# Copyright: Damien Elmes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import os, cPickle, ctypes, shutil from aqt.qt import * from anki.utils import isMac, isWin from anki import Collection from anki.importing import Anki1Importer from aqt.utils import showWarning import aqt class Upgrader(object): def __init__(self, mw): self.mw = mw def maybeUpgrade(self): p = self._oldConfigPath() # does an old config file exist? if not p or not os.path.exists(p): return # load old settings and copy over try: self._loadConf(p) except: showWarning(_("""\ Anki wasn't able to load your old config file. Please use File>Import \ to import your decks from previous Anki versions.""")) return if not self._copySettings(): return # and show the wizard self._showWizard() # Settings ###################################################################### def _oldConfigPath(self): if isWin: try: os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['APPDATA'] except: # system with %APPDATA% not defined return None p = "~/.anki/config.db" elif isMac: p = "~/Library/Application Support/Anki/config.db" else: p = "~/.anki/config.db" return os.path.expanduser(p) def _loadConf(self, path): self.conf = cPickle.load(open(path)) def _copySettings(self): p = self.mw.pm.profile for k in ( "recentColours", "stripHTML", "editFontFamily", "editFontSize", "editLineSize", "deleteMedia", "preserveKeyboard", "numBackups", "proxyHost", "proxyPass", "proxyPort", "proxyUser"): try: p[k] = self.conf[k] except: showWarning(_("""\ Anki 2.0 only supports automatic upgrading from Anki 1.2. To load old \ decks, please open them in Anki 1.2 to upgrade them, and then import them \ into Anki 2.0.""")) return return True # Wizard ###################################################################### def _showWizard(self): if not self.conf['recentDeckPaths']: # if there are no decks to upgrade, don't show wizard return class Wizard(QWizard): def reject(self): pass self.wizard = w = Wizard() w.addPage(self._welcomePage()) w.addPage(self._decksPage()) w.addPage(self._mediaPage()) w.addPage(self._readyPage()) w.addPage(self._upgradePage()) w.addPage(self._finishedPage()) w.setWindowTitle(_("Upgrade Wizard")) w.setWizardStyle(QWizard.ModernStyle) w.setOptions(QWizard.NoCancelButton) w.exec_() def _labelPage(self, title, txt): p = QWizardPage() p.setTitle(title) l = QLabel(txt) l.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) l.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) l.setWordWrap(True) v = QVBoxLayout() v.addWidget(l) p.setLayout(v) return p def _welcomePage(self): return self._labelPage(_("Welcome"), _("""\ This wizard will guide you through the Anki 2.0 upgrade process. For a smooth upgrade, please read the following pages carefully. """)) def _decksPage(self): return self._labelPage(_("Your Decks"), _("""\ Anki 2 stores your decks in a new format. This wizard will automatically convert your decks to that format. Your decks will be backed up before the upgrade, so if you need to revert to the previous version of Anki, your decks will still be usable.""")) def _mediaPage(self): return self._labelPage(_("Sounds & Images"), _("""\ When your decks are upgraded, Anki will attempt to copy any sounds and images from the old decks. If you were using a custom DropBox folder or custom media folder, the upgrade process may not be able to locate your media. Later on, a report of the upgrade will be presented to you. If you notice media was not copied when it should have been, please see the upgrade guide for more instructions.

AnkiWeb now supports media syncing directly. No special setup is required, and media will be synchronized along with your cards when you sync to AnkiWeb.""")) def _readyPage(self): class ReadyPage(QWizardPage): def initializePage(self): self.setTitle(_("Ready to Upgrade")) self.setCommitPage(True) l = QLabel(_("""\ When you're ready to upgrade, click the commit button to continue. The upgrade guide will open in your browser while the upgrade proceeds. Please read it carefully, as a lot has changed since the previous Anki version.""")) l.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) l.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) l.setWordWrap(True) v = QVBoxLayout() v.addWidget(l) self.setLayout(v) return ReadyPage() def _upgradePage(self): decks = self.conf['recentDeckPaths'] colpath = self.mw.pm.collectionPath() upgrader = self class UpgradePage(QWizardPage): def isComplete(self): return False def initializePage(self): # can't use openLink; gui not ready for tooltips QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(aqt.appChanges)) self.setCommitPage(True) self.setTitle(_("Upgrading")) self.label = l = QLabel() l.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) l.setWordWrap(True) v = QVBoxLayout() v.addWidget(l) prog = QProgressBar() prog.setMaximum(0) v.addWidget(prog) l2 = QLabel(_("Please be patient; this can take a while.")) l2.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) l2.setWordWrap(True) v.addWidget(l2) self.setLayout(v) # run the upgrade in a different thread self.thread = UpgradeThread(decks, colpath, upgrader.conf) self.thread.start() # and periodically update the GUI self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onTimer) self.timer.start(1000) self.onTimer() def onTimer(self): prog = self.thread.progress() if not prog: self.timer.stop() upgrader.log = self.thread.log upgrader.wizard.next() self.label.setText(prog) return UpgradePage() def _finishedPage(self): upgrader = self class FinishedPage(QWizardPage): def initializePage(self): buf = "" for file in upgrader.log: buf += "%s" % file[0] buf += "

" self.setTitle(_("Upgrade Complete")) l = QLabel(_("""\ The upgrade has finished, and you're ready to start using Anki 2.0.

Below is a log of the update:


""") % buf) l.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) l.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) l.setWordWrap(True) l.setMaximumWidth(400) a = QScrollArea() a.setWidget(l) v = QVBoxLayout() v.addWidget(a) self.setLayout(v) return FinishedPage() class UpgradeThread(QThread): def __init__(self, paths, colpath, oldprefs): QThread.__init__(self) self.paths = paths self.max = len(paths) self.current = 1 self.finished = False self.colpath = colpath self.oldprefs = oldprefs self.name = "" self.log = [] def run(self): # open profile deck self.col = Collection(self.colpath) # loop through paths while True: path = self.paths.pop() self.name = os.path.basename(path) self.upgrade(path) # abort if finished if not self.paths: break self.current += 1 self.col.close() self.finished = True def progress(self): if self.finished: return return _("Upgrading deck %(a)s of %(b)s...\n%(c)s") % \ dict(a=self.current, b=self.max, c=self.name) def upgrade(self, path): log = self._upgrade(path) self.log.append((self.name, log)) def _upgrade(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): return [_("File was missing.")] imp = Anki1Importer(self.col, path) # try to copy over dropbox media first try: self.maybeCopyFromCustomFolder(path) except Exception, e: imp.log.append(repr(str(e))) # then run the import try: imp.run() except Exception, e: if repr(str(e)) == "invalidFile": # already logged pass else: imp.log.append(repr(str(e))) self.col.save() return imp.log def maybeCopyFromCustomFolder(self, path): folder = os.path.basename(path).replace(".anki", ".media") loc = self.oldprefs.get("mediaLocation") if not loc: # no prefix; user had media next to deck return elif loc == "dropbox": # dropbox no longer exports the folder location; try default if isWin: dll = ctypes.windll.shell32 buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(300) dll.SHGetSpecialFolderPathA(None, buf, 0x0005, False) loc = os.path.join(buf.value, 'Dropbox') else: loc = os.path.expanduser("~/Dropbox") loc = os.path.join(loc, "Public", "Anki") # no media folder in custom location? mfolder = os.path.join(loc, folder) if not os.path.exists(mfolder): return # folder exists; copy data next to the deck. leave a copy in the # custom location so users can revert easily. mdir = self.col.media.dir() for f in os.listdir(mfolder): src = os.path.join(mfolder, f) dst = os.path.join(mdir, f) if not os.path.exists(dst): shutil.copyfile(src, dst)