Porting add-ons to Anki 2.1 --------------------------- 2.1 is still in alpha and prone to change, so you may wish to wait until it hits beta before starting to update add-ons. But if you'd like to dive in straight away, here are some tips on porting. Python 3 --------- Anki 2.1 requires Python 3.4 or later. After installing Python 3 on your machine, you can use the 2to3 tool to automatically convert your existing scripts to Python 3 code on a folder by folder basis, like: 2to3-3.5 --output-dir=aqt3 -W -n aqt mv aqt aqt-old mv aqt3 aqt Most simple code can be converted automatically, but there may be parts of the code that you need to manually modify. Add-ons that don't deal with file access and bytestrings may well work on both Python 2 and 3 without any special work required. Qt5 / PyQt5 ------------ The syntax for connecting signals and slots has changed in PyQt5. Recent PyQt4 versions support the new syntax as well, so after updating your add-ons you may find they still work in Anki 2.0.x as well. More info is available at http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/new_style_signals_slots.html Changes in Anki ---------------- Qt 5 has deprecated WebKit in favour of the Chromium-based WebEngine, so Anki's webviews are now using WebEngine. Of note: - WebEngine uses a different method of communicating back to Python. AnkiWebView() is a wrapper for webviews which provides a pycmd(str) function in Javascript which will call the ankiwebview's onBridgeCmd(str) method. Various parts of Anki's UI like reviewer.py and deckbrowser.py have had to be modified to use this. - Javascript is evaluated asynchronously, so if you need the result of a JS expression you can use ankiwebview's evalWithCallback(). Sharing updated add-ons ------------------------ If you've succeeded in making an add-on that supports both 2.0.x and 2.1.x at the same time, please feel free to upload it to the shared add-ons area. If you've decided to make a separate 2.1.x version, it's probably best to just post a link to it in your current add-on description or upload it separately. When we get closer to a release I'll look into adding separate uploads for the two versions.