* Make eslint sort our imports * fix missing deps in eslint rule (dae) Caught on Linux due to the stricter sandboxing * Remove exports-last eslint rule (for now?) * Adjust browserslist settings - We use ResizeObserver which is not supported in browsers like KaiOS, Baidu or Android UC * Raise minimum iOS version 13.4 - It's the first version that supports ResizeObserver * Apply new eslint rules to sort imports
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// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
import type { SelectionLocation } from "../domlib/location";
import { restoreSelection, saveSelection } from "../domlib/location";
import { placeCaretAfterContent } from "../domlib/place-caret";
import { bridgeCommand } from "../lib/bridgecommand";
import { on, preventDefault } from "../lib/events";
import { isApplePlatform } from "../lib/platform";
import { registerShortcut } from "../lib/shortcuts";
function safePlaceCaretAfterContent(editable: HTMLElement): void {
* Workaround: If you try to invoke an IME after calling
* `placeCaretAfterContent` on a cE element, the IME will immediately
* end and the input character will be duplicated
restoreSelection(editable, saveSelection(editable)!);
function onFocus(location: SelectionLocation | null): () => void {
return function (this: HTMLElement): void {
if (!location) {
try {
restoreSelection(this, location);
} catch {
interface CustomFocusHandlingAPI {
setupFocusHandling(element: HTMLElement): { destroy(): void };
flushCaret(): void;
export function customFocusHandling(): CustomFocusHandlingAPI {
const focusHandlingEvents: (() => void)[] = [];
function flushEvents(): void {
let removeEvent: (() => void) | undefined;
while ((removeEvent = focusHandlingEvents.pop())) {
function prepareFocusHandling(
editable: HTMLElement,
latestLocation: SelectionLocation | null = null,
): void {
const off = on(editable, "focus", onFocus(latestLocation), { once: true });
focusHandlingEvents.push(off, on(editable, "pointerdown", off, { once: true }));
* Must execute before DOMMirror.
function onBlur(this: HTMLElement): void {
prepareFocusHandling(this, saveSelection(this));
function setupFocusHandling(editable: HTMLElement): { destroy(): void } {
const off = on(editable, "blur", onBlur);
return {
destroy() {
return {
flushCaret: flushEvents,
if (isApplePlatform()) {
registerShortcut(() => bridgeCommand("paste"), "Control+Shift+V");
export function preventBuiltinContentEditableShortcuts(editable: HTMLElement): void {
for (const keyCombination of ["Control+B", "Control+U", "Control+I", "Control+R"]) {
registerShortcut(preventDefault, keyCombination, editable);
/** API */
export interface ContentEditableAPI {
* Can be used to turn off the caret restoring functionality of
* the ContentEditable. Can be used when you want to set the caret
* yourself.
flushCaret(): void;