# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from __future__ import annotations import enum import platform import subprocess from dataclasses import dataclass import aqt from anki.utils import is_lin, is_mac, is_win from aqt import QApplication, colors, gui_hooks from aqt.qt import ( QColor, QGuiApplication, QIcon, QPainter, QPalette, QPixmap, QStyleFactory, Qt, ) @dataclass class ColoredIcon: path: str # (day, night) color: tuple[str, str] def current_color(self, night_mode: bool) -> str: if night_mode: return self.color[1] else: return self.color[0] def with_color(self, color: tuple[str, str]) -> ColoredIcon: return ColoredIcon(path=self.path, color=color) class Theme(enum.IntEnum): FOLLOW_SYSTEM = 0 LIGHT = 1 DARK = 2 class ThemeManager: _night_mode_preference = False _icon_cache_light: dict[str, QIcon] = {} _icon_cache_dark: dict[str, QIcon] = {} _icon_size = 128 _dark_mode_available: bool | None = None default_palette: QPalette | None = None _default_style: str | None = None # Qt applies a gradient to the buttons in dark mode # from about #505050 to #606060. DARK_MODE_BUTTON_BG_MIDPOINT = "#555555" def macos_dark_mode(self) -> bool: "True if the user has night mode on, and has forced native widgets." if not is_mac: return False if not self._night_mode_preference: return False if self._dark_mode_available is None: self._dark_mode_available = set_macos_dark_mode(True) from aqt import mw return self._dark_mode_available and mw.pm.dark_mode_widgets() def get_night_mode(self) -> bool: return self._night_mode_preference def set_night_mode(self, val: bool) -> None: self._night_mode_preference = val self._update_stat_colors() night_mode = property(get_night_mode, set_night_mode) def icon_from_resources(self, path: str | ColoredIcon) -> QIcon: "Fetch icon from Qt resources, and invert if in night mode." if self.night_mode: cache = self._icon_cache_light else: cache = self._icon_cache_dark if isinstance(path, str): key = path else: key = f"{path.path}-{path.color}" icon = cache.get(key) if icon: return icon if isinstance(path, str): # default black/white icon = QIcon(path) if self.night_mode: img = icon.pixmap(self._icon_size, self._icon_size).toImage() img.invertPixels() icon = QIcon(QPixmap(img)) else: # specified colours icon = QIcon(path.path) pixmap = icon.pixmap(16) painter = QPainter(pixmap) painter.setCompositionMode( QPainter.CompositionMode.CompositionMode_SourceIn ) painter.fillRect(pixmap.rect(), QColor(path.current_color(self.night_mode))) painter.end() icon = QIcon(pixmap) return icon return cache.setdefault(path, icon) def body_class(self, night_mode: bool | None = None) -> str: "Returns space-separated class list for platform/theme." classes = [] if is_win: classes.append("isWin") elif is_mac: classes.append("isMac") else: classes.append("isLin") if night_mode is None: night_mode = self.night_mode if night_mode: classes.extend(["nightMode", "night_mode"]) if self.macos_dark_mode(): classes.append("macos-dark-mode") return " ".join(classes) def body_classes_for_card_ord( self, card_ord: int, night_mode: bool | None = None ) -> str: "Returns body classes used when showing a card." return f"card card{card_ord+1} {self.body_class(night_mode)}" def color(self, colors: tuple[str, str]) -> str: """Given day/night colors, return the correct one for the current theme.""" idx = 1 if self.night_mode else 0 return colors[idx] def qcolor(self, colors: tuple[str, str]) -> QColor: return QColor(self.color(colors)) def _determine_night_mode(self) -> bool: theme = aqt.mw.pm.theme() if theme == Theme.LIGHT: return False elif theme == Theme.DARK: return True else: if is_win: return get_windows_dark_mode() elif is_mac: return get_macos_dark_mode() else: return get_linux_dark_mode() def apply_style_if_system_style_changed(self) -> None: theme = aqt.mw.pm.theme() if theme != Theme.FOLLOW_SYSTEM: return if self._determine_night_mode() != self.night_mode: self.apply_style() def apply_style(self) -> None: "Apply currently configured style." app = aqt.mw.app self.night_mode = self._determine_night_mode() if not self.default_palette: self.default_palette = QGuiApplication.palette() self._default_style = app.style().objectName() self._apply_palette(app) self._apply_style(app) gui_hooks.theme_did_change() def _apply_style(self, app: QApplication) -> None: buf = "" if is_win and platform.release() == "10": # day mode is missing a bottom border; background must be # also set for border to apply buf += f""" QMenuBar {{ border-bottom: 1px solid {self.color(colors.BORDER)}; background: {self.color(colors.WINDOW_BG) if self.night_mode else "white"}; }} """ # qt bug? setting the above changes the browser sidebar # to white as well, so set it back buf += f""" QTreeWidget {{ background: {self.color(colors.WINDOW_BG)}; }} """ if self.night_mode: buf += """ QToolTip { border: 0; } """ if not self.macos_dark_mode(): buf += """ QScrollBar {{ background-color: {}; }} QScrollBar::handle {{ background-color: {}; border-radius: 5px; }} QScrollBar:horizontal {{ height: 12px; }} QScrollBar::handle:horizontal {{ min-width: 50px; }} QScrollBar:vertical {{ width: 12px; }} QScrollBar::handle:vertical {{ min-height: 50px; }} QScrollBar::add-line {{ border: none; background: none; }} QScrollBar::sub-line {{ border: none; background: none; }} QTabWidget {{ background-color: {}; }} """.format( self.color(colors.WINDOW_BG), # fushion-button-hover-bg "#656565", self.color(colors.WINDOW_BG), ) # allow addons to modify the styling buf = gui_hooks.style_did_init(buf) app.setStyleSheet(buf) def _apply_palette(self, app: QApplication) -> None: set_macos_dark_mode(self.night_mode) if not self.night_mode: app.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create(self._default_style)) # type: ignore app.setPalette(self.default_palette) return if not self.macos_dark_mode(): app.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("fusion")) # type: ignore palette = QPalette() text_fg = self.qcolor(colors.TEXT_FG) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText, text_fg) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.ToolTipText, text_fg) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Text, text_fg) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.ButtonText, text_fg) hlbg = self.qcolor(colors.HIGHLIGHT_BG) hlbg.setAlpha(64) palette.setColor( QPalette.ColorRole.HighlightedText, self.qcolor(colors.HIGHLIGHT_FG) ) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Highlight, hlbg) window_bg = self.qcolor(colors.WINDOW_BG) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Window, window_bg) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.AlternateBase, window_bg) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Button, QColor("#454545")) frame_bg = self.qcolor(colors.FRAME_BG) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Base, frame_bg) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.ToolTipBase, frame_bg) disabled_color = self.qcolor(colors.DISABLED) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.PlaceholderText, disabled_color) palette.setColor( QPalette.ColorGroup.Disabled, QPalette.ColorRole.Text, disabled_color ) palette.setColor( QPalette.ColorGroup.Disabled, QPalette.ColorRole.ButtonText, disabled_color ) palette.setColor( QPalette.ColorGroup.Disabled, QPalette.ColorRole.HighlightedText, disabled_color, ) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Link, self.qcolor(colors.LINK)) palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.BrightText, Qt.GlobalColor.red) app.setPalette(palette) def _update_stat_colors(self) -> None: import anki.stats as s s.colLearn = self.color(colors.NEW_COUNT) s.colRelearn = self.color(colors.LEARN_COUNT) s.colCram = self.color(colors.SUSPENDED_BG) s.colSusp = self.color(colors.SUSPENDED_BG) s.colMature = self.color(colors.REVIEW_COUNT) s._legacy_nightmode = self._night_mode_preference def get_windows_dark_mode() -> bool: "True if Windows system is currently in dark mode." if not is_win: return False from winreg import ( # pylint: disable=import-error HKEY_CURRENT_USER, OpenKey, QueryValueEx, ) key = OpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize", ) try: return not QueryValueEx(key, "AppsUseLightTheme")[0] except Exception as err: # key reportedly missing or set to wrong type on some systems return False def set_macos_dark_mode(enabled: bool) -> bool: "True if setting successful." from aqt._macos_helper import macos_helper if not macos_helper: return False return macos_helper.set_darkmode_enabled(enabled) def get_macos_dark_mode() -> bool: "True if macOS system is currently in dark mode." from aqt._macos_helper import macos_helper if not macos_helper: return False return macos_helper.system_is_dark() def get_linux_dark_mode() -> bool: """True if Linux system is in dark mode. This only works if the GTK theme name contains '-dark'""" if not is_lin: return False try: process = subprocess.run( ["gsettings", "get", "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "gtk-theme"], check=True, capture_output=True, encoding="utf8", ) except FileNotFoundError as e: # swallow exceptions, as gsettings may not be installed print(e) return False except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # gsettings is installed, but cannot return a value print(e) return False return "-dark" in process.stdout.lower() theme_manager = ThemeManager()