# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html # Profile handling ########################################################################## # - Saves in pickles rather than json to easily store Qt window state. # - Saves in sqlite rather than a flat file so the config can't be corrupted import os import random import cPickle import locale import re from aqt.qt import * from anki.db import DB from anki.utils import isMac, isWin, intTime, checksum from anki.lang import langs from aqt.utils import showWarning from aqt import appHelpSite import aqt.forms from send2trash import send2trash metaConf = dict( ver=0, updates=True, created=intTime(), id=random.randrange(0, 2**63), lastMsg=-1, suppressUpdate=False, firstRun=True, defaultLang=None, disabledAddons=[], ) profileConf = dict( # profile key=None, mainWindowGeom=None, mainWindowState=None, numBackups=30, lastOptimize=intTime(), # editing fullSearch=False, searchHistory=[], lastColour="#00f", stripHTML=True, pastePNG=False, # not exposed in gui deleteMedia=False, preserveKeyboard=True, # syncing syncKey=None, syncMedia=True, autoSync=True, # importing allowHTML=False, importMode=0, ) class ProfileManager(object): def __init__(self, base=None, profile=None): self.name = None # instantiate base folder if base: self.base = os.path.abspath(base) else: self.base = self._defaultBase() self.ensureBaseExists() # load metadata self.firstRun = self._loadMeta() # did the user request a profile to start up with? if profile: try: self.load(profile) except TypeError: raise Exception("Provided profile does not exist.") # Base creation ###################################################################### def ensureBaseExists(self): try: self._ensureExists(self.base) except: # can't translate, as lang not initialized QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error", """\ Anki can't write to the harddisk. Please see the \ documentation for information on using a flash drive.""") raise # Profile load/save ###################################################################### def profiles(self): return sorted( unicode(x, "utf8") for x in self.db.list("select name from profiles") if x != "_global") def load(self, name, passwd=None): prof = cPickle.loads( self.db.scalar("select data from profiles where name = ?", name.encode("utf8"))) if prof['key'] and prof['key'] != self._pwhash(passwd): self.name = None return False if name != "_global": self.name = name self.profile = prof return True def save(self): sql = "update profiles set data = ? where name = ?" self.db.execute(sql, cPickle.dumps(self.profile), self.name.encode("utf8")) self.db.execute(sql, cPickle.dumps(self.meta), "_global") self.db.commit() def create(self, name): prof = profileConf.copy() self.db.execute("insert into profiles values (?, ?)", name.encode("utf8"), cPickle.dumps(prof)) self.db.commit() def remove(self, name): p = self.profileFolder() if os.path.exists(p): send2trash(p) self.db.execute("delete from profiles where name = ?", name.encode("utf8")) self.db.commit() def rename(self, name): oldName = self.name oldFolder = self.profileFolder() self.name = name newFolder = self.profileFolder(create=False) if os.path.exists(newFolder): showWarning(_("Folder already exists.")) self.name = oldName return # update name self.db.execute("update profiles set name = ? where name = ?", name.encode("utf8"), oldName.encode("utf-8")) # rename folder os.rename(oldFolder, newFolder) self.db.commit() # Folder handling ###################################################################### def profileFolder(self, create=True): path = os.path.join(self.base, self.name) if create: self._ensureExists(path) return path def addonFolder(self): return self._ensureExists(os.path.join(self.base, "addons")) def backupFolder(self): return self._ensureExists( os.path.join(self.profileFolder(), "backups")) def collectionPath(self): return os.path.join(self.profileFolder(), "collection.anki2") # Helpers ###################################################################### def _ensureExists(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def _defaultBase(self): if isWin: if qtmajor >= 5: loc = QStandardPaths.writeableLocation(QStandardPaths.DocumentsLocation) else: loc = QDesktopServices.storageLocation(QDesktopServices.DocumentsLocation) return os.path.join(loc, "Anki") elif isMac: return os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/Anki") else: return os.path.expanduser("~/Anki") def _loadMeta(self): path = os.path.join(self.base, "prefs.db") new = not os.path.exists(path) def recover(): # if we can't load profile, start with a new one os.rename(path, path+".broken") QMessageBox.warning( None, "Preferences Corrupt", """\ Anki's prefs.db file was corrupt and has been recreated. If you were using multiple \ profiles, please add them back using the same names to recover your cards.""") try: self.db = DB(path, text=str) self.db.execute(""" create table if not exists profiles (name text primary key, data text not null);""") except: recover() return self._loadMeta() if not new: # load previously created try: self.meta = cPickle.loads( self.db.scalar( "select data from profiles where name = '_global'")) return except: recover() return self._loadMeta() # create a default global profile self.meta = metaConf.copy() self.db.execute("insert or replace into profiles values ('_global', ?)", cPickle.dumps(metaConf)) self._setDefaultLang() return True def ensureProfile(self): "Create a new profile if none exists." if self.firstRun: self.create(_("User 1")) p = os.path.join(self.base, "README.txt") open(p, "w").write((_("""\ This folder stores all of your Anki data in a single location, to make backups easy. To tell Anki to use a different location, please see: %s """) % (appHelpSite + "#startupopts")).encode("utf8")) def _pwhash(self, passwd): return checksum(unicode(self.meta['id'])+unicode(passwd)) # Default language ###################################################################### # On first run, allow the user to choose the default language def _setDefaultLang(self): # the dialog expects _ to be defined, but we're running before # setupLang() has been called. so we create a dummy op for now import __builtin__ __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = lambda x: x # create dialog class NoCloseDiag(QDialog): def reject(self): pass d = self.langDiag = NoCloseDiag() f = self.langForm = aqt.forms.setlang.Ui_Dialog() f.setupUi(d) d.connect(d, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self._onLangSelected) d.connect(d, SIGNAL("rejected()"), lambda: True) # default to the system language try: (lang, enc) = locale.getdefaultlocale() except: # fails on osx lang = "en" if lang and lang not in ("pt_BR", "zh_CN", "zh_TW"): lang = re.sub("(.*)_.*", "\\1", lang) # find index idx = None en = None for c, (name, code) in enumerate(langs): if code == "en": en = c if code == lang: idx = c # if the system language isn't available, revert to english if idx is None: idx = en # update list f.lang.addItems([x[0] for x in langs]) f.lang.setCurrentRow(idx) d.exec_() def _onLangSelected(self): f = self.langForm code = langs[f.lang.currentRow()][1] self.meta['defaultLang'] = code sql = "update profiles set data = ? where name = ?" self.db.execute(sql, cPickle.dumps(self.meta), "_global") self.db.commit()