# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from aqt.qt import * import re, os, sys, urllib, time, subprocess import aqt from anki.sound import playFromText, stripSounds from anki.utils import call, isWin, isMac def openHelp(section): link = aqt.appHelpSite if section: link += "#%s" % section openLink(link) def openLink(link): tooltip(_("Loading..."), period=1000) QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(link)) def showWarning(text, parent=None, help=""): "Show a small warning with an OK button." return showInfo(text, parent, help, "warning") def showCritical(text, parent=None, help=""): "Show a small critical error with an OK button." return showInfo(text, parent, help, "critical") def showInfo(text, parent=False, help="", type="info"): "Show a small info window with an OK button." if parent is False: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw if type == "warning": icon = QMessageBox.Warning elif type == "critical": icon = QMessageBox.Critical else: icon = QMessageBox.Information mb = QMessageBox(parent) mb.setText(text) mb.setIcon(icon) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) b = mb.addButton(QMessageBox.Ok) b.setDefault(True) if help: b = mb.addButton(QMessageBox.Help) b.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: openHelp(help)) b.setAutoDefault(False) return mb.exec_() def showText(txt, parent=None, type="text", run=True): if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw diag = QDialog(parent) diag.setWindowTitle("Anki") layout = QVBoxLayout(diag) diag.setLayout(layout) text = QTextEdit() text.setReadOnly(True) if type == "text": text.setPlainText(txt) else: text.setHtml(txt) layout.addWidget(text) box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) layout.addWidget(box) diag.connect(box, SIGNAL("rejected()"), diag, SLOT("reject()")) diag.setMinimumHeight(400) diag.setMinimumWidth(500) if run: diag.exec_() else: return diag, box def askUser(text, parent=None, help="", defaultno=False, msgfunc=None): "Show a yes/no question. Return true if yes." if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() if not msgfunc: msgfunc = QMessageBox.question sb = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No if help: sb |= QMessageBox.Help while 1: if defaultno: default = QMessageBox.No else: default = QMessageBox.Yes r = msgfunc(parent, "Anki", text, sb, default) if r == QMessageBox.Help: openHelp(help) else: break return r == QMessageBox.Yes class ButtonedDialog(QMessageBox): def __init__(self, text, buttons, parent=None, help=""): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.buttons = [] self.setWindowTitle("Anki") self.help = help self.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.setText(text) # v = QVBoxLayout() # v.addWidget(QLabel(text)) # box = QDialogButtonBox() # v.addWidget(box) for b in buttons: self.buttons.append( self.addButton(b, QMessageBox.AcceptRole)) if help: self.addButton(_("Help"), QMessageBox.HelpRole) buttons.append(_("Help")) #self.setLayout(v) def run(self): self.exec_() but = self.clickedButton().text() if but == "Help": # FIXME stop dialog closing? openHelp(self.help) return self.clickedButton().text() def setDefault(self, idx): self.setDefaultButton(self.buttons[idx]) def askUserDialog(text, buttons, parent=None, help=""): if not parent: parent = aqt.mw diag = ButtonedDialog(text, buttons, parent, help) return diag class GetTextDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent, question, help=None, edit=None, default=u"", title="Anki"): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.question = question self.help = help self.qlabel = QLabel(question) self.setMinimumWidth(400) v = QVBoxLayout() v.addWidget(self.qlabel) if not edit: edit = QLineEdit() self.l = edit if default: self.l.setText(default) self.l.selectAll() v.addWidget(self.l) buts = QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel if help: buts |= QDialogButtonBox.Help b = QDialogButtonBox(buts) v.addWidget(b) self.setLayout(v) self.connect(b.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok), SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.accept) self.connect(b.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel), SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.reject) if help: self.connect(b.button(QDialogButtonBox.Help), SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.helpRequested) def accept(self): return QDialog.accept(self) def reject(self): return QDialog.reject(self) def helpRequested(self): openHelp(self.help) def getText(prompt, parent=None, help=None, edit=None, default=u"", title="Anki"): if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw d = GetTextDialog(parent, prompt, help=help, edit=edit, default=default, title=title) d.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) ret = d.exec_() return (unicode(d.l.text()), ret) def getOnlyText(*args, **kwargs): (s, r) = getText(*args, **kwargs) if r: return s else: return u"" # fixme: these utilities could be combined into a single base class def chooseList(prompt, choices, startrow=0, parent=None): if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() d = QDialog(parent) d.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(l) t = QLabel(prompt) l.addWidget(t) c = QListWidget() c.addItems(choices) c.setCurrentRow(startrow) l.addWidget(c) bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) bb.connect(bb, SIGNAL("accepted()"), d, SLOT("accept()")) l.addWidget(bb) d.exec_() return c.currentRow() def getTag(parent, deck, question, tags="user", **kwargs): from aqt.tagedit import TagEdit te = TagEdit(parent) te.setCol(deck) ret = getText(question, parent, edit=te, **kwargs) te.hideCompleter() return ret # File handling ###################################################################### def getFile(parent, title, cb, filter="*.*", dir=None, key=None): "Ask the user for a file." assert not dir or not key if not dir: dirkey = key+"Directory" dir = aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(dirkey, "") else: dirkey = None d = QFileDialog(parent) # fix #233 crash if isMac: d.setOptions(QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog) d.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile) d.setDirectory(dir) d.setWindowTitle(title) d.setNameFilter(filter) ret = [] def accept(): # work around an osx crash aqt.mw.app.processEvents() file = unicode(list(d.selectedFiles())[0]) if dirkey: dir = os.path.dirname(file) aqt.mw.pm.profile[dirkey] = dir if cb: cb(file) ret.append(file) d.connect(d, SIGNAL("accepted()"), accept) d.exec_() return ret and ret[0] def getSaveFile(parent, title, dir, key, ext): "Ask the user for a file to save. Use DIR as config variable." dirkey = dir+"Directory" file = unicode(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( parent, title, aqt.mw.pm.base, key, options=QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite)) if file: # add extension if not file.lower().endswith(ext): file += ext # save new default dir = os.path.dirname(file) aqt.mw.pm.profile[dirkey] = dir # check if it exists if os.path.exists(file): if not askUser( _("This file exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"), parent): return None return file def saveGeom(widget, key): key += "Geom" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveGeometry() def restoreGeom(widget, key, offset=None): key += "Geom" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreGeometry(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) if isMac and offset: from aqt.main import QtConfig as q minor = (q.qt_version & 0x00ff00) >> 8 if minor > 6: # bug in osx toolkit s = widget.size() widget.resize(s.width(), s.height()+offset*2) def saveState(widget, key): key += "State" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveState() def restoreState(widget, key): key += "State" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreState(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def saveSplitter(widget, key): key += "Splitter" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveState() def restoreSplitter(widget, key): key += "Splitter" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreState(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def saveHeader(widget, key): key += "Header" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveState() def restoreHeader(widget, key): key += "Header" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreState(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def mungeQA(txt): txt = stripSounds(txt) # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600 txt = re.sub("font-weight: *600", "font-weight:bold", txt) return txt def applyStyles(widget): p = os.path.join(aqt.mw.pm.base, "style.css") if os.path.exists(p): widget.setStyleSheet(open(p).read()) def getBase(col): base = None mdir = col.media.dir() if isWin: prefix = u"file:///" else: prefix = u"file://" base = prefix + unicode( urllib.quote(mdir.encode("utf-8")), "utf-8") + "/" return '' % base def openFolder(path): if isWin: if isinstance(path, unicode): path = path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) subprocess.Popen(["explorer", path]) else: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl("file://" + path)) def shortcut(key): if isMac: return re.sub("(?i)ctrl", "Command", key) return key def maybeHideClose(bbox): if isMac: b = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close) if b: bbox.removeButton(b) # Tooltips ###################################################################### _tooltipTimer = None _tooltipLabel = None def tooltip(msg, period=3000, parent=None): global _tooltipTimer, _tooltipLabel class CustomLabel(QLabel): def mousePressEvent(self, evt): evt.accept() self.hide() closeTooltip() aw = parent or aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw lab = CustomLabel("""\
""" % msg, aw) lab.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel) lab.setLineWidth(2) lab.setWindowFlags(Qt.ToolTip) p = QPalette() p.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor("#feffc4")) lab.setPalette(p) lab.move( aw.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, -100 + aw.height()))) lab.show() _tooltipTimer = aqt.mw.progress.timer( period, closeTooltip, False) _tooltipLabel = lab def closeTooltip(): global _tooltipLabel, _tooltipTimer if _tooltipLabel: try: _tooltipLabel.deleteLater() except: # already deleted as parent window closed pass _tooltipLabel = None if _tooltipTimer: _tooltipTimer.stop() _tooltipTimer = None