/* Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors * License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html */ @use "sass:map"; @use "sass:list"; @function create-vars-from-map($map, $theme, $name: "-", $output: ()) { @each $key, $value in $map { @if $key == $theme or ( $key == "default" and type-of($value) != "map" and type-of($value) != "list" ) { @return map.set($output, $name, map.get($map, $key)); } @if type-of($value) == "map" { @if $key == "default" { $output: map-merge( $output, create-vars-from-map($value, $theme, #{$name}, $output) ); } @else { $output: map-merge( $output, create-vars-from-map($value, $theme, #{$name}-#{$key}, $output) ); } } @else if type-of($value) == "list" and list.length($value) > 1 { $next-name: #{$name}-#{$key}; @if $key == "default" { $next-name: $name; } $output: map-merge( $output, (#{"comment"}#{$next-name}: list.nth($value, 1)) ); $output: map-merge( $output, create-vars-from-map( list.nth($value, 2), $theme, #{$next-name}, $output ) ); } } @return $output; } @function map-deep-get($map, $keys) { @each $key in $keys { @if type-of($map) == "list" and list.length($map) > 1 { $map: map-get(list.nth($map, 2), $key); } @else { $map: map-get($map, $key); } } @return $map; } @function get-value-from-map($map, $keyword, $theme, $keys: ()) { $i: str-index($keyword, "-"); @if $i { @while $i { $sub: str-slice($keyword, 0, $i - 1); @if list.length($keys) == 0 { $keys: ($sub); } @else { $keys: list.append($keys, $sub); } $keyword: str-slice($keyword, $i + 1, -1); $i: str-index($keyword, "-"); } } $keys: list.join($keys, ($keyword, $theme)); @return map-deep-get($map, $keys); }