// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import * as tr from "@tslib/ftl"; import { fabric } from "fabric"; import { get } from "svelte/store"; import type { Collection } from "../lib/proto"; import type { IOMode } from "./lib"; import { addImageOcclusionNote, updateImageOcclusionNote } from "./lib"; import { notesDataStore, tagsWritable } from "./store"; import Toast from "./Toast.svelte"; import { makeMaskTransparent } from "./tools/lib"; const divData = [ "height", "left", "top", "type", "width", ]; // Defines the number of fraction digits to use when serializing object values fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS = 2; export function generate(hideInactive: boolean): { occlusionCloze: string; noteCount: number } { const canvas = globalThis.canvas; const canvasObjects = canvas.getObjects(); if (canvasObjects.length < 1) { return { occlusionCloze: "", noteCount: 0 }; } let occlusionCloze = ""; let clozeData = ""; let noteCount = 0; makeMaskTransparent(canvas, false); canvasObjects.forEach((object, index) => { const obJson = object.toJSON(); noteCount++; if (obJson.type === "group") { clozeData += getGroupCloze(object, index, hideInactive); } else { clozeData += getCloze(object, index, null, hideInactive); } }); occlusionCloze += clozeData; return { occlusionCloze, noteCount }; } const getCloze = (object, index, relativePos, hideInactive): string => { const obJson = object.toJSON(); let clozeData = ""; // generate cloze data in form of // {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:top=100:left=100:width=100:height=100}} Object.keys(obJson).forEach(function(key) { if (divData.includes(key)) { if (key === "type") { clozeData += `:${obJson[key]}`; if (obJson[key] === "ellipse") { clozeData += `:rx=${obJson.rx.toFixed(2)}:ry=${obJson.ry.toFixed(2)}`; } if (obJson[key] === "polygon") { const points = obJson.points; let pnts = ""; points.forEach((point: { x: number; y: number }) => { pnts += point.x.toFixed(2) + "," + point.y.toFixed(2) + " "; }); clozeData += `:points=${pnts.trim()}`; } } else if (relativePos && key === "top") { clozeData += `:top=${relativePos.top}`; } else if (relativePos && key === "left") { clozeData += `:left=${relativePos.left}`; } else { clozeData += `:${key}=${obJson[key]}`; } } }); clozeData += `:hideinactive=${hideInactive}`; clozeData = `{{c${index + 1}::image-occlusion${clozeData}}}
`; return clozeData; }; const getGroupCloze = (group, index, hideInactive): string => { let clozeData = ""; const objects = group._objects; objects.forEach((object) => { const { top, left } = getObjectPositionInGroup(group, object); clozeData += getCloze(object, index, { top, left }, hideInactive); }); return clozeData; }; const getObjectPositionInGroup = (group, object): { top: number; left: number } => { let left = object.left + group.left + group.width / 2; let top = object.top + group.top + group.height / 2; left = left.toFixed(2); top = top.toFixed(2); return { top, left }; }; export const addOrUpdateNote = async function( mode: IOMode, hideInactive: boolean, ): Promise { const { occlusionCloze, noteCount } = generate(hideInactive); if (noteCount === 0) { return; } const fieldsData: { id: string; title: string; divValue: string; textareaValue: string }[] = get(notesDataStore); const tags = get(tagsWritable); let header = fieldsData[0].textareaValue; let backExtra = fieldsData[1].textareaValue; header = header ? `
` : ""; backExtra = header ? `
` : ""; if (mode.kind == "edit") { const result = await updateImageOcclusionNote( mode.noteId, occlusionCloze, header, backExtra, tags, ); showResult(mode.noteId, result, noteCount); } else { const result = await addImageOcclusionNote( mode.notetypeId, mode.imagePath, occlusionCloze, header, backExtra, tags, ); showResult(null, result, noteCount); } }; // show toast message const showResult = (noteId: number | null, result: Collection.OpChanges, count: number) => { const toastComponent = new Toast({ target: document.body, props: { message: "", type: "error", }, }); if (result.note) { const msg = noteId ? tr.browsingCardsUpdated({ count: count }) : tr.importingCardsAdded({ count: count }); toastComponent.$set({ message: msg, type: "success", showToast: true }); } else { const msg = tr.notetypesErrorGeneratingCloze(); toastComponent.$set({ message: msg, showToast: true }); } };