2013-01-08 09:43:29 +09:00

298 lines
9.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: Damien Elmes <>
# License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later;
Miscellaneous utilities
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import re, os, random, time, types, math, htmlentitydefs, subprocess
import hashlib
md5 = hashlib.md5
except ImportError:
import md5
md5 =
from oldanki.db import *
from oldanki.lang import _, ngettext
import locale, sys
if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
def format_string(a, b):
return a % b
locale.format_string = format_string
# Time handling
timeTable = {
"years": lambda n: ngettext("%s year", "%s years", n),
"months": lambda n: ngettext("%s month", "%s months", n),
"days": lambda n: ngettext("%s day", "%s days", n),
"hours": lambda n: ngettext("%s hour", "%s hours", n),
"minutes": lambda n: ngettext("%s minute", "%s minutes", n),
"seconds": lambda n: ngettext("%s second", "%s seconds", n),
afterTimeTable = {
"years": lambda n: ngettext("%s year<!--after-->", "%s years<!--after-->", n),
"months": lambda n: ngettext("%s month<!--after-->", "%s months<!--after-->", n),
"days": lambda n: ngettext("%s day<!--after-->", "%s days<!--after-->", n),
"hours": lambda n: ngettext("%s hour<!--after-->", "%s hours<!--after-->", n),
"minutes": lambda n: ngettext("%s minute<!--after-->", "%s minutes<!--after-->", n),
"seconds": lambda n: ngettext("%s second<!--after-->", "%s seconds<!--after-->", n),
shortTimeTable = {
"years": _("%sy"),
"months": _("%sm"),
"days": _("%sd"),
"hours": _("%sh"),
"minutes": _("%sm"),
"seconds": _("%ss"),
def fmtTimeSpan(time, pad=0, point=0, short=False, after=False):
"Return a string representing a time span (eg '2 days')."
(type, point) = optimalPeriod(time, point)
time = convertSecondsTo(time, type)
if not point:
time = math.floor(time)
if short:
fmt = shortTimeTable[type]
if after:
fmt = afterTimeTable[type](_pluralCount(time, point))
fmt = timeTable[type](_pluralCount(time, point))
timestr = "%(a)d.%(b)df" % {'a': pad, 'b': point}
return locale.format_string("%" + (fmt % timestr), time)
def optimalPeriod(time, point):
if abs(time) < 60:
type = "seconds"
point -= 1
elif abs(time) < 3599:
type = "minutes"
elif abs(time) < 60 * 60 * 24:
type = "hours"
elif abs(time) < 60 * 60 * 24 * 30:
type = "days"
elif abs(time) < 60 * 60 * 24 * 365:
type = "months"
point += 1
type = "years"
point += 1
return (type, max(point, 0))
def convertSecondsTo(seconds, type):
if type == "seconds":
return seconds
elif type == "minutes":
return seconds / 60.0
elif type == "hours":
return seconds / 3600.0
elif type == "days":
return seconds / 86400.0
elif type == "months":
return seconds / 2592000.0
elif type == "years":
return seconds / 31536000.0
assert False
def _pluralCount(time, point):
if point:
return 2
return math.floor(time)
# Locale
def fmtPercentage(float_value, point=1):
"Return float with percentage sign"
fmt = '%' + "0.%(b)df" % {'b': point}
return locale.format_string(fmt, float_value) + "%"
def fmtFloat(float_value, point=1):
"Return a string with decimal separator according to current locale"
fmt = '%' + "0.%(b)df" % {'b': point}
return locale.format_string(fmt, float_value)
def stripHTML(s):
s = re.sub("(?s)<style.*?>.*?</style>", "", s)
s = re.sub("(?s)<script.*?>.*?</script>", "", s)
s = re.sub("<.*?>", "", s)
s = entsToTxt(s)
return s
def stripHTMLAlt(s):
"Strip HTML, preserving img alt text."
s = re.sub("<img [^>]*alt=[\"']?([^\"'>]+)[\"']?[^>]*>", "\\1", s)
return stripHTML(s)
def stripHTMLMedia(s):
"Strip HTML but keep media filenames"
s = re.sub("<img src=[\"']?([^\"'>]+)[\"']? ?/?>", " \\1 ", s)
return stripHTML(s)
def tidyHTML(html):
"Remove cruft like body tags and return just the important part."
# contents of body - no head or html tags
html = re.sub(u".*<body.*?>(.*)</body></html>",
"\\1", html.replace("\n", u""))
# strip superfluous Qt formatting
html = re.sub(u"(?:-qt-table-type: root; )?"
"margin-top:\d+px; margin-bottom:\d+px; margin-left:\d+px; "
"margin-right:\d+px;(?: -qt-block-indent:0; "
"text-indent:0px;)?", u"", html)
html = re.sub(u"-qt-paragraph-type:empty;", u"", html)
# strip leading space in style statements, and remove if no contents
html = re.sub(u'style=" ', u'style="', html)
html = re.sub(u' style=""', u"", html)
# convert P tags into SPAN and/or BR
html = re.sub(u'<p( style=.+?)>(.*?)</p>', u'<span\\1>\\2</span><br>', html)
html = re.sub(u'<p>(.*?)</p>', u'\\1<br>', html)
html = re.sub(u'<br>$', u'', html)
html = re.sub(u"^<table><tr><td style=\"border: none;\">(.*)<br></td></tr></table>$", u"\\1", html)
# this is being added by qt's html editor, and leads to unwanted spaces
html = re.sub(u"^<p dir='rtl'>(.*?)</p>$", u'\\1', html)
html = re.sub(u"^<br />$", "", html)
return html
def entsToTxt(html):
def fixup(m):
text =
if text[:2] == "&#":
# character reference
if text[:3] == "&#x":
return unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16))
return unichr(int(text[2:-1]))
except ValueError:
# named entity
text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]])
except KeyError:
return text # leave as is
return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, html)
# IDs
def genID(static=[]):
"Generate a random, unique 64bit ID."
# 23 bits of randomness, 41 bits of current time
# random rather than a counter to ensure efficient btree
t = long(time.time()*1000)
if not static:
static.extend([t, {}])
if static[0] != t:
static[0] = t
static[1] = {}
while 1:
rand = random.getrandbits(23)
if rand not in static[1]:
static[1][rand] = True
x = rand << 41 | t
# turn into a signed long
if x >= 9223372036854775808L:
x -= 18446744073709551616L
return x
def hexifyID(id):
if id < 0:
id += 18446744073709551616L
return "%x" % id
def dehexifyID(id):
id = int(id, 16)
if id >= 9223372036854775808L:
id -= 18446744073709551616L
return id
def ids2str(ids):
"""Given a list of integers, return a string '(int1,int2,.)'
The caller is responsible for ensuring only integers are provided.
This is safe if you use sqlite primary key columns, which are guaranteed
to be integers."""
return "(%s)" % ",".join([str(i) for i in ids])
# Tags
def parseTags(tags):
"Parse a string and return a list of tags."
tags = re.split(" |, ?", tags)
return [t.strip() for t in tags if t.strip()]
def joinTags(tags):
return u" ".join(tags)
def canonifyTags(tags):
"Strip leading/trailing/superfluous commas and duplicates."
tags = [t.lstrip(":") for t in set(parseTags(tags))]
return joinTags(sorted(tags))
def findTag(tag, tags):
"True if TAG is in TAGS. Ignore case."
if not isinstance(tags, types.ListType):
tags = parseTags(tags)
return tag.lower() in [t.lower() for t in tags]
def addTags(tagstr, tags):
"Add tags if they don't exist."
currentTags = parseTags(tags)
for tag in parseTags(tagstr):
if not findTag(tag, currentTags):
return joinTags(currentTags)
def deleteTags(tagstr, tags):
"Delete tags if they don't exists."
currentTags = parseTags(tags)
for tag in parseTags(tagstr):
except ValueError:
return joinTags(currentTags)
# Misc
def checksum(data):
return md5(data).hexdigest()
def call(argv, wait=True, **kwargs):
o = subprocess.Popen(argv, **kwargs)
except OSError:
# command not found
return -1
if wait:
while 1:
ret = o.wait()
except OSError:
# interrupted system call
ret = 0
return ret