- Set progress as soon as possible; previously the extracting and gathering steps happened prior to the first progress. - Add "extracting" and "gathering" progress steps, so that large imports show more feedback in the early stage, and can be more quickly interrupted.
90 lines
5.2 KiB
90 lines
5.2 KiB
importing-failed-debug-info = Import failed. Debugging info:
importing-aborted = Aborted: { $val }
importing-added-duplicate-with-first-field = Added duplicate with first field: { $val }
importing-allow-html-in-fields = Allow HTML in fields
importing-anki-files-are-from-a-very = .anki files are from a very old version of Anki. You can import them with add-on 175027074 or with Anki 2.0, available on the Anki website.
importing-anki2-files-are-not-directly-importable = .anki2 files are not directly importable - please import the .apkg or .zip file you have received instead.
importing-appeared-twice-in-file = Appeared twice in file: { $val }
importing-by-default-anki-will-detect-the = By default, Anki will detect the character between fields, such as a tab, comma, and so on. If Anki is detecting the character incorrectly, you can enter it here. Use \t to represent tab.
importing-change = Change
importing-colon = Colon
importing-comma = Comma
importing-empty-first-field = Empty first field: { $val }
importing-field-mapping = Field mapping
importing-field-of-file-is = Field <b>{ $val }</b> of file is:
importing-fields-separated-by = Fields separated by: { $val }
importing-file-version-unknown-trying-import-anyway = File version unknown, trying import anyway.
importing-first-field-matched = First field matched: { $val }
importing-identical = Identical
importing-ignore-field = Ignore field
importing-ignore-lines-where-first-field-matches = Ignore lines where first field matches existing note
importing-ignored = <ignored>
importing-import-even-if-existing-note-has = Import even if existing note has same first field
importing-import-options = Import options
importing-importing-complete = Importing complete.
importing-invalid-file-please-restore-from-backup = Invalid file. Please restore from backup.
importing-map-to = Map to { $val }
importing-map-to-tags = Map to Tags
importing-mapped-to = mapped to <b>{ $val }</b>
importing-mapped-to-tags = mapped to <b>Tags</b>
importing-mnemosyne-20-deck-db = Mnemosyne 2.0 Deck (*.db)
importing-multicharacter-separators-are-not-supported-please = Multi-character separators are not supported. Please enter one character only.
importing-notes-added-from-file = Notes added from file: { $val }
importing-notes-found-in-file = Notes found in file: { $val }
importing-notes-skipped-as-theyre-already-in = Notes skipped, as they're already in your collection: { $val }
importing-notes-that-could-not-be-imported = Notes that could not be imported as note type has changed: { $val }
importing-notes-updated-as-file-had-newer = Notes updated, as file had newer version: { $val }
importing-packaged-anki-deckcollection-apkg-colpkg-zip = Packaged Anki Deck/Collection (*.apkg *.colpkg *.zip)
importing-pauker-18-lesson-paugz = Pauker 1.8 Lesson (*.pau.gz)
importing-rows-had-num1d-fields-expected-num2d = '{ $row }' had { $found } fields, expected { $expected }
importing-selected-file-was-not-in-utf8 = Selected file was not in UTF-8 format. Please see the importing section of the manual.
importing-semicolon = Semicolon
importing-skipped = Skipped
importing-supermemo-xml-export-xml = Supermemo XML export (*.xml)
importing-tab = Tab
importing-tag-modified-notes = Tag modified notes:
importing-text-separated-by-tabs-or-semicolons = Text separated by tabs or semicolons (*)
importing-the-first-field-of-the-note = The first field of the note type must be mapped.
importing-the-provided-file-is-not-a = The provided file is not a valid .apkg file.
importing-this-file-does-not-appear-to = This file does not appear to be a valid .apkg file. If you're getting this error from a file downloaded from AnkiWeb, chances are that your download failed. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please try again with a different browser.
importing-this-will-delete-your-existing-collection = This will delete your existing collection and replace it with the data in the file you're importing. Are you sure?
importing-unable-to-import-from-a-readonly = Unable to import from a read-only file.
importing-unknown-file-format = Unknown file format.
importing-update-existing-notes-when-first-field = Update existing notes when first field matches
importing-updated = Updated
importing-note-added =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note added
*[other] { $count } notes added
importing-note-imported =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note imported.
*[other] { $count } notes imported.
importing-note-unchanged =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note unchanged
*[other] { $count } notes unchanged
importing-note-updated =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } note updated
*[other] { $count } notes updated
importing-processed-media-file =
{ $count ->
[one] Imported { $count } media file
*[other] Imported { $count } media files
importing-importing-collection = Importing collection...
importing-importing-file = Importing file...
importing-extracting = Extracting data...
importing-gathering = Gathering data...
importing-failed-to-import-media-file = Failed to import media file: { $debugInfo }
importing-processed-notes =
{ $count ->
[one] Processed { $count } note...
*[other] Processed { $count } notes...