2013-01-08 09:43:29 +09:00

407 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: Damien Elmes <>
# License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later;
Graphs of deck statistics
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import os, sys, time
import oldanki.stats
from oldanki.lang import _
import datetime
#colours for graphs
dueYoungC = "#ffb380"
dueMatureC = "#ff5555"
dueCumulC = "#ff8080"
reviewNewC = "#80ccff"
reviewYoungC = "#3377ff"
reviewMatureC = "#0000ff"
reviewTimeC = "#0fcaff"
easesNewC = "#80b3ff"
easesYoungC = "#5555ff"
easesMatureC = "#0f5aff"
addedC = "#b3ff80"
firstC = "#b380ff"
intervC = "#80e5ff"
# support frozen distribs
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
del os.environ['MATPLOTLIBDATA']
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# haven't tracked down the cause of this yet, but reloading fixes it
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
except ImportError:
except ImportError:
def graphsAvailable():
return 'matplotlib' in sys.modules
class DeckGraphs(object):
def __init__(self, deck, width=8, height=3, dpi=75, selective=True):
self.deck = deck
self.stats = None
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.dpi = dpi
self.selective = selective
def calcStats (self):
if not self.stats:
days = {}
daysYoung = {}
daysMature = {}
months = {}
next = {}
lowestInDay = 0
self.endOfDay = self.deck.failedCutoff
t = time.time()
young = """
select interval, combinedDue from cards c
where relativeDelay between 0 and 1 and type >= 0 and interval <= 21"""
mature = """
select interval, combinedDue
from cards c where relativeDelay = 1 and type >= 0 and interval > 21"""
if self.selective:
young = self.deck._cardLimit("revActive", "revInactive",
mature = self.deck._cardLimit("revActive", "revInactive",
young = self.deck.s.all(young)
mature = self.deck.s.all(mature)
for (src, dest) in [(young, daysYoung),
(mature, daysMature)]:
for (interval, due) in src:
days[day] = days.get(day, 0) + 1
indays = int(((due - self.endOfDay) / 86400.0) + 1)
next[indays] = next.get(indays, 0) + 1 # type-agnostic stats
dest[indays] = dest.get(indays, 0) + 1 # type-specific stats
if indays < lowestInDay:
lowestInDay = indays
self.stats = {}
self.stats['next'] = next
self.stats['days'] = days
self.stats['daysByType'] = {'young': daysYoung,
'mature': daysMature}
self.stats['months'] = months
self.stats['lowestInDay'] = lowestInDay
dayReps = self.deck.s.all("""
select day,
matureEase0+matureEase1+matureEase2+matureEase3+matureEase4 as matureReps,
reps-(newEase0+newEase1+newEase2+newEase3+newEase4) as combinedYoungReps,
reps as combinedNewReps
from stats
where type = 1""")
dayTimes = self.deck.s.all("""
select day, reviewTime as reviewTime
from stats
where type = 1""")
todaydt =
for dest, source in [("dayRepsNew", "combinedNewReps"),
("dayRepsYoung", "combinedYoungReps"),
("dayRepsMature", "matureReps")]:
self.stats[dest] = dict(
map(lambda dr: (-(todaydt
*(int(x)for x in dr["day"].split("-")))).days, dr[source]), dayReps))
self.stats['dayTimes'] = dict(
map(lambda dr: (-(todaydt
*(int(x)for x in dr["day"].split("-")))).days, dr["reviewTime"]/60.0), dayTimes))
def nextDue(self, days=30):
fig = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi)
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
dayslists = [self.stats['next'], self.stats['daysByType']['mature']]
for dayslist in dayslists:
self.addMissing(dayslist, self.stats['lowestInDay'], days)
argl = []
for dayslist in dayslists:
dl = [x for x in dayslist.items() if x[0] <= days]
self.varGraph(graph, days, [dueYoungC, dueMatureC], *argl)
cheat = fig.add_subplot(111)
b1 =, 0, color = dueYoungC)
b2 =, 0, color = dueMatureC)
cheat.legend([b1, b2], [
"Mature"], loc='upper right')
graph.set_xlim(xmin=self.stats['lowestInDay'], xmax=days+1)
graph.set_xlabel("Day (0 = today)")
graph.set_ylabel("Cards Due")
return fig
def workDone(self, days=30):
for type in ["dayRepsNew", "dayRepsYoung", "dayRepsMature"]:
self.addMissing(self.stats[type], -days, 0)
fig = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi)
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
args = sum((self.unzip(self.stats[type].items(), limit=days, reverseLimit=True) for type in ["dayRepsMature", "dayRepsYoung", "dayRepsNew"][::-1]), [])
self.varGraph(graph, days, [reviewNewC, reviewYoungC, reviewMatureC], *args)
cheat = fig.add_subplot(111)
b1 =, 0, color = reviewNewC)
b2 =, 0, color = reviewYoungC)
b3 =, 0, color = reviewMatureC)
cheat.legend([b1, b2, b3], [
"Mature"], loc='upper left')
graph.set_xlim(xmin=-days+1, xmax=1)
graph.set_ylim(ymax=max(max(a for a in args[1::2])) + 10)
graph.set_xlabel("Day (0 = today)")
graph.set_ylabel("Cards Answered")
return fig
def timeSpent(self, days=30):
fig = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi)
times = self.stats['dayTimes']
self.addMissing(times, -days+1, 0)
times = self.unzip([(day,y) for (day,y) in times.items()
if day + days >= 0])
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
self.varGraph(graph, days, reviewTimeC, *times)
graph.set_xlim(xmin=-days+1, xmax=1)
graph.set_ylim(ymax=max(a for a in times[1]) + 0.1)
graph.set_xlabel("Day (0 = today)")
return fig
def cumulativeDue(self, days=30):
fig = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi)
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
self.addMissing(self.stats['next'], 0, days-1)
dl = [x for x in self.stats['next'].items() if x[0] <= days]
(x, y) = self.unzip(dl)
y = list(y)
for i in range(len(x)):
count = count + y[i]
if i == 0:
y[i] = count
if x[i] > days:
self._filledGraph(graph, days, dueCumulC, 1, x, y)
graph.set_xlim(xmin=self.stats['lowestInDay'], xmax=days-1)
graph.set_xlabel("Day (0 = today)")
graph.set_ylabel("Cards Due")
return fig
def intervalPeriod(self, days=30):
fig = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi)
ints = self.stats['days']
self.addMissing(ints, 0, days)
intervals = self.unzip(ints.items(), limit=days)
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
self.varGraph(graph, days, intervC, *intervals)
graph.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=days+1)
graph.set_xlabel("Card Interval")
graph.set_ylabel("Number of Cards")
return fig
def addedRecently(self, numdays=30, attr='created'):
days = {}
fig = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi)
limit = self.endOfDay - (numdays) * 86400
res = self.deck.s.column0("select %s from cards where %s >= %f" %
(attr, attr, limit))
for r in res:
d = int((r - self.endOfDay) / 86400.0)
days[d] = days.get(d, 0) + 1
self.addMissing(days, -numdays+1, 0)
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
intervals = self.unzip(days.items())
if attr == 'created':
colour = addedC
colour = firstC
self.varGraph(graph, numdays, colour, *intervals)
graph.set_xlim(xmin=-numdays+1, xmax=1)
graph.set_xlabel("Day (0 = today)")
if attr == 'created':
graph.set_ylabel("Cards Added")
graph.set_ylabel("Cards First Answered")
return fig
def addMissing(self, dic, min, max):
for i in range(min, max+1):
if not i in dic:
dic[i] = 0
def unzip(self, tuples, fillFix=True, limit=None, reverseLimit=False):
tuples.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
if limit:
if reverseLimit:
tuples = tuples[-limit:]
tuples = tuples[:limit+1]
new = zip(*tuples)
return new
def varGraph(self, graph, days, colours=["b"], *args):
if len(args[0]) < 120:
return self.barGraph(graph, days, colours, *args)
return self.filledGraph(graph, days, colours, *args)
def filledGraph(self, graph, days, colours=["b"], *args):
self._filledGraph(graph, days, colours, 0, *args)
def _filledGraph(self, graph, days, colours, lw, *args):
if isinstance(colours, str):
colours = [colours]
for triplet in [(args[n], args[n + 1], colours[n / 2]) for n in range(0, len(args), 2)]:
x = list(triplet[0])
y = list(triplet[1])
c = triplet[2]
lowest = 99999
highest = -lowest
for i in range(len(x)):
if x[i] < lowest:
lowest = x[i]
if x[i] > highest:
highest = x[i]
# ensure the filled area reaches the bottom
x.insert(0, lowest - 1)
y.insert(0, 0)
x.append(highest + 1)
# plot
graph.fill(x, y, c, lw=lw)
graph.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=max(2, graph.get_ylim()[1]))
def barGraph(self, graph, days, colours, *args):
if isinstance(colours, str):
colours = [colours]
lim = None
for triplet in [(args[n], args[n + 1], colours[n / 2]) for n in range(0, len(args), 2)]:
x = list(triplet[0])
y = list(triplet[1])
c = triplet[2]
lw = 0
if lim is None:
lim = (x[0], x[-1])
length = (lim[1] - lim[0])
if len(args) > 4:
if length <= 30:
lw = 1
if length <= 90:
lw = 1
lowest = 99999
highest = -lowest
for i in range(len(x)):
if x[i] < lowest:
lowest = x[i]
if x[i] > highest:
highest = x[i], y, color=c, width=1, linewidth=lw)
graph.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=max(2, graph.get_ylim()[1]))
import numpy as np
if length > 10:
step = length / 10.0
# python's range() won't accept float step args, so we do it manually
if lim[0] < 0:
ticks = [int(lim[1] - step * x) for x in range(10)]
ticks = [int(lim[0] + step * x) for x in range(10)]
ticks = list(xrange(lim[0], lim[1]+1))
graph.set_xticks(np.array(ticks) + 0.5)
graph.set_xticklabels([str(int(x)) for x in ticks])
for tick in graph.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
tick.tick1On = False
tick.tick2On = False
def easeBars(self):
fig = Figure(figsize=(3, 3), dpi=self.dpi)
graph = fig.add_subplot(111)
types = ("new", "young", "mature")
enum = 5
offset = 0
arrsize = 16
arr = [0] * arrsize
n = 0
colours = [easesNewC, easesYoungC, easesMatureC]
bars = []
gs = oldanki.stats.globalStats(self.deck)
for type in types:
total = (getattr(gs, type + "Ease0") +
getattr(gs, type + "Ease1") +
getattr(gs, type + "Ease2") +
getattr(gs, type + "Ease3") +
getattr(gs, type + "Ease4"))
setattr(gs, type + "Ease1", getattr(gs, type + "Ease0") +
getattr(gs, type + "Ease1"))
setattr(gs, type + "Ease0", -1)
for e in range(1, enum):
arr[e+offset] = (getattr(gs, type + "Ease%d" % e)
/ float(total)) * 100 + 1
except ZeroDivisionError:
arr[e+offset] = 0
bars.append(, arr, width=1.0,
color=colours[n], align='center'))
arr = [0] * arrsize
offset += 5
n += 1
x = ([""] + [str(n) for n in range(1, enum)]) * 3
graph.legend([p[0] for p in bars], ("New",
'upper left')
graph.set_ylabel("% of Answers")
graph.set_xlabel("Answer Buttons")
return fig