# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") load("//proto:clang_format.bzl", "proto_format") proto_format( name = "format", srcs = glob(["**/*.proto"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) proto_library( name = "backend_proto_lib", srcs = glob(["**/*.proto"]), # "" removes the "proto/" prefix strip_import_prefix = "", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) filegroup( name = "proto", srcs = glob(["**/*.proto"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) exports_files([ # for external workspace use "format.py", # an empty file we use to get the root proto/ path in the Rust build ".top_level", ])