114 lines
2.3 KiB
114 lines
2.3 KiB
PREFIX := /usr
SHELL := bash
.SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c
MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
BLACKARGS := -t py36 aqt tests --exclude='aqt/forms|buildinfo'
ISORTARGS := aqt tests
$(shell mkdir -p .build ../dist)
PHONY: all
all: check
.build/run-deps: setup.py
pip install -e .
@touch $@
.build/dev-deps: requirements.dev
pip install -r requirements.dev
@touch $@
.build/ui: $(shell find designer -type f)
@touch $@
.build/i18n: $(wildcard i18n/translations/anki.pot/*)
(cd i18n && ./build-mo-files && ./copy-qt-files)
@touch $@
TSDEPS := $(wildcard ts/src/*.ts)
.build/js: $(TSDEPS)
(cd ts && npm i && npm run build)
@touch $@
BUILD_STEPS := .build/run-deps .build/dev-deps .build/js .build/ui .build/i18n aqt/buildinfo.py
# Checking
.PHONY: check
check: $(BUILD_STEPS) .build/mypy .build/test .build/fmt .build/imports .build/lint .build/ts-fmt
.PHONY: fix
isort $(ISORTARGS)
black $(BLACKARGS)
(cd ts && npm run pretty)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf .build aqt.egg-info build dist
# Checking Typescript
JSDEPS := $(patsubst ts/src/%.ts, web/%.js, $(TSDEPS))
.build/ts-fmt: $(TSDEPS)
(cd ts && npm i && npm run check-pretty)
@touch $@
# Checking python
PYLIB := ../pylib
CHECKDEPS := $(shell find aqt tests -name '*.py')
.build/mypy: $(CHECKDEPS) .build/qt-stubs
MYPYPATH=$(PYLIB) mypy aqt
@touch $@
.build/test: $(CHECKDEPS)
python -m pytest
@touch $@
.build/lint: $(CHECKDEPS)
pylint -j 0 --rcfile=.pylintrc -f colorized --extension-pkg-whitelist=PyQt5,ankirspy aqt
@touch $@
.build/imports: $(CHECKDEPS)
isort $(ISORTARGS) --check
@touch $@
.build/fmt: $(CHECKDEPS)
black --check $(BLACKARGS)
@touch $@
@touch $@
# Building
# we only want the wheel when building, but passing -f wheel to poetry
# breaks the inclusion of files listed in pyproject.toml
.PHONY: build
build: $(BUILD_STEPS)
rm -rf dist
python setup.py bdist_wheel
rsync -a dist/*.whl ../dist/
.PHONY: develop
develop: $(BUILD_STEPS)
aqt/buildinfo.py: ../meta/version ../meta/buildhash
echo "buildhash='$$(cat ../meta/buildhash)'" > $@
echo "version='$$(cat ../meta/version)'" >> $@