160 lines
4.2 KiB
160 lines
4.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import os
import json
import re
import sys
import polib
from fluent.syntax import parse, serialize
from fluent.syntax.ast import Message, TextElement, Identifier, Pattern, Junk
# extract a translated string from strings.json and insert it into ftl
# eg:
# $ python extract-po-string.py strings.json /path/to/templates/media-check.ftl delete-unused "Delete Unused Media" ""
# $ python extract-po-string.py strings.json /path/to/templates/media-check.ftl delete-unused "%(a)s %(b)s" "%(a)s=$val1,%(b)s=$val2"
# NOTE: the English text is written into the templates folder of the repo, so must be copied
# into Anki's source tree
json_filename, ftl_filename, key, msgid_substring, repls = sys.argv[1:]
# split up replacements
replacements = []
for repl in repls.split(","):
if not repl:
# add file as prefix to key
prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ftl_filename))[0]
key = f"{prefix}-{key}"
strings = json.load(open(json_filename, "r"))
msgids = []
if msgid_substring in strings["en"]:
# is the ID an exact match?
for id in strings["en"].keys():
if msgid_substring in id:
msgid = None
if len(msgids) == 0:
print("no IDs matched")
elif len(msgids) == 1:
msgid = msgids[0]
for c, id in enumerate(msgids):
print(f"* {c}: {id}")
msgid = msgids[int(input("number to use? "))]
def transform_entry(entry):
if isinstance(entry, str):
return transform_string(entry)
return [transform_string(e) for e in entry]
def transform_string(msg):
for (old, new) in replacements:
msg = msg.replace(old, f"{{{new}}}")
# strip leading/trailing whitespace
return msg.strip()
to_insert = []
for lang in strings.keys():
entry = strings[lang].get(msgid)
if not entry:
entry = transform_entry(entry)
if entry:
print(f"{lang} had translation {entry}")
to_insert.append((lang, entry))
plurals = json.load(open("plurals.json"))
def plural_text(key, lang, translation):
lang = re.sub("(_|-).*", "", lang)
# extract the variable - there should be only one
var = re.findall(r"{(\$.*?)}", translation[0])
if not len(var) == 1:
return None
var = var[0]
buf = f"{key} = {{ {var} ->\n"
# for each of the plural forms except the last
for idx, msg in enumerate(translation[:-1]):
plural_form = plurals[lang][idx]
buf += f" [{plural_form}] {msg}\n"
# add the catchall
msg = translation[-1]
buf += f" *[other] {msg}\n"
buf += " }\n"
return buf
# add a non-pluralized message. works via fluent.syntax, so can automatically
# indent, etc
def add_simple_message(fname, key, message):
orig = ""
if os.path.exists(fname):
orig = open(fname).read()
obj = parse(orig)
for ent in obj.body:
if isinstance(ent, Junk):
raise Exception(f"file had junk! {fname} {ent}")
obj.body.append(Message(Identifier(key), Pattern([TextElement(message)])))
modified = serialize(obj, with_junk=True)
# escape leading dots
modified = re.sub(r"(?ms)^( +)\.", '\\1{"."}', modified)
# ensure the resulting serialized file is valid by parsing again
obj = parse(modified)
for ent in obj.body:
if isinstance(ent, Junk):
raise Exception(f"introduced junk! {fname} {ent}")
# it's ok, write it out
open(fname, "w").write(modified)
def add_message(fname, key, translation):
# simple, non-plural form?
if isinstance(translation, str):
add_simple_message(fname, key, translation)
return plural_text(key, lang, translation)
input("proceed? ctrl+c to abort")
# for each language's translation
for lang, translation in to_insert:
if lang == "en":
# template
ftl_path = ftl_filename
# translation
ftl_path = ftl_filename.replace("templates", lang)
ftl_dir = os.path.dirname(ftl_path)
if not os.path.exists(ftl_dir):
add_message(ftl_path, key, translation)