# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from __future__ import annotations import os import re import subprocess import sys from enum import Enum from functools import wraps from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast, ) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QAction, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QFileDialog, QHeaderView, QMenu, QPushButton, QSplitter, QWidget, ) import aqt from anki import Collection from anki.lang import TR, tr_legacyglobal # pylint: disable=unused-import from anki.utils import invalidFilename, isMac, isWin, noBundledLibs, versionWithBuild from aqt.qt import * from aqt.theme import theme_manager if TYPE_CHECKING: TextFormat = Union[Literal["plain", "rich"]] def aqt_data_folder() -> str: # running in place? dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") if os.path.exists(dir): return dir # packaged install? if isMac: dir2 = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "..", "Resources", "aqt_data") else: dir2 = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "aqt_data") if os.path.exists(dir2): return dir2 # should only happen when running unit tests print("warning, data folder not found") return "." def locale_dir() -> str: return os.path.join(aqt_data_folder(), "locale") # shortcut to access Fluent translations; set as tr = tr_legacyglobal class HelpPage(Enum): NOTE_TYPE = "getting-started#note-types" BROWSING = "browsing" BROWSING_FIND_AND_REPLACE = "browsing#find-and-replace" BROWSING_NOTES_MENU = "browsing#notes" KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS = "studying#keyboard-shortcuts" EDITING = "editing" ADDING_CARD_AND_NOTE = "editing#adding-cards-and-notes" ADDING_A_NOTE_TYPE = "editing#adding-a-note-type" LATEX = "math#latex" PREFERENCES = "preferences" INDEX = "" TEMPLATES = "templates/intro" FILTERED_DECK = "filtered-decks" IMPORTING = "importing" CUSTOMIZING_FIELDS = "editing#customizing-fields" DECK_OPTIONS = "deck-options" EDITING_FEATURES = "editing#features" HelpPageArgument = Optional[Union[HelpPage, str]] """This type represents what can be used as argument expecting a specific help page. Anki code should use HelpPage as argument. However, add-on may use string, and we want to accept this. """ def openHelp(section: HelpPageArgument) -> None: link = aqt.appHelpSite if section: if isinstance(section, HelpPage): link += section.value else: link += section openLink(link) def openLink(link: Union[str, QUrl]) -> None: tooltip(tr.qt_misc_loading(), period=1000) with noBundledLibs(): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(link)) def showWarning( text: str, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, help: HelpPageArgument = "", title: str = "Anki", textFormat: Optional[TextFormat] = None, ) -> int: "Show a small warning with an OK button." return showInfo(text, parent, help, "warning", title=title, textFormat=textFormat) def showCritical( text: str, parent: Optional[QDialog] = None, help: str = "", title: str = "Anki", textFormat: Optional[TextFormat] = None, ) -> int: "Show a small critical error with an OK button." return showInfo(text, parent, help, "critical", title=title, textFormat=textFormat) def showInfo( text: str, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, help: HelpPageArgument = "", type: str = "info", title: str = "Anki", textFormat: Optional[TextFormat] = None, customBtns: Optional[List[QMessageBox.StandardButton]] = None, ) -> int: "Show a small info window with an OK button." parent_widget: QWidget if parent is None: parent_widget = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw else: parent_widget = parent if type == "warning": icon = QMessageBox.Warning elif type == "critical": icon = QMessageBox.Critical else: icon = QMessageBox.Information mb = QMessageBox(parent_widget) # if textFormat == "plain": mb.setTextFormat(Qt.PlainText) elif textFormat == "rich": mb.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) elif textFormat is not None: raise Exception("unexpected textFormat type") mb.setText(text) mb.setIcon(icon) mb.setWindowTitle(title) if customBtns: default = None for btn in customBtns: b = mb.addButton(btn) if not default: default = b mb.setDefaultButton(default) else: b = mb.addButton(QMessageBox.Ok) b.setDefault(True) if help: b = mb.addButton(QMessageBox.Help) qconnect(b.clicked, lambda: openHelp(help)) b.setAutoDefault(False) return mb.exec_() def showText( txt: str, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, type: str = "text", run: bool = True, geomKey: Optional[str] = None, minWidth: int = 500, minHeight: int = 400, title: str = "Anki", copyBtn: bool = False, plain_text_edit: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Tuple[QDialog, QDialogButtonBox]]: if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw diag = QDialog(parent) diag.setWindowTitle(title) disable_help_button(diag) layout = QVBoxLayout(diag) diag.setLayout(layout) text: Union[QPlainTextEdit, QTextBrowser] if plain_text_edit: # used by the importer text = QPlainTextEdit() text.setReadOnly(True) text.setWordWrapMode(QTextOption.NoWrap) text.setPlainText(txt) else: text = QTextBrowser() text.setOpenExternalLinks(True) if type == "text": text.setPlainText(txt) else: text.setHtml(txt) layout.addWidget(text) box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) layout.addWidget(box) if copyBtn: def onCopy() -> None: QApplication.clipboard().setText(text.toPlainText()) btn = QPushButton(tr.qt_misc_copy_to_clipboard()) qconnect(btn.clicked, onCopy) box.addButton(btn, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) def onReject() -> None: if geomKey: saveGeom(diag, geomKey) QDialog.reject(diag) qconnect(box.rejected, onReject) def onFinish() -> None: if geomKey: saveGeom(diag, geomKey) qconnect(box.accepted, onFinish) diag.setMinimumHeight(minHeight) diag.setMinimumWidth(minWidth) if geomKey: restoreGeom(diag, geomKey) if run: diag.exec_() return None else: return diag, box def askUser( text: str, parent: QWidget = None, help: HelpPageArgument = None, defaultno: bool = False, msgfunc: Optional[Callable] = None, title: str = "Anki", ) -> bool: "Show a yes/no question. Return true if yes." if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() if not msgfunc: msgfunc = QMessageBox.question sb = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No if help: sb |= QMessageBox.Help while 1: if defaultno: default = QMessageBox.No else: default = QMessageBox.Yes r = msgfunc(parent, title, text, cast(QMessageBox.StandardButtons, sb), default) if r == QMessageBox.Help: openHelp(help) else: break return r == QMessageBox.Yes class ButtonedDialog(QMessageBox): def __init__( self, text: str, buttons: List[str], parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, help: HelpPageArgument = None, title: str = "Anki", ): QMessageBox.__init__(self, parent) self._buttons: List[QPushButton] = [] self.setWindowTitle(title) self.help = help self.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.setText(text) for b in buttons: self._buttons.append(self.addButton(b, QMessageBox.AcceptRole)) if help: self.addButton(tr.actions_help(), QMessageBox.HelpRole) buttons.append(tr.actions_help()) def run(self) -> str: self.exec_() but = self.clickedButton().text() if but == "Help": # FIXME stop dialog closing? openHelp(self.help) txt = self.clickedButton().text() # work around KDE 'helpfully' adding accelerators to button text of Qt apps return txt.replace("&", "") def setDefault(self, idx: int) -> None: self.setDefaultButton(self._buttons[idx]) def askUserDialog( text: str, buttons: List[str], parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, help: HelpPageArgument = None, title: str = "Anki", ) -> ButtonedDialog: if not parent: parent = aqt.mw diag = ButtonedDialog(text, buttons, parent, help, title=title) return diag class GetTextDialog(QDialog): def __init__( self, parent: Optional[QWidget], question: str, help: HelpPageArgument = None, edit: Optional[QLineEdit] = None, default: str = "", title: str = "Anki", minWidth: int = 400, ) -> None: QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle(title) disable_help_button(self) self.question = question self.help = help self.qlabel = QLabel(question) self.setMinimumWidth(minWidth) v = QVBoxLayout() v.addWidget(self.qlabel) if not edit: edit = QLineEdit() self.l = edit if default: self.l.setText(default) self.l.selectAll() v.addWidget(self.l) buts = QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel if help: buts |= QDialogButtonBox.Help b = QDialogButtonBox(buts) # type: ignore v.addWidget(b) self.setLayout(v) qconnect(b.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).clicked, self.accept) qconnect(b.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel).clicked, self.reject) if help: qconnect(b.button(QDialogButtonBox.Help).clicked, self.helpRequested) def accept(self) -> None: return QDialog.accept(self) def reject(self) -> None: return QDialog.reject(self) def helpRequested(self) -> None: openHelp(self.help) def getText( prompt: str, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, help: HelpPageArgument = None, edit: Optional[QLineEdit] = None, default: str = "", title: str = "Anki", geomKey: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: "Returns (string, succeeded)." if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw d = GetTextDialog( parent, prompt, help=help, edit=edit, default=default, title=title, **kwargs ) d.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) if geomKey: restoreGeom(d, geomKey) ret = d.exec_() if geomKey and ret: saveGeom(d, geomKey) return (str(d.l.text()), ret) def getOnlyText(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: (s, r) = getText(*args, **kwargs) if r: return s else: return "" # fixme: these utilities could be combined into a single base class # unused by Anki, but used by add-ons def chooseList( prompt: str, choices: List[str], startrow: int = 0, parent: Any = None ) -> int: if not parent: parent = aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() d = QDialog(parent) disable_help_button(d) d.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(l) t = QLabel(prompt) l.addWidget(t) c = QListWidget() c.addItems(choices) c.setCurrentRow(startrow) l.addWidget(c) bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) qconnect(bb.accepted, d.accept) l.addWidget(bb) d.exec_() return c.currentRow() def getTag( parent: QWidget, deck: Collection, question: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[str, int]: from aqt.tagedit import TagEdit te = TagEdit(parent) te.setCol(deck) ret = getText(question, parent, edit=te, geomKey="getTag", **kwargs) te.hideCompleter() return ret def disable_help_button(widget: QWidget) -> None: "Disable the help button in the window titlebar." flags_int = int(widget.windowFlags()) & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint flags = Qt.WindowFlags(flags_int) # type: ignore widget.setWindowFlags(flags) # File handling ###################################################################### def getFile( parent: QWidget, title: str, # single file returned unless multi=True cb: Optional[Callable[[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], None]], filter: str = "*.*", dir: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, multi: bool = False, # controls whether a single or multiple files is returned ) -> Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]]: "Ask the user for a file." assert not dir or not key if not dir: dirkey = f"{key}Directory" dir = aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(dirkey, "") else: dirkey = None d = QFileDialog(parent) mode = QFileDialog.ExistingFiles if multi else QFileDialog.ExistingFile d.setFileMode(mode) if os.path.exists(dir): d.setDirectory(dir) d.setWindowTitle(title) d.setNameFilter(filter) ret = [] def accept() -> None: files = list(d.selectedFiles()) if dirkey: dir = os.path.dirname(files[0]) aqt.mw.pm.profile[dirkey] = dir result = files if multi else files[0] if cb: cb(result) ret.append(result) qconnect(d.accepted, accept) if key: restoreState(d, key) d.exec_() if key: saveState(d, key) return ret[0] if ret else None def getSaveFile( parent: QDialog, title: str, dir_description: str, key: str, ext: str, fname: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Ask the user for a file to save. Use DIR_DESCRIPTION as config variable. The file dialog will default to open with FNAME.""" config_key = f"{dir_description}Directory" defaultPath = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DocumentsLocation) base = aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(config_key, defaultPath) path = os.path.join(base, fname) file = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( parent, title, path, f"{key} (*{ext})", options=QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite, )[0] if file: # add extension if not file.lower().endswith(ext): file += ext # save new default dir = os.path.dirname(file) aqt.mw.pm.profile[config_key] = dir # check if it exists if os.path.exists(file): if not askUser(tr.qt_misc_this_file_exists_are_you_sure(), parent): return None return file def saveGeom(widget: QWidget, key: str) -> None: key += "Geom" if isMac and int(widget.windowState()) & Qt.WindowFullScreen: geom = None else: geom = widget.saveGeometry() aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = geom def restoreGeom( widget: QWidget, key: str, offset: Optional[int] = None, adjustSize: bool = False ) -> None: key += "Geom" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreGeometry(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) if isMac and offset: if qtminor > 6: # bug in osx toolkit s = widget.size() widget.resize(s.width(), s.height() + offset * 2) ensureWidgetInScreenBoundaries(widget) else: if adjustSize: widget.adjustSize() def ensureWidgetInScreenBoundaries(widget: QWidget) -> None: handle = widget.window().windowHandle() if not handle: # window has not yet been shown, retry later aqt.mw.progress.timer(50, lambda: ensureWidgetInScreenBoundaries(widget), False) return # ensure widget is smaller than screen bounds geom = handle.screen().availableGeometry() wsize = widget.size() cappedWidth = min(geom.width(), wsize.width()) cappedHeight = min(geom.height(), wsize.height()) if cappedWidth > wsize.width() or cappedHeight > wsize.height(): widget.resize(QSize(cappedWidth, cappedHeight)) # ensure widget is inside top left wpos = widget.pos() x = max(geom.x(), wpos.x()) y = max(geom.y(), wpos.y()) # and bottom right x = min(x, geom.width() + geom.x() - cappedWidth) y = min(y, geom.height() + geom.y() - cappedHeight) if x != wpos.x() or y != wpos.y(): widget.move(x, y) def saveState(widget: Union[QFileDialog, QMainWindow], key: str) -> None: key += "State" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveState() def restoreState(widget: Union[QFileDialog, QMainWindow], key: str) -> None: key += "State" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreState(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def saveSplitter(widget: QSplitter, key: str) -> None: key += "Splitter" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveState() def restoreSplitter(widget: QSplitter, key: str) -> None: key += "Splitter" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreState(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def saveHeader(widget: QHeaderView, key: str) -> None: key += "Header" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.saveState() def restoreHeader(widget: QHeaderView, key: str) -> None: key += "Header" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key): widget.restoreState(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def save_is_checked(widget: QCheckBox, key: str) -> None: key += "IsChecked" aqt.mw.pm.profile[key] = widget.isChecked() def restore_is_checked(widget: QCheckBox, key: str) -> None: key += "IsChecked" if aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(key) is not None: widget.setChecked(aqt.mw.pm.profile[key]) def save_combo_index_for_session(widget: QComboBox, key: str) -> None: textKey = f"{key}ComboActiveText" indexKey = f"{key}ComboActiveIndex" aqt.mw.pm.session[textKey] = widget.currentText() aqt.mw.pm.session[indexKey] = widget.currentIndex() def restore_combo_index_for_session( widget: QComboBox, history: List[str], key: str ) -> None: textKey = f"{key}ComboActiveText" indexKey = f"{key}ComboActiveIndex" text = aqt.mw.pm.session.get(textKey) index = aqt.mw.pm.session.get(indexKey) if text is not None and index is not None: if index < len(history) and history[index] == text: widget.setCurrentIndex(index) def save_combo_history(comboBox: QComboBox, history: List[str], name: str) -> str: name += "BoxHistory" text_input = comboBox.lineEdit().text() if text_input in history: history.remove(text_input) history.insert(0, text_input) history = history[:50] comboBox.clear() comboBox.addItems(history) aqt.mw.pm.session[name] = text_input aqt.mw.pm.profile[name] = history return text_input def restore_combo_history(comboBox: QComboBox, name: str) -> List[str]: name += "BoxHistory" history = aqt.mw.pm.profile.get(name, []) comboBox.addItems([""] + history) if history: session_input = aqt.mw.pm.session.get(name) if session_input and session_input == history[0]: comboBox.lineEdit().setText(session_input) comboBox.lineEdit().selectAll() return history def mungeQA(col: Collection, txt: str) -> str: print("mungeQA() deprecated; use mw.prepare_card_text_for_display()") txt = col.media.escape_media_filenames(txt) return txt def openFolder(path: str) -> None: if isWin: subprocess.run(["explorer", f"file://{path}"], check=False) else: with noBundledLibs(): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(f"file://{path}")) def shortcut(key: str) -> str: if isMac: return re.sub("(?i)ctrl", "Command", key) return key def maybeHideClose(bbox: QDialogButtonBox) -> None: if isMac: b = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close) if b: bbox.removeButton(b) def addCloseShortcut(widg: QDialog) -> None: if not isMac: return shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+W"), widg) qconnect(shortcut.activated, widg.reject) setattr(widg, "_closeShortcut", shortcut) def downArrow() -> str: if isWin: return "▼" # windows 10 is lacking the smaller arrow on English installs return "▾" def current_window() -> Optional[QWidget]: if widget := QApplication.focusWidget(): return widget.window() else: return None # Tooltips ###################################################################### _tooltipTimer: Optional[QTimer] = None _tooltipLabel: Optional[QLabel] = None def tooltip( msg: str, period: int = 3000, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, x_offset: int = 0, y_offset: int = 100, ) -> None: global _tooltipTimer, _tooltipLabel class CustomLabel(QLabel): silentlyClose = True def mousePressEvent(self, evt: QMouseEvent) -> None: evt.accept() self.hide() closeTooltip() aw = parent or aqt.mw.app.activeWindow() or aqt.mw lab = CustomLabel( f"""
""", aw, ) lab.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel) lab.setLineWidth(2) lab.setWindowFlags(Qt.ToolTip) if not theme_manager.night_mode: p = QPalette() p.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor("#feffc4")) p.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, QColor("#000000")) lab.setPalette(p) lab.move(aw.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0 + x_offset, aw.height() - y_offset))) lab.show() _tooltipTimer = aqt.mw.progress.timer( period, closeTooltip, False, requiresCollection=False ) _tooltipLabel = lab def closeTooltip() -> None: global _tooltipLabel, _tooltipTimer if _tooltipLabel: try: _tooltipLabel.deleteLater() except: # already deleted as parent window closed pass _tooltipLabel = None if _tooltipTimer: _tooltipTimer.stop() _tooltipTimer = None # true if invalid; print warning def checkInvalidFilename(str: str, dirsep: bool = True) -> bool: bad = invalidFilename(str, dirsep) if bad: showWarning(tr.qt_misc_the_following_character_can_not_be(val=bad)) return True return False # Menus ###################################################################### # This code will be removed in the future, please don't rely on it. MenuListChild = Union["SubMenu", QAction, "MenuItem", "MenuList"] class MenuList: def __init__(self) -> None: traceback.print_stack(file=sys.stdout) print( "MenuList will be removed; please copy it into your add-on's code if you need it." ) self.children: List[MenuListChild] = [] def addItem(self, title: str, func: Callable) -> MenuItem: item = MenuItem(title, func) self.children.append(item) return item def addSeparator(self) -> None: self.children.append(None) def addMenu(self, title: str) -> SubMenu: submenu = SubMenu(title) self.children.append(submenu) return submenu def addChild(self, child: Union[SubMenu, QAction, MenuList]) -> None: self.children.append(child) def renderTo(self, qmenu: QMenu) -> None: for child in self.children: if child is None: qmenu.addSeparator() elif isinstance(child, QAction): qmenu.addAction(child) else: child.renderTo(qmenu) def popupOver(self, widget: QPushButton) -> None: qmenu = QMenu() self.renderTo(qmenu) qmenu.exec_(widget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))) class SubMenu(MenuList): def __init__(self, title: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.title = title def renderTo(self, menu: QMenu) -> None: submenu = menu.addMenu(self.title) super().renderTo(submenu) class MenuItem: def __init__(self, title: str, func: Callable) -> None: self.title = title self.func = func def renderTo(self, qmenu: QMenu) -> None: a = qmenu.addAction(self.title) qconnect(a.triggered, self.func) def qtMenuShortcutWorkaround(qmenu: QMenu) -> None: if qtminor < 10: return for act in qmenu.actions(): act.setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(True) ###################################################################### def supportText() -> str: import platform import time from aqt import mw if isWin: platname = f"Windows {platform.win32_ver()[0]}" elif isMac: platname = f"Mac {platform.mac_ver()[0]}" else: platname = "Linux" def schedVer() -> str: try: return str(mw.col.schedVer()) except: return "?" lc = mw.pm.last_addon_update_check() lcfmt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(lc)) return """\ Anki {} Python {} Qt {} PyQt {} Platform: {} Flags: frz={} ao={} sv={} Add-ons, last update check: {} """.format( versionWithBuild(), platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, platname, getattr(sys, "frozen", False), mw.addonManager.dirty, schedVer(), lcfmt, ) ###################################################################### # adapted from version detection in qutebrowser def opengl_vendor() -> Optional[str]: old_context = QOpenGLContext.currentContext() old_surface = None if old_context is None else old_context.surface() surface = QOffscreenSurface() surface.create() ctx = QOpenGLContext() ok = ctx.create() if not ok: return None ok = ctx.makeCurrent(surface) if not ok: return None try: if ctx.isOpenGLES(): # Can't use versionFunctions there return None vp = QOpenGLVersionProfile() vp.setVersion(2, 0) try: vf = ctx.versionFunctions(vp) except ImportError as e: return None if vf is None: return None return vf.glGetString(vf.GL_VENDOR) finally: ctx.doneCurrent() if old_context and old_surface: old_context.makeCurrent(old_surface) def gfxDriverIsBroken() -> bool: driver = opengl_vendor() return driver == "nouveau" ###################################################################### def startup_info() -> Any: "Use subprocess.Popen(startupinfo=...) to avoid opening a console window." if not sys.platform == "win32": return None si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # pytype: disable=module-attr si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # pytype: disable=module-attr return si def ensure_editor_saved(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Ensure the current editor's note is saved before running the wrapped function. Must be used on functions that may be invoked from a shortcut key while the editor has focus. For functions that can't be activated while the editor has focus, you don't need this. Will look for the editor as self.editor. """ @wraps(func) def decorated(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.editor.call_after_note_saved(lambda: func(self, *args, **kwargs)) return decorated def skip_if_selection_is_empty(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Make the wrapped method a no-op and show a hint if the table selection is empty.""" @wraps(func) def decorated(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if self.table.len_selection() > 0: func(self, *args, **kwargs) else: tooltip(tr.browsing_no_selection()) return decorated def no_arg_trigger(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Tells Qt this function takes no args. This ensures PyQt doesn't attempt to pass a `toggled` arg into functions connected to a `triggered` signal. """ return pyqtSlot()(func) # type: ignore class KeyboardModifiersPressed: "Util for type-safe checks of currently-pressed modifier keys." def __init__(self) -> None: from aqt import mw self._modifiers = int(mw.app.keyboardModifiers()) @property def shift(self) -> bool: return bool(self._modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) @property def control(self) -> bool: return bool(self._modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) @property def alt(self) -> bool: return bool(self._modifiers & Qt.AltModifier)