev+1))
def _daysLate(self, card):
"Number of days later than scheduled."
due = card.odue if card.odid else card.due
return max(0, - due)
def _updateRevIvl(self, card, ease):
"Update CARD's interval, trying to avoid siblings."
idealIvl = self._nextRevIvl(card, ease)
card.ivl = self._adjRevIvl(card, idealIvl)
def _adjRevIvl(self, card, idealIvl):
"Given IDEALIVL, return an IVL away from siblings."
if self._spreadRev:
idealIvl = self._fuzzedIvl(idealIvl)
idealDue = + idealIvl
conf = self._revConf(card)
# find sibling positions
dues = self.col.db.list(
"select due from cards where nid = ? and type = 2"
" and id != ?", card.nid,
if not dues or idealDue not in dues:
return idealIvl
leeway = max(conf['minSpace'], int(idealIvl * conf['fuzz']))
fudge = 0
# do we have any room to adjust the interval?
if leeway:
# loop through possible due dates for an empty one
for diff in range(1, leeway+1):
# ensure we're due at least tomorrow
if idealIvl - diff >= 1 and (idealDue - diff) not in dues:
fudge = -diff
elif (idealDue + diff) not in dues:
fudge = diff
return idealIvl + fudge
# Dynamic deck handling
def rebuildDyn(self, did=None):
"Rebuild a dynamic deck."
did = did or self.col.decks.selected()
deck = self.col.decks.get(did)
assert deck['dyn']
# move any existing cards back first, then fill
ids = self._fillDyn(deck)
if not ids:
# and change to our new deck
return ids
def _fillDyn(self, deck):
search, limit, order = deck['terms'][0]
orderlimit = self._dynOrder(order, limit)
search += " -is:suspended -deck:filtered"
ids = self.col.findCards(search, order=orderlimit)
ids = []
return ids
# move the cards over
self._moveToDyn(deck['id'], ids)
return ids
def emptyDyn(self, did, lim=None):
if not lim:
lim = "did = %s" % did
# move out of cram queue
update cards set did = odid, queue = (case when type = 1 then 0
else type end), type = (case when type = 1 then 0 else type end),
due = odue, odue = 0, odid = 0, usn = ?, mod = ? where %s""" % lim,
self.col.usn(), intTime())
def remFromDyn(self, cids):
self.emptyDyn(None, "id in %s and odid" % ids2str(cids))
def _dynOrder(self, o, l):
if o == DYN_OLDEST:
t = "c.mod"
elif o == DYN_RANDOM:
t = "random()"
elif o == DYN_SMALLINT:
t = "ivl"
elif o == DYN_BIGINT:
t = "ivl desc"
elif o == DYN_LAPSES:
t = "lapses desc"
elif o == DYN_ADDED:
t = ""
elif o == DYN_REVADDED:
t = " desc"
elif o == DYN_DUE:
t = "c.due"
# if we don't understand the term, default to due order
t = "c.due"
return t + " limit %d" % l
def _moveToDyn(self, did, ids):
deck = self.col.decks.get(did)
data = []
t = intTime(); u = self.col.usn()
for c, id in enumerate(ids):
# start at -100000 so that reviews are all due
data.append((did, -100000+c, t, u, id))
# due reviews stay in the review queue. careful: can't use
# "odid or did", as sqlite converts to boolean
queue = """
(case when type=2 and (case when odue then odue <= %d else due <= %d end)
then 2 else 0 end)"""
queue %= (,
update cards set
odid = (case when odid then odid else did end),
odue = (case when odue then odue else due end),
did = ?, queue = %s, due = ?, mod = ?, usn = ? where id = ?""" % queue, data)
def _dynIvlBoost(self, card):
assert card.odid and card.type == 2
assert card.factor
elapsed = card.ivl - (card.odue -
factor = ((card.factor/1000.0)+1.2)/2.0
ivl = int(max(card.ivl, elapsed * factor, 1))
conf = self._revConf(card)
return min(conf['maxIvl'], ivl)
# Leeches
def _checkLeech(self, card, conf):
"Leech handler. True if card was a leech."
lf = conf['leechFails']
if not lf:
# if over threshold or every half threshold reps after that
if (card.lapses >= lf and
(card.lapses-lf) % (max(lf/2, 1)) == 0):
# add a leech tag
f = card.note()
# handle
a = conf['leechAction']
if a == 0:
# if it has an old due, remove it from cram/relearning
if card.odue:
card.due = card.odue
if card.odid:
card.did = card.odid
card.odue = card.odid = 0
card.queue = -1
# notify UI
runHook("leech", card)
return True
# Tools
def _cardConf(self, card):
return self.col.decks.confForDid(card.did)
def _newConf(self, card):
conf = self._cardConf(card)
# normal deck
if not card.odid:
return conf['new']
# dynamic deck; override some attributes, use original deck for others
oconf = self.col.decks.confForDid(card.odid)
delays = conf['delays'] or oconf['new']['delays']
return dict(
# original deck
# overrides
def _lapseConf(self, card):
conf = self._cardConf(card)
# normal deck
if not card.odid:
return conf['lapse']
# dynamic deck; override some attributes, use original deck for others
oconf = self.col.decks.confForDid(card.odid)
delays = conf['delays'] or oconf['lapse']['delays']
return dict(
# original deck
# overrides
def _revConf(self, card):
conf = self._cardConf(card)
# normal deck
if not card.odid:
return conf['rev']
# dynamic deck
return self.col.decks.confForDid(card.odid)['rev']
def _deckLimit(self):
return ids2str(
def _resched(self, card):
conf = self._cardConf(card)
if not conf['dyn']:
return True
return conf['resched']
# Daily cutoff
def _updateCutoff(self):
# days since col created
| = int((time.time() - self.col.crt) / 86400)
# end of day cutoff
self.dayCutoff = self.col.crt + (*86400
# update all daily counts, but don't save decks to prevent needless
# conflicts. we'll save on card answer instead
def update(g):
for t in "new", "rev", "lrn", "time":
key = t+"Today"
if g[key][0] !=
g[key] = [, 0]
for deck in self.col.decks.all():
def _checkDay(self):
# check if the day has rolled over
if time.time() > self.dayCutoff:
# Deck finished state
def finishedMsg(self):
return ("<b>"+_(
"Congratulations! You have finished this deck for now.")+
"</b><br><br>" + self._nextDueMsg())
def _nextDueMsg(self):
line = []
if self.revDue():
Today's review limit has been reached, but there are still cards
waiting to be reviewed. For optimum memory, consider increasing
the daily limit in the options."""))
if self.newDue():
There are more new cards available, but the daily limit has been
reached. You can increase the limit in the options, but please
bear in mind that the more new cards you introduce, the higher
your short-term review workload will become."""))
if self.haveCustomStudy and not self.col.decks.current()['dyn']:
To study outside of the normal schedule, click the Custom Study button below."""))
return "<p>".join(line)
def revDue(self):
"True if there are any rev cards due."
return self.col.db.scalar(
("select 1 from cards where did in %s and queue = 2 "
"and due <= ? limit 1") % self._deckLimit(),
def newDue(self):
"True if there are any new cards due."
return self.col.db.scalar(
("select 1 from cards where did in %s and queue = 0 "
"limit 1") % self._deckLimit())
# Next time reports
def nextIvlStr(self, card, ease, short=False):
"Return the next interval for CARD as a string."
ivl = self.nextIvl(card, ease)
if not ivl:
return ""
s = fmtTimeSpan(ivl, short=short)
if ivl < self.col.conf['collapseTime']:
s = "<"+s
return s
def nextIvl(self, card, ease):
"Return the next interval for CARD, in seconds."
if card.queue in (0,1,3):
return self._nextLrnIvl(card, ease)
elif ease == 1:
# lapsed
conf = self._lapseConf(card)
if conf['delays']:
return conf['delays'][0]*60
return self._nextLapseIvl(card, conf)*86400
# review
return self._nextRevIvl(card, ease)*86400
# this isn't easily extracted from the learn code
def _nextLrnIvl(self, card, ease):
if card.queue == 0:
card.left = self._startingLeft(card)
conf = self._lrnConf(card)
if ease == 1:
# fail
return self._delayForGrade(conf, len(conf['delays']))
elif ease == 3:
# early removal
if not self._resched(card):
return 0
return self._graduatingIvl(card, conf, True, adj=False) * 86400
left = card.left%1000 - 1
if left <= 0:
# graduate
if not self._resched(card):
return 0
return self._graduatingIvl(card, conf, False, adj=False) * 86400
return self._delayForGrade(conf, left)
# Suspending
def suspendCards(self, ids):
"Suspend cards."
"update cards set queue=-1,mod=?,usn=? where id in "+
ids2str(ids), intTime(), self.col.usn())
def unsuspendCards(self, ids):
"Unsuspend cards."
"update cards set queue=type,mod=?,usn=? "
"where queue = -1 and id in "+ ids2str(ids),
intTime(), self.col.usn())
def buryNote(self, nid):
"Bury all cards for note until next session."
cids = self.col.db.list(
"select id from cards where nid = ? and queue >= 0", nid)
self.col.db.execute("update cards set queue = -2 where id in "+ids2str(cids))
# Resetting
def forgetCards(self, ids):
"Put cards at the end of the new queue."
"update cards set type=0,queue=0,ivl=0,factor=? where id in "+
ids2str(ids), 2500)
pmax = self.col.db.scalar(
"select max(due) from cards where type=0") or 0
# takes care of mod + usn
self.sortCards(ids, start=pmax+1)
def reschedCards(self, ids, imin, imax):
"Put cards in review queue with a new interval in days (min, max)."
d = []
t =
mod = intTime()
for id in ids:
r = random.randint(imin, imax)
d.append(dict(id=id, due=r+t, ivl=max(1, r), mod=mod,
usn=self.col.usn(), fact=2500))
update cards set type=2,queue=2,ivl=:ivl,due=:due,
usn=:usn, mod=:mod, factor=:fact where id=:id and odid=0""",
def resetCards(self, ids):
"Completely reset cards for export."
"update cards set reps=0, lapses=0 where id in " + ids2str(ids))
# Repositioning new cards
def sortCards(self, cids, start=1, step=1, shuffle=False, shift=False):
scids = ids2str(cids)
now = intTime()
nids = []
nidsSet = set()
for id in cids:
nid = self.col.db.scalar("select nid from cards where id = ?", id)
if nid not in nidsSet:
if not nids:
# no new cards
# determine nid ordering
due = {}
if shuffle:
for c, nid in enumerate(nids):
due[nid] = start+c*step
high = start+c*step
# shift?
if shift:
low = self.col.db.scalar(
"select min(due) from cards where due >= ? and type = 0 "
"and id not in %s" % scids,
if low is not None:
shiftby = high - low + 1
update cards set mod=?, usn=?, due=due+? where id not in %s
and due >= ? and queue = 0""" % scids, now, self.col.usn(), shiftby, low)
# reorder cards
d = []
for id, nid in self.col.db.execute(
"select id, nid from cards where type = 0 and id in "+scids):
d.append(dict(now=now, due=due[nid], usn=self.col.usn(), cid=id))
"update cards set due=:due,mod=:now,usn=:usn where id = :cid", d)
def randomizeCards(self, did):
cids = self.col.db.list("select id from cards where did = ?", did)
self.sortCards(cids, shuffle=True)
def orderCards(self, did):
cids = self.col.db.list("select id from cards where did = ? order by id", did)
def resortConf(self, conf):
for did in self.col.decks.didsForConf(conf):
if conf['new']['order'] == 0: