# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import dataclasses import json import re import sys from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, cast import anki from anki.lang import is_rtl from anki.utils import isLin, isMac, isWin from aqt import colors, gui_hooks from aqt.qt import * from aqt.theme import theme_manager from aqt.utils import askUser, openLink, showInfo, tr serverbaseurl = re.compile(r"^.+:\/\/[^\/]+") # Page for debug messages ########################################################################## BridgeCommandHandler = Callable[[str], Any] class AnkiWebPage(QWebEnginePage): def __init__(self, onBridgeCmd: BridgeCommandHandler) -> None: QWebEnginePage.__init__(self) self._onBridgeCmd = onBridgeCmd self._setupBridge() self.open_links_externally = True def _setupBridge(self) -> None: class Bridge(QObject): def __init__(self, bridge_handler: Callable[[str], Any]) -> None: super().__init__() self.onCmd = bridge_handler @pyqtSlot(str, result=str) # type: ignore def cmd(self, str: str) -> Any: return json.dumps(self.onCmd(str)) self._bridge = Bridge(self._onCmd) self._channel = QWebChannel(self) self._channel.registerObject("py", self._bridge) self.setWebChannel(self._channel) qwebchannel = ":/qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js" jsfile = QFile(qwebchannel) if not jsfile.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly): print(f"Error opening '{qwebchannel}': {jsfile.error()}", file=sys.stderr) jstext = bytes(cast(bytes, jsfile.readAll())).decode("utf-8") jsfile.close() script = QWebEngineScript() script.setSourceCode( jstext + """ var pycmd, bridgeCommand; new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { bridgeCommand = pycmd = function (arg, cb) { var resultCB = function (res) { // pass result back to user-provided callback if (cb) { cb(JSON.parse(res)); } } channel.objects.py.cmd(arg, resultCB); return false; } pycmd("domDone"); }); """ ) script.setWorldId(QWebEngineScript.MainWorld) script.setInjectionPoint(QWebEngineScript.DocumentReady) script.setRunsOnSubFrames(False) self.profile().scripts().insert(script) def javaScriptConsoleMessage( self, level: QWebEnginePage.JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel, msg: str, line: int, srcID: str, ) -> None: # not translated because console usually not visible, # and may only accept ascii text if srcID.startswith("data"): srcID = "" else: srcID = serverbaseurl.sub("", srcID[:80], 1) if level == QWebEnginePage.InfoMessageLevel: level_str = "info" elif level == QWebEnginePage.WarningMessageLevel: level_str = "warning" elif level == QWebEnginePage.ErrorMessageLevel: level_str = "error" else: level_str = str(level) buf = "JS %(t)s %(f)s:%(a)d %(b)s" % dict( t=level_str, a=line, f=srcID, b=f"{msg}\n" ) if "MathJax localStorage" in buf: # silence localStorage noise return elif "link preload" in buf: # silence 'link preload' warning on the first card return # ensure we don't try to write characters the terminal can't handle buf = buf.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, "backslashreplace").decode( sys.stdout.encoding ) # output to stdout because it may raise error messages on the anki GUI # https://github.com/ankitects/anki/pull/560 sys.stdout.write(buf) def acceptNavigationRequest( self, url: QUrl, navType: Any, isMainFrame: bool ) -> bool: if ( not self.open_links_externally or "_anki/pages" in url.path() or url.path() == "/_anki/legacyPageData" ): return super().acceptNavigationRequest(url, navType, isMainFrame) if not isMainFrame: return True # data: links generated by setHtml() if url.scheme() == "data": return True # catch buggy links from aqt import mw if url.matches(QUrl(mw.serverURL()), cast(Any, QUrl.RemoveFragment)): print("onclick handler needs to return false") return False # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False def _onCmd(self, str: str) -> Any: return self._onBridgeCmd(str) def javaScriptAlert(self, frame: Any, text: str) -> None: showInfo(text) def javaScriptConfirm(self, frame: Any, text: str) -> bool: return askUser(text) # Add-ons ########################################################################## @dataclasses.dataclass class WebContent: """Stores all dynamically modified content that a particular web view will be populated with. Attributes: body {str} -- HTML body head {str} -- HTML head css {List[str]} -- List of media server subpaths, each pointing to a CSS file js {List[str]} -- List of media server subpaths, each pointing to a JS file Important Notes: - When modifying the attributes specified above, please make sure your changes only perform the minimum requried edits to make your add-on work. You should avoid overwriting or interfering with existing data as much as possible, instead opting to append your own changes, e.g.: def on_webview_will_set_content(web_content: WebContent, context) -> None: web_content.body += "" web_content.head += "" - The paths specified in `css` and `js` need to be accessible by Anki's media server. All list members without a specified subpath are assumed to be located under `/_anki`, which is the media server subpath used for all web assets shipped with Anki. Add-ons may expose their own web assets by utilizing aqt.addons.AddonManager.setWebExports(). Web exports registered in this manner may then be accessed under the `/_addons` subpath. E.g., to allow access to a `my-addon.js` and `my-addon.css` residing in a "web" subfolder in your add-on package, first register the corresponding web export: > from aqt import mw > mw.addonManager.setWebExports(__name__, r"web/.*(css|js)") Then append the subpaths to the corresponding web_content fields within a function subscribing to gui_hooks.webview_will_set_content: def on_webview_will_set_content(web_content: WebContent, context) -> None: addon_package = mw.addonManager.addonFromModule(__name__) web_content.css.append( f"/_addons/{addon_package}/web/my-addon.css") web_content.js.append( f"/_addons/{addon_package}/web/my-addon.js") Note that '/' will also match the os specific path separator. """ body: str = "" head: str = "" css: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: []) js: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: []) # Main web view ########################################################################## class AnkiWebView(QWebEngineView): def __init__( self, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, title: str = "default", ) -> None: QWebEngineView.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.set_title(title) self._page = AnkiWebPage(self._onBridgeCmd) # reduce flicker self._page.setBackgroundColor( self.get_window_bg_color(theme_manager.night_mode) ) # in new code, use .set_bridge_command() instead of setting this directly self.onBridgeCmd: Callable[[str], Any] = self.defaultOnBridgeCmd self._domDone = True self._pendingActions: list[tuple[str, Sequence[Any]]] = [] self.requiresCol = True self.setPage(self._page) self._page.profile().setHttpCacheType(QWebEngineProfile.NoCache) self.resetHandlers() self.allowDrops = False self._filterSet = False QShortcut( # type: ignore QKeySequence("Esc"), self, context=Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut, activated=self.onEsc, ) def set_title(self, title: str) -> None: self.title = title # type: ignore[assignment] def eventFilter(self, obj: QObject, evt: QEvent) -> bool: # disable pinch to zoom gesture if isinstance(evt, QNativeGestureEvent): return True elif isinstance(evt, QMouseEvent) and evt.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: if evt.button() == Qt.MidButton and isLin: self.onMiddleClickPaste() return True return False return False def set_open_links_externally(self, enable: bool) -> None: self._page.open_links_externally = enable def onEsc(self) -> None: w = self.parent() while w: if isinstance(w, QDialog) or isinstance(w, QMainWindow): from aqt import mw # esc in a child window closes the window if w != mw: w.close() else: # in the main window, removes focus from type in area parent = self.parent() assert isinstance(parent, QWidget) parent.setFocus() break w = w.parent() def onCopy(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Copy) def onCut(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Cut) def onPaste(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Paste) def onMiddleClickPaste(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Paste) def onSelectAll(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.SelectAll) def contextMenuEvent(self, evt: QContextMenuEvent) -> None: m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction(tr.actions_copy()) qconnect(a.triggered, self.onCopy) gui_hooks.webview_will_show_context_menu(self, m) m.popup(QCursor.pos()) def dropEvent(self, evt: QDropEvent) -> None: pass def setHtml(self, html: str) -> None: # type: ignore # discard any previous pending actions self._pendingActions = [] self._domDone = True self._queueAction("setHtml", html) self.set_open_links_externally(True) self.show() def _setHtml(self, html: str) -> None: """Send page data to media server, then surf to it. This function used to be implemented by QWebEngine's .setHtml() call. It is no longer used, as it has a maximum size limit, and due to security changes, it will stop working in the future.""" from aqt import mw oldFocus = mw.app.focusWidget() self._domDone = False webview_id = id(self) mw.mediaServer.set_page_html(webview_id, html) self.load_url(QUrl(f"{mw.serverURL()}_anki/legacyPageData?id={webview_id}")) # work around webengine stealing focus on setHtml() # fixme: check which if any qt versions this is still required on if oldFocus: oldFocus.setFocus() def load_url(self, url: QUrl) -> None: # allow queuing actions when loading url directly self._domDone = False super().load(url) def zoomFactor(self) -> float: # overridden scale factor? webscale = os.environ.get("ANKI_WEBSCALE") if webscale: return float(webscale) if isMac: return 1 screen = QApplication.desktop().screen() if screen is None: return 1 dpi = screen.logicalDpiX() factor = dpi / 96.0 if isLin: factor = max(1, factor) return factor return 1 def _getQtIntScale(self, screen: QWidget) -> int: # try to detect if Qt has scaled the screen # - qt will round the scale factor to a whole number, so a dpi of 125% = 1x, # and a dpi of 150% = 2x # - a screen with a normal physical dpi of 72 will have a dpi of 32 # if the scale factor has been rounded to 2x # - different screens have different physical DPIs (eg 72, 93, 102) # - until a better solution presents itself, assume a physical DPI at # or above 70 is unscaled if screen.physicalDpiX() > 70: return 1 elif screen.physicalDpiX() > 35: return 2 else: return 3 def get_window_bg_color(self, night_mode: bool) -> QColor: if night_mode: return QColor(colors.WINDOW_BG[1]) elif isMac: # standard palette does not return correct window color on macOS return QColor("#ececec") else: return theme_manager.default_palette.color(QPalette.Window) def standard_css(self) -> str: palette = theme_manager.default_palette color_hl = palette.color(QPalette.Highlight).name() if isWin: # T: include a font for your language on Windows, eg: "Segoe UI", "MS Mincho" family = tr.qt_misc_segoe_ui() button_style = "button { font-family:%s; }" % family button_style += "\n:focus { outline: 1px solid %s; }" % color_hl font = f"font-size:12px;font-family:{family};" elif isMac: family = "Helvetica" font = f'font-size:15px;font-family:"{family}";' button_style = """ button { -webkit-appearance: none; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius:5px; font-family: Helvetica }""" else: family = self.font().family() color_hl_txt = palette.color(QPalette.HighlightedText).name() color_btn = palette.color(QPalette.Button).name() font = f'font-size:14px;font-family:"{family}";' button_style = """ /* Buttons */ button{{ background-color: {color_btn}; font-family:"{family}"; }} button:focus{{ border-color: {color_hl} }} button:active, button:active:hover {{ background-color: {color_hl}; color: {color_hl_txt};}} /* Input field focus outline */ textarea:focus, input:focus, input[type]:focus, .uneditable-input:focus, div[contenteditable="true"]:focus {{ outline: 0 none; border-color: {color_hl}; }}""".format( family=family, color_btn=color_btn, color_hl=color_hl, color_hl_txt=color_hl_txt, ) zoom = self.zoomFactor() window_bg_day = self.get_window_bg_color(False).name() window_bg_night = self.get_window_bg_color(True).name() body_bg = window_bg_night if theme_manager.night_mode else window_bg_day if is_rtl(anki.lang.currentLang): lang_dir = "rtl" else: lang_dir = "ltr" return f""" body {{ zoom: {zoom}; background-color: {body_bg}; direction: {lang_dir}; }} html {{ {font} }} {button_style} :root {{ --window-bg: {window_bg_day} }} :root[class*=night-mode] {{ --window-bg: {window_bg_night} }} """ def stdHtml( self, body: str, css: Optional[list[str]] = None, js: Optional[list[str]] = None, head: str = "", context: Optional[Any] = None, default_css: bool = True, ) -> None: css = (["css/webview.css"] if default_css else []) + ( [] if css is None else css ) web_content = WebContent( body=body, head=head, js=["js/webview.js"] + (["js/vendor/jquery.min.js"] if js is None else js), css=css, ) gui_hooks.webview_will_set_content(web_content, context) csstxt = "" if "css/webview.css" in css: # we want our dynamic styling to override the defaults in # css/webview.css, but come before user-provided stylesheets so that # they can override us if necessary web_content.css.remove("css/webview.css") csstxt = self.bundledCSS("css/webview.css") csstxt += f"" csstxt += "\n".join(self.bundledCSS(fname) for fname in web_content.css) jstxt = "\n".join(self.bundledScript(fname) for fname in web_content.js) from aqt import mw head = mw.baseHTML() + csstxt + jstxt + web_content.head body_class = theme_manager.body_class() if theme_manager.night_mode: doc_class = "night-mode" else: doc_class = "" html = f""" {self.title} {head} {web_content.body} """ # print(html) self.setHtml(html) @classmethod def webBundlePath(cls, path: str) -> str: from aqt import mw if path.startswith("/"): subpath = "" else: subpath = "/_anki/" return f"{mw.mediaServer.getPort()}{subpath}{path}" def bundledScript(self, fname: str) -> str: return f'' def bundledCSS(self, fname: str) -> str: return '' % self.webBundlePath( fname ) def eval(self, js: str) -> None: self.evalWithCallback(js, None) def evalWithCallback(self, js: str, cb: Callable) -> None: self._queueAction("eval", js, cb) def _evalWithCallback(self, js: str, cb: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> None: if cb: def handler(val: Any) -> None: if self._shouldIgnoreWebEvent(): print("ignored late js callback", cb) return cb(val) self.page().runJavaScript(js, handler) else: self.page().runJavaScript(js) def _queueAction(self, name: str, *args: Any) -> None: self._pendingActions.append((name, args)) self._maybeRunActions() def _maybeRunActions(self) -> None: while self._pendingActions and self._domDone: name, args = self._pendingActions.pop(0) if name == "eval": self._evalWithCallback(*args) elif name == "setHtml": self._setHtml(*args) else: raise Exception(f"unknown action: {name}") def _openLinksExternally(self, url: str) -> None: openLink(url) def _shouldIgnoreWebEvent(self) -> bool: # async web events may be received after the profile has been closed # or the underlying webview has been deleted from aqt import mw if sip.isdeleted(self): return True if not mw.col and self.requiresCol: return True return False def _onBridgeCmd(self, cmd: str) -> Any: if self._shouldIgnoreWebEvent(): print("ignored late bridge cmd", cmd) return if not self._filterSet: self.focusProxy().installEventFilter(self) self._filterSet = True if cmd == "domDone": self._domDone = True self._maybeRunActions() else: handled, result = gui_hooks.webview_did_receive_js_message( (False, None), cmd, self._bridge_context ) if handled: return result else: return self.onBridgeCmd(cmd) def defaultOnBridgeCmd(self, cmd: str) -> None: print("unhandled bridge cmd:", cmd) # legacy def resetHandlers(self) -> None: self.onBridgeCmd = self.defaultOnBridgeCmd self._bridge_context = None def adjustHeightToFit(self) -> None: self.evalWithCallback("document.documentElement.offsetHeight", self._onHeight) def _onHeight(self, qvar: Optional[int]) -> None: from aqt import mw if qvar is None: mw.progress.timer(1000, mw.reset, False) return self.setFixedHeight(int(qvar)) def set_bridge_command(self, func: Callable[[str], Any], context: Any) -> None: """Set a handler for pycmd() messages received from Javascript. Context is the object calling this routine, eg an instance of aqt.reviewer.Reviewer or aqt.deckbrowser.DeckBrowser.""" self.onBridgeCmd = func self._bridge_context = context def hide_while_preserving_layout(self) -> None: "Hide but keep existing size." sp = self.sizePolicy() sp.setRetainSizeWhenHidden(True) self.setSizePolicy(sp) self.hide() def inject_dynamic_style_and_show(self) -> None: "Add dynamic styling, and reveal." css = self.standard_css() def after_style(arg: Any) -> None: gui_hooks.webview_did_inject_style_into_page(self) self.show() self.evalWithCallback( f""" const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = `{css}`; document.head.appendChild(style); """, after_style, ) def load_ts_page(self, name: str) -> None: from aqt import mw self.set_open_links_externally(True) if theme_manager.night_mode: extra = "#night" else: extra = "" self.hide_while_preserving_layout() self.load_url(QUrl(f"{mw.serverURL()}_anki/pages/{name}.html{extra}")) self.inject_dynamic_style_and_show() def force_load_hack(self) -> None: """Force process to initialize. Must be done on Windows prior to changing current working directory.""" self.requiresCol = False self._domReady = False self._page.setContent(cast(QByteArray, bytes("", "ascii"))) def __del__(self) -> None: from aqt import mw mw.mediaServer.clear_page_html(id(self))