* Relax chrono specification for AnkiDroid
* Add AnkiDroid service and AnkiDroid customizations
Most of the work here was done by David in the Backend repo; integrating
it into this repo for ease of future maintenance.
Based on 5d9f262f4c
with some tweaks:
- Protobuf imports have been fixed to match the recent refactor
- FatalError has been renamed to AnkidroidPanicError
- Tweaks to the desktop code to deal with the extra arg to open_collection,
and exclude AnkiDroid service methods from our Python code.
* Refactor AnkiDroid's DB code to avoid uses of unsafe
134 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
134 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
package anki.collection;
import "anki/generic.proto";
service CollectionService {
rpc OpenCollection(OpenCollectionRequest) returns (generic.Empty);
rpc CloseCollection(CloseCollectionRequest) returns (generic.Empty);
rpc CheckDatabase(generic.Empty) returns (CheckDatabaseResponse);
rpc GetUndoStatus(generic.Empty) returns (UndoStatus);
rpc Undo(generic.Empty) returns (OpChangesAfterUndo);
rpc Redo(generic.Empty) returns (OpChangesAfterUndo);
rpc AddCustomUndoEntry(generic.String) returns (generic.UInt32);
rpc MergeUndoEntries(generic.UInt32) returns (OpChanges);
rpc LatestProgress(generic.Empty) returns (Progress);
rpc SetWantsAbort(generic.Empty) returns (generic.Empty);
// Create a no-media backup. Caller must ensure there is no active
// transaction. Unlike a collection export, does not require reopening the DB,
// as there is no downgrade step.
// Returns false if it's not time to make a backup yet.
rpc CreateBackup(CreateBackupRequest) returns (generic.Bool);
// If a backup is running, wait for it to complete. Will return an error
// if the backup encountered an error.
rpc AwaitBackupCompletion(generic.Empty) returns (generic.Empty);
message OpenCollectionRequest {
string collection_path = 1;
string media_folder_path = 2;
string media_db_path = 3;
// temporary option for AnkiDroid
bool force_schema11 = 99;
message CloseCollectionRequest {
bool downgrade_to_schema11 = 1;
message CheckDatabaseResponse {
repeated string problems = 1;
message OpChanges {
bool card = 1;
bool note = 2;
bool deck = 3;
bool tag = 4;
bool notetype = 5;
bool config = 6;
bool deck_config = 11;
bool mtime = 12;
bool browser_table = 7;
bool browser_sidebar = 8;
// editor and displayed card in review screen
bool note_text = 9;
// whether to call .reset() and getCard()
bool study_queues = 10;
message OpChangesWithCount {
uint32 count = 1;
OpChanges changes = 2;
message OpChangesWithId {
int64 id = 1;
OpChanges changes = 2;
message UndoStatus {
string undo = 1;
string redo = 2;
uint32 last_step = 3;
message OpChangesAfterUndo {
OpChanges changes = 1;
string operation = 2;
int64 reverted_to_timestamp = 3;
UndoStatus new_status = 4;
uint32 counter = 5;
message Progress {
message MediaSync {
string checked = 1;
string added = 2;
string removed = 3;
message FullSync {
uint32 transferred = 1;
uint32 total = 2;
message NormalSync {
string stage = 1;
string added = 2;
string removed = 3;
message DatabaseCheck {
string stage = 1;
uint32 stage_total = 2;
uint32 stage_current = 3;
oneof value {
generic.Empty none = 1;
MediaSync media_sync = 2;
string media_check = 3;
FullSync full_sync = 4;
NormalSync normal_sync = 5;
DatabaseCheck database_check = 6;
string importing = 7;
string exporting = 8;
message CreateBackupRequest {
string backup_folder = 1;
// Create a backup even if the configured interval hasn't elapsed yet.
bool force = 2;
bool wait_for_completion = 3;