* Refactor CSS preloading - Rename css.ts to preload.ts - Rename type/function names - Automatically remove style/link element on load/error event * Refactor image preloading - Reuse template element - Change timeout value from 100ms to 200ms, as it often takes more than 100ms to load even a single small image on a low-spec machine - Refactor preloadAnswerImages(): - Use 'new Image()' instead of <link rel=preload> - Stop calculating images that only appear on the answer side as cached images are resolved immediately * Update tsconfig.json es2020.string -> String.matchAll() es2018.regexp -> RegExprMatchArray.groups * Implement custom font preloading Font files for some languages such as Chinese and Japanese can be as large as 20MB, so we set the timeout value to 800ms for font preloading.
262 lines
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262 lines
7.2 KiB
// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
/* eslint
@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off",
import "css-browser-selector/css_browser_selector.min";
export { default as $, default as jQuery } from "jquery/dist/jquery";
import { mutateNextCardStates } from "./answering";
import { setupImageCloze } from "./image_occlusion";
globalThis.anki = globalThis.anki || {};
globalThis.anki.mutateNextCardStates = mutateNextCardStates;
globalThis.anki.setupImageCloze = setupImageCloze;
import { bridgeCommand } from "@tslib/bridgecommand";
import { allImagesLoaded, preloadAnswerImages } from "./images";
import { preloadResources } from "./preload";
declare const MathJax: any;
type Callback = () => void | Promise<void>;
export const onUpdateHook: Array<Callback> = [];
export const onShownHook: Array<Callback> = [];
export const ankiPlatform = "desktop";
let typeans: HTMLInputElement | undefined;
export function getTypedAnswer(): string | null {
return typeans?.value ?? null;
function _runHook(
hooks: Array<Callback>,
): Promise<PromiseSettledResult<void | Promise<void>>[]> {
const promises: (Promise<void> | void)[] = [];
for (const hook of hooks) {
try {
const result = hook();
} catch (error) {
console.log("Hook failed: ", error);
return Promise.allSettled(promises);
let _updatingQueue: Promise<void> = Promise.resolve();
export function _queueAction(action: Callback): void {
_updatingQueue = _updatingQueue.then(action);
// Setting innerHTML does not evaluate the contents of script tags, so we need
// to add them again in order to trigger the download/evaluation. Promise resolves
// when download/evaluation has completed.
function replaceScript(oldScript: HTMLScriptElement): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const newScript = document.createElement("script");
let mustWaitForNetwork = true;
if (oldScript.src) {
newScript.addEventListener("load", () => resolve());
newScript.addEventListener("error", () => resolve());
} else {
mustWaitForNetwork = false;
for (const attribute of oldScript.attributes) {
newScript.setAttribute(attribute.name, attribute.value);
if (!mustWaitForNetwork) {
async function setInnerHTML(element: Element, html: string): Promise<void> {
for (const oldVideo of element.getElementsByTagName("video")) {
while (oldVideo.firstChild) {
element.innerHTML = html;
for (const oldScript of element.getElementsByTagName("script")) {
await replaceScript(oldScript);
const renderError = (type: string) => (error: unknown): string => {
const errorMessage = String(error).substring(0, 2000);
let errorStack: string;
if (error instanceof Error) {
errorStack = String(error.stack).substring(0, 2000);
} else {
errorStack = "";
return `<div>Invalid ${type} on card: ${errorMessage}\n${errorStack}</div>`.replace(
export async function _updateQA(
html: string,
_unusused: unknown,
onupdate: Callback,
onshown: Callback,
): Promise<void> {
onUpdateHook.length = 0;
onShownHook.length = 0;
const qa = document.getElementById("qa")!;
await preloadResources(html);
qa.style.opacity = "0";
try {
await setInnerHTML(qa, html);
} catch (error) {
await setInnerHTML(qa, renderError("html")(error));
await _runHook(onUpdateHook);
// dynamic toolbar background
// wait for mathjax to ready
await MathJax.startup.promise
.then(() => {
// clear MathJax buffers from previous typesets
return MathJax.typesetPromise([qa]);
qa.style.opacity = "1";
await _runHook(onShownHook);
export function _showQuestion(q: string, a: string, bodyclass: string): void {
_queueAction(() =>
function() {
// return to top of window
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
document.body.className = bodyclass;
function() {
// focus typing area if visible
typeans = document.getElementById("typeans") as HTMLInputElement;
if (typeans) {
// preload images
allImagesLoaded().then(() => preloadAnswerImages(a));
function scrollToAnswer(): void {
export function _showAnswer(a: string, bodyclass: string): void {
_queueAction(() =>
function() {
if (bodyclass) {
// when previewing
document.body.className = bodyclass;
// avoid scrolling to the answer until images load
function() {
/* noop */
export function _drawFlag(flag: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7): void {
const elem = document.getElementById("_flag")!;
elem.toggleAttribute("hidden", flag === 0);
elem.style.color = `var(--flag-${flag})`;
export function _drawMark(mark: boolean): void {
document.getElementById("_mark")!.toggleAttribute("hidden", !mark);
export function _typeAnsPress(): void {
const code = (window.event as KeyboardEvent).code;
if (["Enter", "NumpadEnter"].includes(code)) {
export function _emulateMobile(enabled: boolean): void {
document.documentElement.classList.toggle("mobile", enabled);
// Block Qt's default drag & drop behavior by default
export function _blockDefaultDragDropBehavior(): void {
function handler(evt: DragEvent) {
document.ondragenter = handler;
document.ondragover = handler;
document.ondrop = handler;
// work around WebEngine/IME bug in Qt6
// https://github.com/ankitects/anki/issues/1952
const dummyButton = document.createElement("button");
dummyButton.style.position = "absolute";
dummyButton.style.left = "-9999px";
document.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => {
// Prevent type box from losing focus when switching IMEs
if (!document.hasFocus()) {
const target = event.target;
if (target instanceof HTMLInputElement || target instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {