In order to split backend.proto into a more manageable size, the protobuf handling needed to be updated. This took more time than I would have liked, as each language handles protobuf differently: - The Python Protobuf code ignores "package" directives, and relies solely on how the files are laid out on disk. While it would have been nice to keep the generated files in a private subpackage, Protobuf gets confused if the files are located in a location that does not match their original .proto layout, so the old approach of storing them in _backend/ will not work. They now clutter up pylib/anki instead. I'm rather annoyed by that, but alternatives seem to be having to add an extra level to the Protobuf path, making the other languages suffer, or trying to hack around the issue by munging sys.modules. - Protobufjs fails to expose packages if they don't start with a capital letter, despite the fact that lowercase packages are the norm in most languages :-( This required a patch to fix. - Rust was the easiest, as Prost is relatively straightforward compared to Google's tools. The Protobuf files are now stored in /proto/anki, with a separate package for each file. I've split backend.proto into a few files as a test, but the majority of that work is still to come. The Python Protobuf building is a bit of a hack at the moment, hard-coding "proto" as the top level folder, but it seems to get the job done for now. Also changed the workspace name, as there seems to be a number of Bazel repos moving away from the more awkward reverse DNS naming style.
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// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
/* eslint
@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: "off",
@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off",
import type { Backend } from "lib/proto";
import {
} from "d3";
import type { Bin } from "d3";
import { CardQueue } from "lib/cards";
import type { HistogramData } from "./histogram-graph";
import { dayLabel } from "lib/time";
import { GraphRange } from "./graph-helpers";
import type { TableDatum, SearchDispatch } from "./graph-helpers";
import * as tr from "lib/i18n";
export interface GraphData {
dueCounts: Map<number, number>;
haveBacklog: boolean;
export function gatherData(data: Backend.GraphsResponse): GraphData {
const isLearning = (card: Backend.Card): boolean =>
[CardQueue.Learn, CardQueue.PreviewRepeat].includes(card.queue);
let haveBacklog = false;
const due = (data.cards as Backend.Card[])
.filter((c: Backend.Card) => {
// reviews
return (
[CardQueue.Review, CardQueue.DayLearn].includes(c.queue) ||
// or learning cards
.map((c: Backend.Card) => {
let dueDay: number;
if (isLearning(c)) {
const offset = c.due - data.nextDayAtSecs;
dueDay = Math.floor(offset / 86_400) + 1;
} else {
// - testing just odue fails on day 1
// - testing just odid fails on lapsed cards that
// have due calculated at regraduation time
const due = c.originalDeckId && c.originalDue ? c.originalDue : c.due;
dueDay = due - data.daysElapsed;
haveBacklog = haveBacklog || dueDay < 0;
return dueDay;
const dueCounts = rollup(
(v) => v.length,
(d) => d
return { dueCounts, haveBacklog };
function binValue(d: Bin<Map<number, number>, number>): number {
return sum(d, (d) => d[1]);
export interface FutureDueResponse {
histogramData: HistogramData | null;
tableData: TableDatum[];
function makeQuery(start: number, end: number): string {
if (start === end) {
return `"prop:due=${start}"`;
} else {
const fromQuery = `"prop:due>=${start}"`;
const tillQuery = `"prop:due<=${end}"`;
return `${fromQuery} AND ${tillQuery}`;
export function buildHistogram(
sourceData: GraphData,
range: GraphRange,
backlog: boolean,
dispatch: SearchDispatch,
browserLinksSupported: boolean
): FutureDueResponse {
const output = { histogramData: null, tableData: [] };
// get min/max
const data = sourceData.dueCounts;
if (!data) {
return output;
const [xMinOrig, origXMax] = extent<number>(data.keys());
let xMin = xMinOrig;
if (!backlog) {
xMin = 0;
let xMax = origXMax;
// cap max to selected range
switch (range) {
case GraphRange.Month:
xMax = 31;
case GraphRange.ThreeMonths:
xMax = 90;
case GraphRange.Year:
xMax = 365;
case GraphRange.AllTime:
// cap bars to available range
const desiredBars = Math.min(70, xMax! - xMin!);
const x = scaleLinear().domain([xMin!, xMax!]);
const bins = histogram()
.value((m) => {
return m[0];
.domain(x.domain() as any)
.thresholds(x.ticks(desiredBars))(data.entries() as any);
// empty graph?
if (!sum(bins, (bin) => bin.length)) {
return output;
const adjustedRange = scaleLinear().range([0.7, 0.3]);
const colourScale = scaleSequential((n) =>
).domain([xMin!, xMax!]);
const total = sum(bins as any, binValue);
function hoverText(
bin: Bin<number, number>,
cumulative: number,
_percent: number
): string {
const days = dayLabel(bin.x0!, bin.x1!);
const cards = tr.statisticsCardsDue({
cards: binValue(bin as any),
const totalLabel = tr.statisticsRunningTotal();
return `${days}:<br>${cards}<br>${totalLabel}: ${cumulative}`;
function onClick(bin: Bin<number, number>): void {
const start = bin.x0!;
const end = bin.x1! - 1;
const query = makeQuery(start, end);
dispatch("search", { query });
const periodDays = xMax! - xMin!;
const tableData = [
label: tr.statisticsTotal(),
value: tr.statisticsReviews({ reviews: total }),
label: tr.statisticsAverage(),
value: tr.statisticsReviewsPerDay({
count: Math.round(total / periodDays),
label: tr.statisticsDueTomorrow(),
value: tr.statisticsReviews({
reviews: sourceData.dueCounts.get(1) ?? 0,
return {
histogramData: {
scale: x,
onClick: browserLinksSupported ? onClick : null,
showArea: true,