### Text shown on the "Deck Options" screen ## Top section # Used in the deck configuration screen to show how many decks are used # by a particular configuration group, eg "Group1 (used by 3 decks)" deck-config-used-by-decks = used by { $decks -> [one] { $decks } deck *[other] { $decks } decks } deck-config-default-name = Default deck-config-title = Deck Options ## Daily limits section deck-config-daily-limits = Daily Limits deck-config-new-limit-tooltip = The maximum number of new cards to introduce in a day, if new cards are available. Because new material will increase your short-term review workload, this should typically be at least 10x smaller than your review limit. deck-config-review-limit-tooltip = The maximum number of review cards to show in a day, if cards are ready for review. deck-config-limit-deck-v3 = When studying a deck that has subdecks inside it, the limits set on each subdeck control the maximum number of cards drawn from that particular deck. The selected deck's limits control the total cards that will be shown. deck-config-limit-new-bound-by-reviews = The review limit affects the new limit. For example, if your review limit is set to 200, and you have 190 reviews waiting, a maximum of 10 new cards will be introduced. If your review limit has been reached, no new cards will be shown. ## New Cards section deck-config-learning-steps = Learning steps # Please don't translate `1m`, `2d` -deck-config-delay-hint = Delays are typically minutes (eg `1m`) or days (eg `2d`), but hours (eg `1h`) and seconds (eg `30s`) are also supported. deck-config-learning-steps-tooltip = One or more delays, separated by spaces. The first delay will be used when you press the `Again` button on a new card, and is 1 minute by default. The `Good` button will advance to the next step, which is 10 minutes by default. Once all steps have been passed, the card will become a review card, and will appear on a different day. { -deck-config-delay-hint } deck-config-graduating-interval-tooltip = The number of days to wait before showing a card again, after the `Good` button is pressed on the final learning step. deck-config-easy-interval-tooltip = The number of days to wait before showing a card again, after the `Easy` button is used to immediately remove a card from learning. deck-config-new-insertion-order = Insertion order deck-config-new-insertion-order-tooltip = Controls the position (due #) new cards are assigned when you add new cards. Cards with a lower due number will be shown first when studying. Changing this option will automatically update the existing position of new cards. deck-config-new-insertion-order-sequential = Sequential (oldest cards first) deck-config-new-insertion-order-random = Random ## Lapses section deck-config-relearning-steps = Relearning steps deck-config-relearning-steps-tooltip = Zero or more delays, separated by spaces. By default, pressing the `Again` button on a review card will show it again 10 minutes later. If no delays are provided, the card will have its interval changed, without entering relearning. { -deck-config-delay-hint } deck-config-leech-threshold-tooltip = The number of times `Again` needs to be pressed on a review card before it is marked as a leech. Leeches are cards that consume a lot of your time, and when a card is marked as a leech, it's a good idea to rewrite it, delete it, or think of a mnemonic to help you remember it. # See actions-suspend-card and scheduling-tag-only for the wording deck-config-leech-action-tooltip = `Tag Only`: Add a "leech" tag to the note, and display a pop-up. `Suspend Card`: In addition to tagging the note, hide the card until it is manually unsuspended. ## Burying section deck-config-bury-title = Burying deck-config-bury-new-siblings = Bury new siblings until the next day deck-config-bury-review-siblings = Bury review siblings until the next day deck-config-bury-tooltip = Whether other cards of the same note (eg reverse cards, adjacent cloze deletions) will be delayed until the next day. ## Ordering section deck-config-ordering-title = Display Order deck-config-new-gather-priority = New card gather priority deck-config-new-gather-priority-tooltip = `Deck`: gathers cards from each subdeck in order, and stops when the limit of the selected deck has been exceeded. This is faster, and allows you to prioritize subdecks that are closer to the top. `Position`: gathers cards from all decks before they are sorted. This ensures cards appear in strict position order, even if the parent limit is not high enough to see cards from all decks. deck-config-new-gather-priority-deck = Deck deck-config-new-gather-priority-position-lowest-first = Position (lowest first) deck-config-new-gather-priority-position-highest-first = Position (highest first) deck-config-new-card-sort-order = New card sort order deck-config-new-card-sort-order-tooltip = How cards are sorted after they have been gathered. By default, Anki sorts by card template first, to avoid multiple cards of the same note from being shown in succession. deck-config-sort-order-card-template-then-lowest-position = Card template, then lowest position deck-config-sort-order-card-template-then-highest-position = Card template, then highest position deck-config-sort-order-card-template-then-random = Card template, then random deck-config-sort-order-lowest-position = Lowest position deck-config-sort-order-highest-position = Highest position deck-config-sort-order-random = Random deck-config-new-review-priority = New/review priority deck-config-new-review-priority-tooltip = When to show new cards in relation to review cards. deck-config-interday-step-priority = Interday learning/review priority deck-config-interday-step-priority-tooltip = When to show (re)learning cards that cross a day boundary. deck-config-review-mix-mix-with-reviews = Mix with reviews deck-config-review-mix-show-after-reviews = Show after reviews deck-config-review-mix-show-before-reviews = Show before reviews deck-config-review-sort-order = Review sort order deck-config-review-sort-order-tooltip = The default order prioritizes cards that have been waiting longest, so that if you have a backlog of reviews, the longest-waiting ones will appear first. If you have a large backlog that will take more than a few days to clear, or wish to see cards in subdeck order, you may find the alternate sort orders preferable. deck-config-sort-order-due-date-then-random = Due date, then random deck-config-sort-order-due-date-then-deck = Due date, then deck deck-config-sort-order-deck-then-due-date = Deck, then due date deck-config-sort-order-ascending-intervals = Ascending intervals deck-config-sort-order-descending-intervals = Descending intervals deck-config-display-order-will-use-current-deck = Anki will use the display order from the deck you select to study, and not any subdecks it may have. ## Timer section deck-config-timer-title = Timer deck-config-maximum-answer-secs = Maximum answer seconds deck-config-maximum-answer-secs-tooltip = The maximum number of seconds to record for a single review. If an answer exceeds this time (because you stepped away from the screen for example), the time taken will be recorded as the limit you have set. deck-config-show-answer-timer-tooltip = In the review screen, show a timer that counts the number of seconds you're taking to review each card. ## Audio section deck-config-audio-title = Audio deck-config-disable-autoplay = Don't play audio automatically deck-config-always-include-question-audio-tooltip = Whether the question audio should be included when the Replay action is used while looking at the answer side of a card. ## Advanced section deck-config-advanced-title = Advanced deck-config-maximum-interval-tooltip = The maximum number of days a review card will wait. When reviews have reached the limit, `Hard`, `Good` and `Easy` will all give the same delay. The shorter you set this, the greater your workload will be. deck-config-starting-ease-tooltip = The ease multiplier new cards start with. By default, the `Good` button on a newly-learned card will delay the next review by 2.5x the previous delay. deck-config-easy-bonus-tooltip = An extra multiplier that is applied to a review card's interval when you rate it `Easy`. deck-config-interval-modifier-tooltip = This multiplier is applied to all reviews, and minor adjustments can be used to make Anki more conservative or aggressive in its scheduling. Please see the manual before changing this option. deck-config-hard-interval-tooltip = The multiplier applied to a review interval when answering `Hard`. deck-config-new-interval-tooltip = The multiplier applied to a review interval when answering `Again`. deck-config-minimum-interval-tooltip = The minimum interval given to a review card after answering `Again`. deck-config-custom-scheduling = Custom scheduling deck-config-custom-scheduling-tooltip = Affects the entire collection. Use at your own risk! ## Adding/renaming deck-config-add-group = Add Preset deck-config-name-prompt = Name deck-config-rename-group = Rename Preset deck-config-clone-group = Clone Preset ## Removing deck-config-remove-group = Remove Preset deck-config-confirm-normal = Remove { $name }? deck-config-will-require-full-sync = The requested change will require a one-way sync. If you have made changes on another device, and not synced them to this device yet, please do so before you proceed. deck-config-confirm-remove-name = Remove { $name }? ## Other Buttons deck-config-save-button = Save deck-config-save-to-all-subdecks = Save to All Subdecks deck-config-revert-button-tooltip = Restore this setting to its default value. ## These strings are shown via the Description button at the bottom of the ## overview screen. deck-config-description-markdown = Enable markdown+clean HTML deck-config-description-markdown-hint = Will appear as text on Anki 2.1.40 and below. ## Warnings shown to the user deck-config-daily-limit-will-be-capped = A parent deck has a limit of { $cards -> [one] { $cards } card *[other] { $cards } cards }, which will override this limit. deck-config-reviews-too-low = If adding { $cards -> [one] { $cards } new card each day *[other] { $cards } new cards each day }, your review limit should be at least { $expected }. deck-config-learning-step-above-graduating-interval = The graduating interval should be at least as long as your final learning step. deck-config-good-above-easy = The easy interval should be at least as long as the graduating interval. deck-config-relearning-steps-above-minimum-interval = The minimum lapse interval should be at least as long as your final relearning step. ## Selecting a deck deck-config-which-deck = Which deck would you like?