# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import time import traceback import gc from aqt.qt import * import aqt from anki import Collection from anki.sync import Syncer, RemoteServer, FullSyncer, MediaSyncer, \ RemoteMediaServer from anki.hooks import addHook, remHook from aqt.utils import tooltip, askUserDialog, showWarning, showText, showInfo # Sync manager ###################################################################### class SyncManager(QObject): def __init__(self, mw, pm): QObject.__init__(self, mw) self.mw = mw self.pm = pm def sync(self): if not self.pm.profile['syncKey']: auth = self._getUserPass() if not auth: return self.pm.profile['syncUser'] = auth[0] self._sync(auth) else: self._sync() def _sync(self, auth=None): # to avoid gui widgets being garbage collected in the worker thread, # run gc in advance self._didFullUp = False self._didError = False gc.collect() # create the thread, setup signals and start running t = self.thread = SyncThread( self.pm.collectionPath(), self.pm.profile['syncKey'], auth=auth, media=self.pm.profile['syncMedia'], hostNum=self.pm.profile.get("hostNum"), ) t.event.connect(self.onEvent) self.label = _("Connecting...") prog = self.mw.progress.start(immediate=True, label=self.label) self.sentBytes = self.recvBytes = 0 self._updateLabel() self.thread.start() while not self.thread.isFinished(): if prog.wantCancel: self.thread.flagAbort() # make sure we don't display 'upload success' msg self._didFullUp = False # abort may take a while self.mw.progress.update(_("Stopping...")) self.mw.app.processEvents() self.thread.wait(100) self.mw.progress.finish() if self.thread.syncMsg: showText(self.thread.syncMsg) if self.thread.uname: self.pm.profile['syncUser'] = self.thread.uname self.pm.profile['hostNum'] = self.thread.hostNum def delayedInfo(): if self._didFullUp and not self._didError: showInfo(_("""\ Your collection was successfully uploaded to AnkiWeb. If you use any other devices, please sync them now, and choose \ to download the collection you have just uploaded from this computer. \ After doing so, future reviews and added cards will be merged \ automatically.""")) self.mw.progress.timer(1000, delayedInfo, False) def _updateLabel(self): self.mw.progress.update(label="%s\n%s" % ( self.label, _("%(a)0.1fkB up, %(b)0.1fkB down") % dict( a=self.sentBytes / 1024, b=self.recvBytes / 1024))) def onEvent(self, evt, *args): pu = self.mw.progress.update if evt == "badAuth": tooltip( _("AnkiWeb ID or password was incorrect; please try again."), parent=self.mw) # blank the key so we prompt user again self.pm.profile['syncKey'] = None self.pm.save() elif evt == "corrupt": pass elif evt == "newKey": self.pm.profile['syncKey'] = args[0] self.pm.save() elif evt == "offline": tooltip(_("Syncing failed; internet offline.")) elif evt == "upbad": self._didFullUp = False self._checkFailed() elif evt == "sync": m = None; t = args[0] if t == "login": m = _("Syncing...") elif t == "upload": self._didFullUp = True m = _("Uploading to AnkiWeb...") elif t == "download": m = _("Downloading from AnkiWeb...") elif t == "sanity": m = _("Checking...") elif t == "findMedia": m = _("Checking media...") elif t == "upgradeRequired": showText(_("""\ Please visit AnkiWeb, upgrade your deck, then try again.""")) if m: self.label = m self._updateLabel() elif evt == "syncMsg": self.label = args[0] self._updateLabel() elif evt == "error": self._didError = True showText(_("Syncing failed:\n%s")% self._rewriteError(args[0])) elif evt == "clockOff": self._clockOff() elif evt == "checkFailed": self._checkFailed() elif evt == "mediaSanity": showWarning(_("""\ A problem occurred while syncing media. Please use Tools>Check Media, then \ sync again to correct the issue.""")) elif evt == "noChanges": pass elif evt == "fullSync": self._confirmFullSync() elif evt == "send": # posted events not guaranteed to arrive in order self.sentBytes = max(self.sentBytes, int(args[0])) self._updateLabel() elif evt == "recv": self.recvBytes = max(self.recvBytes, int(args[0])) self._updateLabel() def _rewriteError(self, err): if "Errno 61" in err: return _("""\ Couldn't connect to AnkiWeb. Please check your network connection \ and try again.""") elif "timed out" in err or "10060" in err: return _("""\ The connection to AnkiWeb timed out. Please check your network \ connection and try again.""") elif "code: 500" in err: return _("""\ AnkiWeb encountered an error. Please try again in a few minutes, and if \ the problem persists, please file a bug report.""") elif "code: 501" in err: return _("""\ Please upgrade to the latest version of Anki.""") # 502 is technically due to the server restarting, but we reuse the # error message elif "code: 502" in err: return _("AnkiWeb is under maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.") elif "code: 503" in err: return _("""\ AnkiWeb is too busy at the moment. Please try again in a few minutes.""") elif "code: 504" in err: return _("504 gateway timeout error received. Please try temporarily disabling your antivirus.") elif "code: 409" in err: return _("Only one client can access AnkiWeb at a time. If a previous sync failed, please try again in a few minutes.") elif "10061" in err or "10013" in err or "10053" in err: return _( "Antivirus or firewall software is preventing Anki from connecting to the internet.") elif "10054" in err or "Broken pipe" in err: return _("Connection timed out. Either your internet connection is experiencing problems, or you have a very large file in your media folder.") elif "Unable to find the server" in err or "socket.gaierror" in err: return _( "Server not found. Either your connection is down, or antivirus/firewall " "software is blocking Anki from connecting to the internet.") elif "code: 407" in err: return _("Proxy authentication required.") elif "code: 413" in err: return _("Your collection or a media file is too large to sync.") elif "EOF occurred in violation of protocol" in err: return _("Error establishing a secure connection. This is usually caused by antivirus, firewall or VPN software, or problems with your ISP.") + " (eof)" elif "certificate verify failed" in err: return _("Error establishing a secure connection. This is usually caused by antivirus, firewall or VPN software, or problems with your ISP.") + " (invalid cert)" return err def _getUserPass(self): d = QDialog(self.mw) d.setWindowTitle("Anki") d.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) vbox = QVBoxLayout() l = QLabel(_("""\

Account Required

A free account is required to keep your collection synchronized. Please \ sign up for an account, then \ enter your details below.""") % "https://ankiweb.net/account/login") l.setOpenExternalLinks(True) l.setWordWrap(True) vbox.addWidget(l) vbox.addSpacing(20) g = QGridLayout() l1 = QLabel(_("AnkiWeb ID:")) g.addWidget(l1, 0, 0) user = QLineEdit() g.addWidget(user, 0, 1) l2 = QLabel(_("Password:")) g.addWidget(l2, 1, 0) passwd = QLineEdit() passwd.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) g.addWidget(passwd, 1, 1) vbox.addLayout(g) bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setAutoDefault(True) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) vbox.addWidget(bb) d.setLayout(vbox) d.show() accepted = d.exec_() u = user.text() p = passwd.text() if not accepted or not u or not p: return return (u, p) def _confirmFullSync(self): self.mw.progress.finish() if self.thread.localIsEmpty: diag = askUserDialog( _("Local collection has no cards. Download from AnkiWeb?"), [_("Download from AnkiWeb"), _("Cancel")]) diag.setDefault(1) else: diag = askUserDialog(_("""\ Your decks here and on AnkiWeb differ in such a way that they can't \ be merged together, so it's necessary to overwrite the decks on one \ side with the decks from the other. If you choose download, Anki will download the collection from AnkiWeb, \ and any changes you have made on your computer since the last sync will \ be lost. If you choose upload, Anki will upload your collection to AnkiWeb, and \ any changes you have made on AnkiWeb or your other devices since the \ last sync to this device will be lost. After all devices are in sync, future reviews and added cards can be merged \ automatically."""), [_("Upload to AnkiWeb"), _("Download from AnkiWeb"), _("Cancel")]) diag.setDefault(2) ret = diag.run() if ret == _("Upload to AnkiWeb"): self.thread.fullSyncChoice = "upload" elif ret == _("Download from AnkiWeb"): self.thread.fullSyncChoice = "download" else: self.thread.fullSyncChoice = "cancel" self.mw.progress.start(immediate=True) def _clockOff(self): showWarning(_("""\ Syncing requires the clock on your computer to be set correctly. Please \ fix the clock and try again.""")) def _checkFailed(self): showWarning(_("""\ Your collection is in an inconsistent state. Please run Tools>\ Check Database, then sync again.""")) def badUserPass(self): aqt.preferences.Preferences(self, self.pm.profile).dialog.tabWidget.\ setCurrentIndex(1) # Sync thread ###################################################################### class SyncThread(QThread): event = pyqtSignal(str, str) def __init__(self, path, hkey, auth=None, media=True, hostNum=None): QThread.__init__(self) self.path = path self.hkey = hkey self.auth = auth self.media = media self.hostNum = hostNum self._abort = 0 # 1=flagged, 2=aborting def flagAbort(self): self._abort = 1 def run(self): # init this first so an early crash doesn't cause an error # in the main thread self.syncMsg = "" self.uname = "" try: self.col = Collection(self.path, log=True) except: self.fireEvent("corrupt") return self.server = RemoteServer(self.hkey, hostNum=self.hostNum) self.client = Syncer(self.col, self.server) self.sentTotal = 0 self.recvTotal = 0 def syncEvent(type): self.fireEvent("sync", type) def syncMsg(msg): self.fireEvent("syncMsg", msg) def sendEvent(bytes): if not self._abort: self.sentTotal += bytes self.fireEvent("send", str(self.sentTotal)) elif self._abort == 1: self._abort = 2 raise Exception("sync cancelled") def recvEvent(bytes): if not self._abort: self.recvTotal += bytes self.fireEvent("recv", str(self.recvTotal)) elif self._abort == 1: self._abort = 2 raise Exception("sync cancelled") addHook("sync", syncEvent) addHook("syncMsg", syncMsg) addHook("httpSend", sendEvent) addHook("httpRecv", recvEvent) # run sync and catch any errors try: self._sync() except: err = traceback.format_exc() self.fireEvent("error", err) finally: # don't bump mod time unless we explicitly save self.col.close(save=False) remHook("sync", syncEvent) remHook("syncMsg", syncMsg) remHook("httpSend", sendEvent) remHook("httpRecv", recvEvent) def _abortingSync(self): try: return self.client.sync() except Exception as e: if "sync cancelled" in str(e): self.server.abort() raise else: raise def _sync(self): if self.auth: # need to authenticate and obtain host key self.hkey = self.server.hostKey(*self.auth) if not self.hkey: # provided details were invalid return self.fireEvent("badAuth") else: # write new details and tell calling thread to save self.fireEvent("newKey", self.hkey) # run sync and check state try: ret = self._abortingSync() except Exception as e: log = traceback.format_exc() err = repr(str(e)) if ("Unable to find the server" in err or "Errno 2" in err or "getaddrinfo" in err): self.fireEvent("offline") elif "sync cancelled" in err: pass else: self.fireEvent("error", log) return if ret == "badAuth": return self.fireEvent("badAuth") elif ret == "clockOff": return self.fireEvent("clockOff") elif ret == "basicCheckFailed" or ret == "sanityCheckFailed": return self.fireEvent("checkFailed") # full sync? if ret == "fullSync": return self._fullSync() # save and note success state if ret == "noChanges": self.fireEvent("noChanges") elif ret == "success": self.fireEvent("success") elif ret == "serverAbort": pass else: self.fireEvent("error", "Unknown sync return code.") self.syncMsg = self.client.syncMsg self.uname = self.client.uname self.hostNum = self.client.hostNum # then move on to media sync self._syncMedia() def _fullSync(self): # tell the calling thread we need a decision on sync direction, and # wait for a reply self.fullSyncChoice = False self.localIsEmpty = self.col.isEmpty() self.fireEvent("fullSync") while not self.fullSyncChoice: time.sleep(0.1) f = self.fullSyncChoice if f == "cancel": return self.client = FullSyncer(self.col, self.hkey, self.server.client, hostNum=self.hostNum) try: if f == "upload": if not self.client.upload(): self.fireEvent("upbad") else: self.client.download() except Exception as e: if "sync cancelled" in str(e): return raise # reopen db and move on to media sync self.col.reopen() self._syncMedia() def _syncMedia(self): if not self.media: return self.server = RemoteMediaServer(self.col, self.hkey, self.server.client, hostNum=self.hostNum) self.client = MediaSyncer(self.col, self.server) try: ret = self.client.sync() except Exception as e: if "sync cancelled" in str(e): return raise if ret == "noChanges": self.fireEvent("noMediaChanges") elif ret == "sanityCheckFailed" or ret == "corruptMediaDB": self.fireEvent("mediaSanity") else: self.fireEvent("mediaSuccess") def fireEvent(self, cmd, arg=""): self.event.emit(cmd, arg)