# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import re import os import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import ctypes import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import warnings import html import mimetypes import base64 import unicodedata from anki.lang import _ from aqt.qt import * from anki.utils import stripHTML, isWin, isMac, namedtmp, json, stripHTMLMedia, \ checksum import anki.sound from anki.hooks import runHook, runFilter from aqt.sound import getAudio from aqt.webview import AnkiWebView from aqt.utils import shortcut, showInfo, showWarning, getFile, \ openHelp, tooltip, downArrow import aqt from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests pics = ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tif", "tiff", "gif", "svg", "webp") audio = ("wav", "mp3", "ogg", "flac", "mp4", "swf", "mov", "mpeg", "mkv", "m4a", "3gp", "spx", "oga") _html = """
""" # caller is responsible for resetting note on reset class Editor: def __init__(self, mw, widget, parentWindow, addMode=False): self.mw = mw self.widget = widget self.parentWindow = parentWindow self.note = None self.addMode = addMode self.currentField = None # current card, for card layout self.card = None self.setupOuter() self.setupWeb() self.setupShortcuts() self.setupTags() # Initial setup ############################################################ def setupOuter(self): l = QVBoxLayout() l.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) l.setSpacing(0) self.widget.setLayout(l) self.outerLayout = l def setupWeb(self): self.web = EditorWebView(self.widget, self) self.web.title = "editor" self.web.allowDrops = True self.web.onBridgeCmd = self.onBridgeCmd self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.web, 1) righttopbtns = list() righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_bold', 'bold', _("Bold text (Ctrl+B)"), id='bold')) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_italic', 'italic', _("Italic text (Ctrl+I)"), id='italic')) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_under', 'underline', _("Underline text (Ctrl+U)"), id='underline')) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_super', 'super', _("Superscript (Ctrl++)"), id='superscript')) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_sub', 'sub', _("Subscript (Ctrl+=)"), id='subscript')) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_clear', 'clear', _("Remove formatting (Ctrl+R)"))) # The color selection buttons do not use an icon so the HTML must be specified manually tip = _("Set foreground colour (F7)") righttopbtns.append(''''''.format(tip)) tip = _("Change colour (F8)") righttopbtns.append(''''''.format(tip)) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('text_cloze', 'cloze', _("Cloze deletion (Ctrl+Shift+C)"))) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('paperclip', 'attach', _("Attach pictures/audio/video (F3)"))) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('media-record', 'record', _("Record audio (F5)"))) righttopbtns.append(self._addButton('more', 'more')) righttopbtns = runFilter("setupEditorButtons", righttopbtns, self) topbuts = """
""" % dict(flds=_("Fields"), cards=_("Cards"), rightbts="".join(righttopbtns)) bgcol = self.mw.app.palette().window().color().name() # then load page self.web.stdHtml(_html % ( bgcol, bgcol, topbuts, _("Show Duplicates")), css=["editor.css"], js=["jquery.js", "editor.js"]) # Top buttons ###################################################################### def resourceToData(self, path): """Convert a file (specified by a path) into a data URI.""" if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: data = fp.read() data64 = b''.join(base64.encodestring(data).splitlines()) return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, data64.decode('ascii')) def addButton(self, icon, cmd, func, tip="", label="", id=None, toggleable=False, keys=None, disables=True): """Assign func to bridge cmd, register shortcut, return button""" if cmd not in self._links: self._links[cmd] = func if keys: QShortcut(QKeySequence(keys), self.widget, activated = lambda s=self: func(s)) btn = self._addButton(icon, cmd, tip=tip, label=label, id=id, toggleable=toggleable, disables=disables) return btn def _addButton(self, icon, cmd, tip="", label="", id=None, toggleable=False, disables=True): if icon: if os.path.isabs(icon): iconstr = self.resourceToData(icon) else: iconstr = "/_anki/imgs/{}.png".format(icon) imgelm = ''''''.format(iconstr) else: imgelm = "" if label or not imgelm: labelelm = '''{}'''.format(label or cmd) else: labelelm = "" if id: idstr = 'id={}'.format(id) else: idstr = "" if toggleable: toggleScript = 'toggleEditorButton(this);' else: toggleScript = '' tip = shortcut(tip) theclass = "linkb" if not disables: theclass += " perm" return (''''''.format( imgelm=imgelm, cmd=cmd, tip=tip, labelelm=labelelm, id=idstr, togglesc=toggleScript, theclass=theclass) ) def setupShortcuts(self): # if a third element is provided, enable shortcut even when no field selected cuts = [ ("Ctrl+L", self.onCardLayout, True), ("Ctrl+B", self.toggleBold), ("Ctrl+I", self.toggleItalic), ("Ctrl+U", self.toggleUnderline), ("Ctrl++", self.toggleSuper), ("Ctrl+=", self.toggleSub), ("Ctrl+R", self.removeFormat), ("F7", self.onForeground), ("F8", self.onChangeCol), ("Ctrl+Shift+C", self.onCloze), ("Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C", self.onCloze), ("F3", self.onAddMedia), ("F5", self.onRecSound), ("Ctrl+T, T", self.insertLatex), ("Ctrl+T, E", self.insertLatexEqn), ("Ctrl+T, M", self.insertLatexMathEnv), ("Ctrl+M, M", self.insertMathjaxInline), ("Ctrl+M, E", self.insertMathjaxBlock), ("Ctrl+Shift+X", self.onHtmlEdit), ("Ctrl+Shift+T", self.onFocusTags, True) ] runHook("setupEditorShortcuts", cuts, self) for row in cuts: if len(row) == 2: keys, fn = row fn = self._addFocusCheck(fn) else: keys, fn, _ = row QShortcut(QKeySequence(keys), self.widget, activated=fn) def _addFocusCheck(self, fn): def checkFocus(): if self.currentField is None: return fn() return checkFocus def onFields(self): self.saveNow(self._onFields) def _onFields(self): from aqt.fields import FieldDialog FieldDialog(self.mw, self.note, parent=self.parentWindow) def onCardLayout(self): self.saveNow(self._onCardLayout) def _onCardLayout(self): from aqt.clayout import CardLayout if self.card: ord = self.card.ord else: ord = 0 CardLayout(self.mw, self.note, ord=ord, parent=self.parentWindow, addMode=self.addMode) if isWin: self.parentWindow.activateWindow() # JS->Python bridge ###################################################################### def onBridgeCmd(self, cmd): if not self.note or not runHook: # shutdown return # focus lost or key/button pressed? if cmd.startswith("blur") or cmd.startswith("key"): (type, ord, nid, txt) = cmd.split(":", 3) ord = int(ord) nid = int(nid) if nid != self.note.id: print("ignored late blur") return txt = urllib.parse.unquote(txt) txt = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", txt) txt = self.mungeHTML(txt) # misbehaving apps may include a null byte in the text txt = txt.replace("\x00", "") # reverse the url quoting we added to get images to display txt = self.mw.col.media.escapeImages(txt, unescape=True) self.note.fields[ord] = txt if not self.addMode: self.note.flush() self.mw.requireReset() if type == "blur": self.currentField = None # run any filters if runFilter( "editFocusLost", False, self.note, ord): # something updated the note; update it after a subsequent focus # event has had time to fire self.mw.progress.timer(100, self.loadNoteKeepingFocus, False) else: self.checkValid() else: runHook("editTimer", self.note) self.checkValid() # focused into field? elif cmd.startswith("focus"): (type, num) = cmd.split(":", 1) self.currentField = int(num) runHook("editFocusGained", self.note, self.currentField) elif cmd in self._links: self._links[cmd](self) else: print("uncaught cmd", cmd) def mungeHTML(self, txt): txt = re.sub(r"
$", "", txt) return txt # Setting/unsetting the current note ###################################################################### def setNote(self, note, hide=True, focusTo=None): "Make NOTE the current note." self.note = note self.currentField = None if self.note: self.loadNote(focusTo=focusTo) else: self.hideCompleters() if hide: self.widget.hide() def loadNoteKeepingFocus(self): self.loadNote(self.currentField) def loadNote(self, focusTo=None): if not self.note: return data = [] for fld, val in list(self.note.items()): data.append((fld, self.mw.col.media.escapeImages(val))) self.widget.show() self.updateTags() def oncallback(arg): if not self.note: return self.setupForegroundButton() self.checkValid() if focusTo is not None: self.web.setFocus() runHook("loadNote", self) self.web.evalWithCallback("setFields(%s); setFonts(%s); focusField(%s); setNoteId(%s)" % ( json.dumps(data), json.dumps(self.fonts()), json.dumps(focusTo), json.dumps(self.note.id)), oncallback) def fonts(self): return [(f['font'], f['size'], f['rtl']) for f in self.note.model()['flds']] def saveNow(self, callback): "Save unsaved edits then call callback()." if not self.note: # calling code may not expect the callback to fire immediately self.mw.progress.timer(10, callback, False) return self.saveTags() self.web.evalWithCallback("saveNow()", lambda res: callback()) def checkValid(self): cols = [] err = None for f in self.note.fields: cols.append("#fff") err = self.note.dupeOrEmpty() if err == 2: cols[0] = "#fcc" self.web.eval("showDupes();") else: self.web.eval("hideDupes();") self.web.eval("setBackgrounds(%s);" % json.dumps(cols)) def showDupes(self): contents = stripHTMLMedia(self.note.fields[0]) browser = aqt.dialogs.open("Browser", self.mw) browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText( '"dupe:%s,%s"' % (self.note.model()['id'], contents)) browser.onSearchActivated() def fieldsAreBlank(self): if not self.note: return True m = self.note.model() for c, f in enumerate(self.note.fields): if f and not m['flds'][c]['sticky']: return False return True def cleanup(self): self.setNote(None) # prevent any remaining evalWithCallback() events from firing after C++ object deleted self.web = None # HTML editing ###################################################################### def onHtmlEdit(self): field = self.currentField self.saveNow(lambda: self._onHtmlEdit(field)) def _onHtmlEdit(self, field): d = QDialog(self.widget) form = aqt.forms.edithtml.Ui_Dialog() form.setupUi(d) form.buttonBox.helpRequested.connect(lambda: openHelp("editor")) form.textEdit.setPlainText(self.note.fields[field]) form.textEdit.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) d.exec_() html = form.textEdit.toPlainText() # filter html through beautifulsoup so we can strip out things like a # leading with warnings.catch_warnings() as w: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) html = str(BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")) self.note.fields[field] = html self.loadNote(focusTo=field) # Tag handling ###################################################################### def setupTags(self): import aqt.tagedit g = QGroupBox(self.widget) g.setFlat(True) tb = QGridLayout() tb.setSpacing(12) tb.setContentsMargins(6,6,6,6) # tags l = QLabel(_("Tags")) tb.addWidget(l, 1, 0) self.tags = aqt.tagedit.TagEdit(self.widget) self.tags.lostFocus.connect(self.saveTags) self.tags.setToolTip(shortcut(_("Jump to tags with Ctrl+Shift+T"))) tb.addWidget(self.tags, 1, 1) g.setLayout(tb) self.outerLayout.addWidget(g) def updateTags(self): if self.tags.col != self.mw.col: self.tags.setCol(self.mw.col) if not self.tags.text() or not self.addMode: self.tags.setText(self.note.stringTags().strip()) def saveTags(self): if not self.note: return tagsTxt = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", self.tags.text()) self.note.tags = self.mw.col.tags.canonify( self.mw.col.tags.split(tagsTxt)) self.tags.setText(self.mw.col.tags.join(self.note.tags).strip()) if not self.addMode: self.note.flush() runHook("tagsUpdated", self.note) def saveAddModeVars(self): if self.addMode: # save tags to model m = self.note.model() m['tags'] = self.note.tags self.mw.col.models.save(m) def hideCompleters(self): self.tags.hideCompleter() def onFocusTags(self): self.tags.setFocus() # Format buttons ###################################################################### def toggleBold(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('bold');") def toggleItalic(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('italic');") def toggleUnderline(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('underline');") def toggleSuper(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('superscript');") def toggleSub(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('subscript');") def removeFormat(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('removeFormat');") def onCloze(self): # check that the model is set up for cloze deletion if not re.search('{{(.*:)*cloze:',self.note.model()['tmpls'][0]['qfmt']): if self.addMode: tooltip(_("Warning, cloze deletions will not work until " "you switch the type at the top to Cloze.")) else: showInfo(_("""\ To make a cloze deletion on an existing note, you need to change it \ to a cloze type first, via Edit>Change Note Type.""")) return # find the highest existing cloze highest = 0 for name, val in list(self.note.items()): m = re.findall(r"\{\{c(\d+)::", val) if m: highest = max(highest, sorted([int(x) for x in m])[-1]) # reuse last? if not self.mw.app.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.AltModifier: highest += 1 # must start at 1 highest = max(1, highest) self.web.eval("wrap('{{c%d::', '}}');" % highest) # Foreground colour ###################################################################### def setupForegroundButton(self): self.fcolour = self.mw.pm.profile.get("lastColour", "#00f") self.onColourChanged() # use last colour def onForeground(self): self._wrapWithColour(self.fcolour) # choose new colour def onChangeCol(self): new = QColorDialog.getColor(QColor(self.fcolour), None) # native dialog doesn't refocus us for some reason self.parentWindow.activateWindow() if new.isValid(): self.fcolour = new.name() self.onColourChanged() self._wrapWithColour(self.fcolour) def _updateForegroundButton(self): self.web.eval("setFGButton('%s')" % self.fcolour) def onColourChanged(self): self._updateForegroundButton() self.mw.pm.profile['lastColour'] = self.fcolour def _wrapWithColour(self, colour): self.web.eval("setFormat('forecolor', '%s')" % colour) # Audio/video/images ###################################################################### def onAddMedia(self): key = (_("Media") + " (*.jpg *.png *.gif *.tiff *.svg *.tif *.jpeg "+ "*.mp3 *.ogg *.wav *.avi *.ogv *.mpg *.mpeg *.mov *.mp4 " + "*.mkv *.ogx *.ogv *.oga *.flv *.swf *.flac *.webp *.m4a)") def accept(file): self.addMedia(file, canDelete=True) file = getFile(self.widget, _("Add Media"), accept, key, key="media") self.parentWindow.activateWindow() def addMedia(self, path, canDelete=False): html = self._addMedia(path, canDelete) self.web.eval("setFormat('inserthtml', %s);" % json.dumps(html)) def _addMedia(self, path, canDelete=False): "Add to media folder and return local img or sound tag." # copy to media folder fname = self.mw.col.media.addFile(path) # remove original? if canDelete and self.mw.pm.profile['deleteMedia']: if os.path.abspath(fname) != os.path.abspath(path): try: os.unlink(path) except: pass # return a local html link return self.fnameToLink(fname) def onRecSound(self): try: file = getAudio(self.widget) except Exception as e: showWarning(_( "Couldn't record audio. Have you installed 'lame'?") + "\n\n" + repr(str(e))) return if file: self.addMedia(file) # Media downloads ###################################################################### def urlToLink(self, url): fname = self.urlToFile(url) if not fname: return url return self.fnameToLink(fname) def fnameToLink(self, fname): ext = fname.split(".")[-1].lower() if ext in pics: name = urllib.parse.quote(fname.encode("utf8")) return '' % name else: anki.sound.clearAudioQueue() anki.sound.play(fname) return '[sound:%s]' % fname def urlToFile(self, url): l = url.lower() for suffix in pics+audio: if l.endswith("." + suffix): return self._retrieveURL(url) # not a supported type return def isURL(self, s): s = s.lower() return (s.startswith("http://") or s.startswith("https://") or s.startswith("ftp://") or s.startswith("file://")) def _retrieveURL(self, url): "Download file into media folder and return local filename or None." # urllib doesn't understand percent-escaped utf8, but requires things like # '#' to be escaped. url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) if url.lower().startswith("file://"): url = url.replace("%", "%25") url = url.replace("#", "%23") local = True else: local = False # fetch it into a temporary folder self.mw.progress.start( immediate=not local, parent=self.parentWindow) ct = None try: if local: req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Anki)'}) filecontents = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read() else: r = requests.get(url, timeout=30) if r.status_code != 200: showWarning(_("Unexpected response code: %s") % r.status_code) return filecontents = r.content ct = r.headers.get("content-type") except urllib.error.URLError as e: showWarning(_("An error occurred while opening %s") % e) return except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: showWarning(_("An error occurred while opening %s") % e) return finally: self.mw.progress.finish() # strip off any query string url = re.sub(r"\?.*?$", "", url) path = urllib.parse.unquote(url) return self.mw.col.media.writeData(path, filecontents, typeHint=ct) # Paste/drag&drop ###################################################################### removeTags = ["script", "iframe", "object", "style"] def _pastePreFilter(self, html, internal): with warnings.catch_warnings() as w: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) doc = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") if not internal: for tag in self.removeTags: for node in doc(tag): node.decompose() # convert p tags to divs for node in doc("p"): node.name = "div" for tag in doc("img"): try: src = tag['src'] except KeyError: # for some bizarre reason, mnemosyne removes src elements # from missing media continue # in internal pastes, rewrite mediasrv references to relative if internal: m = re.match(r"\d+/(.*)$", src) if m: tag['src'] = m.group(1) else: # in external pastes, download remote media if self.isURL(src): fname = self._retrieveURL(src) if fname: tag['src'] = fname html = str(doc) return html def doPaste(self, html, internal, extended=False): html = self._pastePreFilter(html, internal) if extended: extended = "true" else: extended = "false" self.web.eval("pasteHTML(%s, %s, %s);" % ( json.dumps(html), json.dumps(internal), extended)) def doDrop(self, html, internal): self.web.evalWithCallback("makeDropTargetCurrent();", lambda _: self.doPaste(html, internal)) def onPaste(self): self.web.onPaste() def onCutOrCopy(self): self.web.flagAnkiText() # Advanced menu ###################################################################### def onAdvanced(self): m = QMenu(self.mw) a = m.addAction(_("MathJax inline")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertMathjaxInline) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+M, M")) a = m.addAction(_("MathJax block")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertMathjaxBlock) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+M, E")) a = m.addAction(_("LaTeX")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertLatex) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+T, T")) a = m.addAction(_("LaTeX equation")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertLatexEqn) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+T, E")) a = m.addAction(_("LaTeX math env.")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertLatexMathEnv) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+T, M")) a = m.addAction(_("Edit HTML")) a.triggered.connect(self.onHtmlEdit) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+X")) m.exec_(QCursor.pos()) # LaTeX ###################################################################### def insertLatex(self): self.web.eval("wrap('[latex]', '[/latex]');") def insertLatexEqn(self): self.web.eval("wrap('[$]', '[/$]');") def insertLatexMathEnv(self): self.web.eval("wrap('[$$]', '[/$$]');") def insertMathjaxInline(self): self.web.eval("wrap('\\\\(', '\\\\)');") def insertMathjaxBlock(self): self.web.eval("wrap('\\\\[', '\\\\]');") # Links from HTML ###################################################################### _links = dict( fields=onFields, cards=onCardLayout, bold=toggleBold, italic=toggleItalic, underline=toggleUnderline, super=toggleSuper, sub=toggleSub, clear=removeFormat, colour=onForeground, changeCol=onChangeCol, cloze=onCloze, attach=onAddMedia, record=onRecSound, more=onAdvanced, dupes=showDupes, paste=onPaste, cutOrCopy=onCutOrCopy, ) # Pasting, drag & drop, and keyboard layouts ###################################################################### class EditorWebView(AnkiWebView): def __init__(self, parent, editor): AnkiWebView.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.strip = self.editor.mw.pm.profile['stripHTML'] self.setAcceptDrops(True) self._markInternal = False clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() clip.dataChanged.connect(self._onClipboardChange) def _onClipboardChange(self): if self._markInternal: self._markInternal = False self._flagAnkiText() def onCut(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Cut) def onCopy(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Copy) def _onPaste(self, mode): extended = self.editor.mw.app.queryKeyboardModifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier mime = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard().mimeData(mode=mode) html, internal = self._processMime(mime) if not html: return self.editor.doPaste(html, internal, extended) def onPaste(self): self._onPaste(QClipboard.Clipboard) def onMiddleClickPaste(self): self._onPaste(QClipboard.Selection) def dropEvent(self, evt): mime = evt.mimeData() if evt.source() and mime.hasHtml(): # don't filter html from other fields html, internal = mime.html(), True else: html, internal = self._processMime(mime) if not html: return self.editor.doDrop(html, internal) # returns (html, isInternal) def _processMime(self, mime): # print("html=%s image=%s urls=%s txt=%s" % ( # mime.hasHtml(), mime.hasImage(), mime.hasUrls(), mime.hasText())) # print("html", mime.html()) # print("urls", mime.urls()) # print("text", mime.text()) # try various content types in turn html, internal = self._processHtml(mime) if html: return html, internal for fn in (self._processUrls, self._processImage, self._processText): html = fn(mime) if html: return html, False return "", False def _processUrls(self, mime): if not mime.hasUrls(): return url = mime.urls()[0].toString() # chrome likes to give us the URL twice with a \n url = url.splitlines()[0] return self.editor.urlToLink(url) def _processText(self, mime): if not mime.hasText(): return txt = mime.text() # if the user is pasting an image or sound link, convert it to local if self.editor.isURL(txt): txt = txt.split("\r\n")[0] return self.editor.urlToLink(txt) # normal text; convert it to HTML txt = html.escape(txt) txt = txt.replace("\n", "
") return txt def _processHtml(self, mime): if not mime.hasHtml(): return None, False html = mime.html() # no filtering required for internal pastes if html.startswith(""): return html[11:], True return html, False def _processImage(self, mime): im = QImage(mime.imageData()) uname = namedtmp("paste") if self.editor.mw.pm.profile.get("pastePNG", False): ext = ".png" im.save(uname+ext, None, 50) else: ext = ".jpg" im.save(uname+ext, None, 80) # invalid image? path = uname+ext if not os.path.exists(path): return # hash and rename csum = checksum(open(path, "rb").read()) newpath = "{}-{}{}".format(uname, csum, ext) if os.path.exists(newpath): os.unlink(newpath) os.rename(path, newpath) # add to media and return resulting html link return self.editor._addMedia(newpath) def flagAnkiText(self): # be ready to adjust when clipboard event fires self._markInternal = True def _flagAnkiText(self): # add a comment in the clipboard html so we can tell text is copied # from us and doesn't need to be stripped clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() mime = clip.mimeData() if not mime.hasHtml(): return html = mime.html() mime.setHtml("" + html) clip.setMimeData(mime) def contextMenuEvent(self, evt): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction(_("Cut")) a.triggered.connect(self.onCut) a = m.addAction(_("Copy")) a.triggered.connect(self.onCopy) a = m.addAction(_("Paste")) a.triggered.connect(self.onPaste) runHook("EditorWebView.contextMenuEvent", self, m) m.popup(QCursor.pos())