2021-09-09 15:37:52 +02:00

167 lines
4.4 KiB

// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later;
import type { Modifier } from "./keys";
import { registerPackage } from "./register-package";
import { modifiersToPlatformString, checkModifiers } from "./keys";
const keyCodeLookup = {
Backspace: 8,
Delete: 46,
Tab: 9,
Enter: 13,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
"=": 187,
"-": 189,
"[": 219,
"]": 221,
"\\": 220,
";": 186,
"'": 222,
",": 188,
".": 190,
"/": 191,
"`": 192,
function isRequiredModifier(modifier: string): boolean {
return !modifier.endsWith("?");
function splitKeyCombinationString(keyCombinationString: string): string[][] {
return keyCombinationString.split(", ").map((segment) => segment.split("+"));
function toPlatformString(keyCombination: string[]): string {
return (
keyCombination.slice(0, -1).filter(isRequiredModifier)
) + keyCombination[keyCombination.length - 1]
export function getPlatformString(keyCombinationString: string): string {
return splitKeyCombinationString(keyCombinationString)
.join(", ");
function checkKey(event: KeyboardEvent, key: number): boolean {
return event.which === key;
function partition<T>(predicate: (t: T) => boolean, items: T[]): [T[], T[]] {
const trueItems: T[] = [];
const falseItems: T[] = [];
items.forEach((t) => {
const target = predicate(t) ? trueItems : falseItems;
return [trueItems, falseItems];
function removeTrailing(modifier: string): string {
return modifier.substring(0, modifier.length - 1);
// function checkModifiers(event: KeyboardEvent, modifiers: string[]): boolean {
function separateRequiredOptionalModifiers(
modifiers: string[]
): [Modifier[], Modifier[]] {
const [requiredModifiers, otherModifiers] = partition(
const optionalModifiers =;
return [requiredModifiers as Modifier[], optionalModifiers as Modifier[]];
const check =
(keyCode: number, modifiers: string[]) =>
(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean => {
const [required, optional] = separateRequiredOptionalModifiers(modifiers);
return checkKey(event, keyCode) && checkModifiers(required, optional)(event);
function keyToCode(key: string): number {
return keyCodeLookup[key] || key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
function keyCombinationToCheck(
keyCombination: string[]
): (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean {
const keyCode = keyToCode(keyCombination[keyCombination.length - 1]);
const modifiers = keyCombination.slice(0, -1);
return check(keyCode, modifiers);
const GENERAL_KEY = 0;
const NUMPAD_KEY = 3;
function innerShortcut(
lastEvent: KeyboardEvent,
callback: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void,
...checks: ((event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean)[]
): void {
let interval: number;
if (checks.length === 0) {
} else {
const [nextCheck, ...restChecks] = checks;
const handler = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => {
if (nextCheck(event)) {
innerShortcut(event, callback, ...restChecks);
} else if (
event.location === GENERAL_KEY ||
event.location === NUMPAD_KEY
) {
// Any non-modifier key will cancel the shortcut sequence
document.removeEventListener("keydown", handler);
document.addEventListener("keydown", handler, { once: true });
export function registerShortcut(
callback: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void,
keyCombinationString: string
): () => void {
const [check, ...restChecks] =
const handler = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => {
if (check(event)) {
innerShortcut(event, callback, ...restChecks);
document.addEventListener("keydown", handler);
return (): void => document.removeEventListener("keydown", handler);
registerPackage("anki/shortcuts", {