MainWindow 0 0 412 301 0 0 400 0 Anki :/icons/anki.png:/icons/anki.png 1 1 true 0 0 412 22 &Help &Edit &File &Tools &Add-ons E&xit Ctrl+Q &Preferences... Configure interface language and options Ctrl+P QAction::PreferencesRole &About... QAction::AboutRole false &Undo Ctrl+Alt+Z Check &Media... Check the files in the media directory &Open Add-ons Folder... &Support Anki... &Browse and Install... &Check Database... &Guide... F1 &Switch Profile... Ctrl+Shift+P &Export... Ctrl+E &Import... Ctrl+Shift+I Study Deck... / Empty Cards... Create Filtered Deck... F Manage Note Types... Ctrl+Shift+N