syntax = "proto3"; import "fluent.proto"; package backend_proto; message Empty {} message BackendInit { repeated string preferred_langs = 1; string locale_folder_path = 2; bool server = 3; } message I18nBackendInit { repeated string preferred_langs = 4; string locale_folder_path = 5; } // 1-15 reserved for future use message BackendInput { oneof value { TemplateRequirementsIn template_requirements = 16; SchedTimingTodayIn sched_timing_today = 17; Empty deck_tree = 18; SearchCardsIn search_cards = 19; // BrowserRowsIn browser_rows = 20; RenderCardIn render_card = 21; int64 local_minutes_west = 22; string strip_av_tags = 23; ExtractAVTagsIn extract_av_tags = 24; ExtractLatexIn extract_latex = 25; AddMediaFileIn add_media_file = 26; SyncMediaIn sync_media = 27; Empty check_media = 28; TrashMediaFilesIn trash_media_files = 29; TranslateStringIn translate_string = 30; FormatTimeSpanIn format_time_span = 31; StudiedTodayIn studied_today = 32; CongratsLearnMsgIn congrats_learn_msg = 33; Empty empty_trash = 34; Empty restore_trash = 35; OpenCollectionIn open_collection = 36; Empty close_collection = 37; } } message BackendOutput { oneof value { // infallible commands SchedTimingTodayOut sched_timing_today = 17; sint32 local_minutes_west = 22; string strip_av_tags = 23; ExtractAVTagsOut extract_av_tags = 24; ExtractLatexOut extract_latex = 25; string translate_string = 30; string format_time_span = 31; string studied_today = 32; string congrats_learn_msg = 33; // fallible commands TemplateRequirementsOut template_requirements = 16; DeckTreeOut deck_tree = 18; SearchCardsOut search_cards = 19; // BrowserRowsOut browser_rows = 20; RenderCardOut render_card = 21; string add_media_file = 26; Empty sync_media = 27; MediaCheckOut check_media = 28; Empty trash_media_files = 29; Empty empty_trash = 34; Empty restore_trash = 35; Empty open_collection = 36; Empty close_collection = 37; BackendError error = 2047; } } message BackendError { // localized error description suitable for displaying to the user string localized = 1; // error specifics oneof value { Empty invalid_input = 2; Empty template_parse = 3; Empty io_error = 4; Empty db_error = 5; NetworkError network_error = 6; SyncError sync_error = 7; // user interrupted operation Empty interrupted = 8; } } message Progress { oneof value { MediaSyncProgress media_sync = 1; string media_check = 2; } } message NetworkError { enum NetworkErrorKind { OTHER = 0; OFFLINE = 1; TIMEOUT = 2; PROXY_AUTH = 3; } NetworkErrorKind kind = 1; } message SyncError { enum SyncErrorKind { OTHER = 0; CONFLICT = 1; SERVER_ERROR = 2; CLIENT_TOO_OLD = 3; AUTH_FAILED = 4; SERVER_MESSAGE = 5; MEDIA_CHECK_REQUIRED = 6; RESYNC_REQUIRED = 7; } SyncErrorKind kind = 1; } message MediaSyncProgress { string checked = 1; string added = 2; string removed = 3; } message MediaSyncUploadProgress { uint32 files = 1; uint32 deletions = 2; } message TemplateRequirementsIn { repeated string template_front = 1; map field_names_to_ordinals = 2; } message TemplateRequirementsOut { repeated TemplateRequirement requirements = 1; } message TemplateRequirement { oneof value { TemplateRequirementAll all = 1; TemplateRequirementAny any = 2; Empty none = 3; } } message TemplateRequirementAll { repeated uint32 ords = 1; } message TemplateRequirementAny { repeated uint32 ords = 1; } message SchedTimingTodayIn { int64 created_secs = 1; sint32 created_mins_west = 2; int64 now_secs = 3; sint32 now_mins_west = 4; sint32 rollover_hour = 5; } message SchedTimingTodayOut { uint32 days_elapsed = 1; int64 next_day_at = 2; } message DeckTreeOut { DeckTreeNode top = 1; } message DeckTreeNode { // the components of a deck, split on :: repeated string names = 1; int64 deck_id = 2; uint32 review_count = 3; uint32 learn_count = 4; uint32 new_count = 5; repeated DeckTreeNode children = 6; bool collapsed = 7; } message RenderCardIn { string question_template = 1; string answer_template = 2; map fields = 3; int32 card_ordinal = 4; } message RenderCardOut { repeated RenderedTemplateNode question_nodes = 1; repeated RenderedTemplateNode answer_nodes = 2; } message RenderedTemplateNode { oneof value { string text = 1; RenderedTemplateReplacement replacement = 2; } } message RenderedTemplateReplacement { string field_name = 1; string current_text = 2; repeated string filters = 3; } message ExtractAVTagsIn { string text = 1; bool question_side = 2; } message ExtractAVTagsOut { string text = 1; repeated AVTag av_tags = 2; } message AVTag { oneof value { string sound_or_video = 1; TTSTag tts = 2; } } message TTSTag { string field_text = 1; string lang = 2; repeated string voices = 3; float speed = 4; repeated string other_args = 5; } message ExtractLatexIn { string text = 1; bool svg = 2; bool expand_clozes = 3; } message ExtractLatexOut { string text = 1; repeated ExtractedLatex latex = 2; } message ExtractedLatex { string filename = 1; string latex_body = 2; } message AddMediaFileIn { string desired_name = 1; bytes data = 2; } message SyncMediaIn { string hkey = 1; string endpoint = 2; } message MediaCheckOut { repeated string unused = 1; repeated string missing = 2; string report = 3; bool have_trash = 4; } message TrashMediaFilesIn { repeated string fnames = 1; } message TranslateStringIn { FluentString key = 2; map args = 3; } message TranslateArgValue { oneof value { string str = 1; double number = 2; } } message FormatTimeSpanIn { enum Context { PRECISE = 0; ANSWER_BUTTONS = 1; INTERVALS = 2; } float seconds = 1; Context context = 2; } message StudiedTodayIn { uint32 cards = 1; double seconds = 2; } message CongratsLearnMsgIn { float next_due = 1; uint32 remaining = 2; } message OpenCollectionIn { string collection_path = 1; string media_folder_path = 2; string media_db_path = 3; string log_path = 4; } message SearchCardsIn { string search = 1; SortOrder order = 2; } message SearchCardsOut { repeated int64 card_ids = 1; } message SortOrder { oneof value { Empty from_config = 1; Empty none = 2; string custom = 3; } }