# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html """ See pylib/tools/genhooks.py for more info. """ import os import sys pylib = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "pylib") sys.path.append(pylib) from tools.hookslib import Hook, update_file # Hook list ###################################################################### hooks = [ # Reviewing ################### Hook( name="overview_did_refresh", args=["overview: aqt.overview.Overview"], doc="""Allow to update the overview window. E.g. add the deck name in the title.""", ), Hook( name="overview_will_render_content", args=[ "overview: aqt.overview.Overview", "content: aqt.overview.OverviewContent", ], doc="""Used to modify HTML content sections in the overview body 'content' contains the sections of HTML content the overview body will be updated with. When modifying the content of a particular section, please make sure your changes only perform the minimum required edits to make your add-on work. You should avoid overwriting or interfering with existing data as much as possible, instead opting to append your own changes, e.g.: def on_overview_will_render_content(overview, content): content.table += "\n
my html
" """, ), Hook( name="reviewer_did_show_question", args=["card: Card"], legacy_hook="showQuestion", legacy_no_args=True, ), Hook( name="reviewer_did_show_answer", args=["card: Card"], legacy_hook="showAnswer", legacy_no_args=True, ), Hook( name="reviewer_will_answer_card", args=[ "ease_tuple: Tuple[bool, int]", "reviewer: aqt.reviewer.Reviewer", "card: Card", ], return_type="Tuple[bool, int]", doc="""Used to modify the ease at which a card is rated or to bypass rating the card completely. ease_tuple is a tuple consisting of a boolean expressing whether the reviewer should continue with rating the card, and an integer expressing the ease at which the card should be rated. If your code just needs to be notified of the card rating event, you should use the reviewer_did_answer_card hook instead.""", ), Hook( name="reviewer_did_answer_card", args=["reviewer: aqt.reviewer.Reviewer", "card: Card", "ease: int"], ), Hook( name="reviewer_will_show_context_menu", args=["reviewer: aqt.reviewer.Reviewer", "menu: QMenu"], legacy_hook="Reviewer.contextMenuEvent", ), Hook( name="reviewer_will_end", legacy_hook="reviewCleanup", doc="Called before Anki transitions from the review screen to another screen.", ), Hook( name="card_will_show", args=["text: str", "card: Card", "kind: str"], return_type="str", legacy_hook="prepareQA", doc="Can modify card text before review/preview.", ), # Deck browser ################### Hook( name="deck_browser_did_render", args=["deck_browser: aqt.deckbrowser.DeckBrowser"], doc="""Allow to update the deck browser window. E.g. change its title.""", ), Hook( name="deck_browser_will_render_content", args=[ "deck_browser: aqt.deckbrowser.DeckBrowser", "content: aqt.deckbrowser.DeckBrowserContent", ], doc="""Used to modify HTML content sections in the deck browser body 'content' contains the sections of HTML content the deck browser body will be updated with. When modifying the content of a particular section, please make sure your changes only perform the minimum required edits to make your add-on work. You should avoid overwriting or interfering with existing data as much as possible, instead opting to append your own changes, e.g.: def on_deck_browser_will_render_content(deck_browser, content): content.stats += "\n
my html
" """, ), # Deck options ################### Hook( name="deck_conf_did_setup_ui_form", args=["deck_conf: aqt.deckconf.DeckConf"], doc="Allows modifying or adding widgets in the deck options UI form", ), Hook( name="deck_conf_will_show", args=["deck_conf: aqt.deckconf.DeckConf"], doc="Allows modifying the deck options dialog before it is shown", ), Hook( name="deck_conf_did_load_config", args=["deck_conf: aqt.deckconf.DeckConf", "deck: Any", "config: Any"], doc="Called once widget state has been set from deck config", ), Hook( name="deck_conf_will_save_config", args=["deck_conf: aqt.deckconf.DeckConf", "deck: Any", "config: Any"], doc="Called before widget state is saved to config", ), # Browser ################### Hook( name="browser_menus_did_init", args=["browser: aqt.browser.Browser"], legacy_hook="browser.setupMenus", ), Hook( name="browser_will_show_context_menu", args=["browser: aqt.browser.Browser", "menu: QMenu"], legacy_hook="browser.onContextMenu", ), Hook( name="browser_did_change_row", args=["browser: aqt.browser.Browser"], legacy_hook="browser.rowChanged", ), Hook( name="browser_will_build_tree", args=[ "handled: bool", "tree: aqt.browser.SidebarItem", "stage: aqt.browser.SidebarStage", "browser: aqt.browser.Browser", ], return_type="bool", doc="""Used to add or replace items in the browser sidebar tree 'tree' is the root SidebarItem that all other items are added to. 'stage' is an enum describing the different construction stages of the sidebar tree at which you can interject your changes. The different values can be inspected by looking at aqt.browser.SidebarStage. If you want Anki to proceed with the construction of the tree stage in question after your have performed your changes or additions, return the 'handled' boolean unchanged. On the other hand, if you want to prevent Anki from adding its own items at a particular construction stage (e.g. in case your add-on implements its own version of that particular stage), return 'True'. If you return 'True' at SidebarStage.ROOT, the sidebar will not be populated by any of the other construction stages. For any other stage the tree construction will just continue as usual. For example, if your code wishes to replace the tag tree, you could do: def on_browser_will_build_tree(handled, root, stage, browser): if stage != SidebarStage.TAGS: # not at tag tree building stage, pass on return handled # your tag tree construction code # root.addChild(...) # your code handled tag tree construction, no need for Anki # or other add-ons to build the tag tree return True """, ), # States ################### Hook( name="state_will_change", args=["new_state: str", "old_state: str"], legacy_hook="beforeStateChange", ), Hook( name="state_did_change", args=["new_state: str", "old_state: str"], legacy_hook="afterStateChange", ), # different sig to original Hook( name="state_shortcuts_will_change", args=["state: str", "shortcuts: List[Tuple[str, Callable]]"], ), Hook( name="state_did_revert", args=["action: str"], legacy_hook="revertedState", doc="Called when user used the undo option to restore to an earlier database state.", ), Hook( name="state_did_reset", legacy_hook="reset", doc="Called when the interface needs to be redisplayed after non-trivial changes have been made.", ), # Webview ################### Hook( name="webview_did_receive_js_message", args=["handled: Tuple[bool, Any]", "message: str", "context: Any"], return_type="Tuple[bool, Any]", doc="""Used to handle pycmd() messages sent from Javascript. Message is the string passed to pycmd(). For messages you don't want to handle, return 'handled' unchanged. If you handle a message and don't want it passed to the original bridge command handler, return (True, None). If you want to pass a value to pycmd's result callback, you can return it with (True, some_value). Context is the instance that was passed to set_bridge_command(). It can be inspected to check which screen this hook is firing in, and to get a reference to the screen. For example, if your code wishes to function only in the review screen, you could do: if not isinstance(context, aqt.reviewer.Reviewer): # not reviewer, pass on message return handled if message == "my-mark-action": # our message, call onMark() on the reviewer instance context.onMark() # and don't pass message to other handlers return (True, None) else: # some other command, pass it on return handled """, ), Hook( name="webview_will_set_content", args=["web_content: aqt.webview.WebContent", "context: Optional[Any]",], doc="""Used to modify web content before it is rendered. Web_content contains the HTML, JS, and CSS the web view will be populated with. Context is the instance that was passed to stdHtml(). It can be inspected to check which screen this hook is firing in, and to get a reference to the screen. For example, if your code wishes to function only in the review screen, you could do: def on_webview_will_set_content(web_content: WebContent, context): if not isinstance(context, aqt.reviewer.Reviewer): # not reviewer, do not modify content return # reviewer, perform changes to content context: aqt.reviewer.Reviewer addon_package = mw.addonManager.addonFromModule(__name__) web_content.css.append( f"/_addons/{addon_package}/web/my-addon.css") web_content.js.append( f"/_addons/{addon_package}/web/my-addon.js") web_content.head += "" web_content.body += "
" """, ), Hook( name="webview_will_show_context_menu", args=["webview: aqt.webview.AnkiWebView", "menu: QMenu"], legacy_hook="AnkiWebView.contextMenuEvent", ), # Main ################### Hook(name="profile_did_open", legacy_hook="profileLoaded"), Hook(name="profile_will_close", legacy_hook="unloadProfile"), Hook( name="collection_did_load", args=["col: anki.storage._Collection"], legacy_hook="colLoading", ), Hook( name="undo_state_did_change", args=["can_undo: bool"], legacy_hook="undoState" ), Hook(name="review_did_undo", args=["card_id: int"], legacy_hook="revertedCard"), Hook( name="style_did_init", args=["style: str"], return_type="str", legacy_hook="setupStyle", ), Hook( name="top_toolbar_did_init_links", args=["links: List[str]", "top_toolbar: aqt.toolbar.Toolbar"], doc="""Used to modify or add links in the top toolbar of Anki's main window 'links' is a list of HTML link elements. Add-ons can generate their own links by using aqt.toolbar.Toolbar.create_link. Links created in that way can then be appended to the link list, e.g.: def on_top_toolbar_did_init_links(links, toolbar): my_link = toolbar.create_link(...) links.append(my_link) """, ), Hook( name="media_sync_did_progress", args=["entry: aqt.mediasync.LogEntryWithTime"], ), Hook(name="media_sync_did_start_or_stop", args=["running: bool"]), Hook( name="empty_cards_will_be_deleted", args=["cids: List[int]"], return_type="List[int]", doc="""Allow to change the list of cards to delete. For example, an add-on creating a method to delete only empty new cards would be done as follow: ``` from anki.consts import CARD_TYPE_NEW from anki.utils import ids2str from aqt import mw from aqt import gui_hooks def filter(cids, col): return col.db.list( f"select id from cards where (type={CARD_TYPE_NEW} and (id in {ids2str(cids)))") def emptyNewCard(): gui_hooks.append(filter) mw.onEmptyCards() gui_hooks.remove(filter) ```""", ), # Adding cards ################### Hook( name="add_cards_will_show_history_menu", args=["addcards: aqt.addcards.AddCards", "menu: QMenu"], legacy_hook="AddCards.onHistory", ), Hook( name="add_cards_did_add_note", args=["note: anki.notes.Note"], legacy_hook="AddCards.noteAdded", ), # Editing ################### Hook( name="editor_did_init_buttons", args=["buttons: List", "editor: aqt.editor.Editor"], ), Hook( name="editor_did_init_shortcuts", args=["shortcuts: List[Tuple]", "editor: aqt.editor.Editor"], legacy_hook="setupEditorShortcuts", ), Hook( name="editor_will_show_context_menu", args=["editor_webview: aqt.editor.EditorWebView", "menu: QMenu"], legacy_hook="EditorWebView.contextMenuEvent", ), Hook( name="editor_did_fire_typing_timer", args=["note: anki.notes.Note"], legacy_hook="editTimer", ), Hook( name="editor_did_focus_field", args=["note: anki.notes.Note", "current_field_idx: int"], legacy_hook="editFocusGained", ), Hook( name="editor_did_unfocus_field", args=["changed: bool", "note: anki.notes.Note", "current_field_idx: int"], return_type="bool", legacy_hook="editFocusLost", ), Hook( name="editor_did_load_note", args=["editor: aqt.editor.Editor"], legacy_hook="loadNote", ), Hook( name="editor_did_update_tags", args=["note: anki.notes.Note"], legacy_hook="tagsUpdated", ), Hook( name="editor_will_use_font_for_field", args=["font: str"], return_type="str", legacy_hook="mungeEditingFontName", ), # Sound/video ################### Hook(name="av_player_will_play", args=["tag: anki.sound.AVTag"]), Hook( name="av_player_did_begin_playing", args=["player: aqt.sound.Player", "tag: anki.sound.AVTag"], ), Hook(name="av_player_did_end_playing", args=["player: aqt.sound.Player"]), # Other ################### Hook( name="current_note_type_did_change", args=["notetype: Dict[str, Any]"], legacy_hook="currentModelChanged", legacy_no_args=True, ), Hook( name="deck_browser_will_show_options_menu", args=["menu: QMenu", "deck_id: int"], legacy_hook="showDeckOptions", ), ] if __name__ == "__main__": path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "aqt", "gui_hooks.py") update_file(path, hooks)