# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html # Profile handling ########################################################################## # - Saves in pickles rather than json to easily store Qt window state. # - Saves in sqlite rather than a flat file so the config can't be corrupted from aqt.qt import * import os, random, cPickle, shutil, locale, re from anki.db import DB from anki.utils import isMac, isWin, intTime, checksum from anki.lang import langs from aqt.utils import showWarning from aqt import appHelpSite import aqt.forms metaConf = dict( ver=0, updates=True, created=intTime(), id=random.randrange(0, 2**63), lastMsg=-1, suppressUpdate=False, firstRun=True, defaultLang=None, disabledAddons=[], ) profileConf = dict( # profile key=None, mainWindowGeom=None, mainWindowState=None, numBackups=30, lastOptimize=intTime(), # editing fullSearch=False, searchHistory=[], lastColour="#00f", stripHTML=True, pastePNG=False, # not exposed in gui deleteMedia=False, preserveKeyboard=True, # syncing syncKey=None, syncMedia=True, autoSync=True, # importing allowHTML=False, ) class ProfileManager(object): def __init__(self, base=None, profile=None): self.name = None # instantiate base folder self.base = base or self._defaultBase() self.ensureLocalFS() self.ensureBaseExists() # load metadata self.firstRun = self._loadMeta() # did the user request a profile to start up with? if profile: try: self.load(profile) except TypeError: raise Exception("Provided profile does not exist.") # Base creation ###################################################################### def ensureLocalFS(self): if self.base.startswith("\\\\"): QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error", """\ To use Anki on a network share, the share must be mapped to a local drive \ letter. Please see the 'File Locations' section of the manual for more \ information.""") raise Exception("unc") def ensureBaseExists(self): try: self._ensureExists(self.base) except: # can't translate, as lang not initialized QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error", """\ Anki can't write to the harddisk. Please see the \ documentation for information on using a flash drive.""") raise # Profile load/save ###################################################################### def profiles(self): return sorted( unicode(x, "utf8") for x in self.db.list("select name from profiles") if x != "_global") def load(self, name, passwd=None): prof = cPickle.loads( self.db.scalar("select data from profiles where name = ?", name.encode("utf8"))) if prof['key'] and prof['key'] != self._pwhash(passwd): self.name = None return False if name != "_global": self.name = name self.profile = prof return True def save(self): sql = "update profiles set data = ? where name = ?" self.db.execute(sql, cPickle.dumps(self.profile), self.name.encode("utf8")) self.db.execute(sql, cPickle.dumps(self.meta), "_global") self.db.commit() def create(self, name): prof = profileConf.copy() self.db.execute("insert into profiles values (?, ?)", name.encode("utf8"), cPickle.dumps(prof)) self.db.commit() def remove(self, name): shutil.rmtree(self.profileFolder()) self.db.execute("delete from profiles where name = ?", name.encode("utf8")) self.db.commit() def rename(self, name): oldName = self.name oldFolder = self.profileFolder() self.name = name newFolder = self.profileFolder(create=False) if os.path.exists(newFolder): showWarning(_("Folder already exists.")) self.name = oldName return # update name self.db.execute("update profiles set name = ? where name = ?", name.encode("utf8"), oldName.encode("utf-8")) # rename folder os.rename(oldFolder, newFolder) self.db.commit() # Folder handling ###################################################################### def profileFolder(self, create=True): path = os.path.join(self.base, self.name) if create: self._ensureExists(path) return path def addonFolder(self): return self._ensureExists(os.path.join(self.base, "addons")) def backupFolder(self): return self._ensureExists( os.path.join(self.profileFolder(), "backups")) def collectionPath(self): return os.path.join(self.profileFolder(), "collection.anki2") # Helpers ###################################################################### def _ensureExists(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def _defaultBase(self): if isWin: s = QSettings(QSettings.UserScope, "Microsoft", "Windows") s.beginGroup("CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders") d = s.value("Personal") return os.path.join(d, "Anki") elif isMac: return os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/Anki") else: return os.path.expanduser("~/Anki") def _loadMeta(self): path = os.path.join(self.base, "prefs.db") new = not os.path.exists(path) self.db = DB(path, text=str) self.db.execute(""" create table if not exists profiles (name text primary key, data text not null);""") if new: # create a default global profile self.meta = metaConf.copy() self.db.execute("insert into profiles values ('_global', ?)", cPickle.dumps(metaConf)) self._setDefaultLang() return True else: # load previously created self.meta = cPickle.loads( self.db.scalar( "select data from profiles where name = '_global'")) def ensureProfile(self): "Create a new profile if none exists." if self.firstRun: self.create(_("User 1")) p = os.path.join(self.base, "README.txt") open(p, "w").write((_("""\ This folder stores all of your Anki data in a single location, to make backups easy. To tell Anki to use a different location, please see: %s """) % (appHelpSite + "#startupopts")).encode("utf8")) def _pwhash(self, passwd): return checksum(unicode(self.meta['id'])+unicode(passwd)) # Default language ###################################################################### # On first run, allow the user to choose the default language def _setDefaultLang(self): # the dialog expects _ to be defined, but we're running before # setupLang() has been called. so we create a dummy op for now import __builtin__ __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = lambda x: x # create dialog class NoCloseDiag(QDialog): def reject(self): pass d = self.langDiag = NoCloseDiag() f = self.langForm = aqt.forms.setlang.Ui_Dialog() f.setupUi(d) d.connect(d, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self._onLangSelected) d.connect(d, SIGNAL("rejected()"), lambda: True) # default to the system language try: (lang, enc) = locale.getdefaultlocale() except: # fails on osx lang = "en" if lang and lang not in ("pt_BR", "zh_CN", "zh_TW"): lang = re.sub("(.*)_.*", "\\1", lang) # find index idx = None en = None for c, (name, code) in enumerate(langs): if code == "en": en = c if code == lang: idx = c # if the system language isn't available, revert to english if idx is None: idx = en # update list f.lang.addItems([x[0] for x in langs]) f.lang.setCurrentRow(idx) d.exec_() def _onLangSelected(self): f = self.langForm code = langs[f.lang.currentRow()][1] self.meta['defaultLang'] = code sql = "update profiles set data = ? where name = ?" self.db.execute(sql, cPickle.dumps(self.meta), "_global") self.db.commit()