echo --- Building set BAZEL=\bazel\bazel.exe --output_user_root=\bazel\ankici --output_base=\bazel\ankici\base set BUILDARGS=--config=ci if exist \bazel\node_modules ( move \bazel\node_modules .\node_modules ) :: rollup may fail on the first build, so we build once without checking return code call %BAZEL% build %BUILDARGS% ... -k :: now build/test echo +++ Running tests call %BAZEL% test %BUILDARGS% ... IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B 1 :: build the wheels @REM call %BAZEL% build %BUILDARGS% pylib/anki:wheel qt/aqt:wheel @REM IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B 1 @REM :: install them into a new venv @REM echo Creating venv... @REM \python\python.exe -m venv venv @REM IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B 1 @REM call venv\scripts\activate @REM :: expand wildcards @REM for %%i in (bazel-bin/pylib/anki/*.whl) do set "pylib=%%~i" @REM for %%i in (bazel-bin/qt/aqt/*.whl) do set "qt=%%~i" @REM echo Installing wheels... @REM venv\scripts\pip install bazel-bin/pylib/anki/%pylib% bazel-bin/qt/aqt/%qt% @REM IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B 1 @REM echo Importing... @REM python -c "import aqt" @REM IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B 1 @REM echo Import succesful. echo --- Cleanup move node_modules \bazel\node_modules