Anki development ================= Packaged betas --------------- For non-developers who want to try this development code, the easiest way is to use a packaged version - please see: You are welcome to run Anki from source instead, but it is expected that you can sort out all dependencies and issues by yourself - we are not able to provide support for problems you encounter when running from source. Python wheels -------------- If you want to run Anki from a local Python installation but don't want to make changes to the source code, you can install pre-built packages from PyPI. $ python -m venv pyenv $ pyenv/bin/pip install aqt anki ankirspy pyqt5 pyqtwebengine $ pyenv/bin/python -c 'import aqt;' Building from source -------------------- To start, make sure you have the following installed: - Python 3.7+ - portaudio - mpv - lame - npm - your platform's C compiler, eg gcc, Xcode or Visual Studio 2017. - GNU make - protoc v3 ( - rustup ( - gettext - rsync - perl - ripgrep (cargo install ripgrep) - git - curl The build scripts assume a UNIX-like environment, so on Windows you will need to use WSL or Cygwin to use them. Once you've installed the above components, execute ./run in this repo, which will build the subcomponents, and start Anki. Any arguments included on the command line will be passed on to Anki. The first run will take quite a while to download and build everything - please be patient. Before contributing code, please read README.contributing. If you'd like to contribute translations, please see the translations section of Subcomponents -------------- - pylib contains a Python module (anki) with the non-GUI Python code. - qt contains the Qt GUI implementation (aqt). - rspy contains a Python module (ankirspy) for accessing the Rust code. - rslib contains the parts of the code implemented in Rust. - proto contains the interface used to communicate between different languages. Makefile -------------- Use 'make check' to run unit tests, type checking and linting on all of the subcomponents. Use 'make fix' to fix any formatting issues that were found with 'make check'. Use 'make build' to output Python wheels of the subcomponents into the dist/ folder. Use 'make clean' to remove some generated files. To see all commands run by make or any shell script, export the environment variable SHELLFLAGS with '-x' to tell shell to print all commands run by it. For example, 'export SHELLFLAGS=-x' on Linux or 'set SHELLFLAGS=-x' on Windows. PyQt ----- The build scripts will use PyQt/Qt from PyPI by default. If you wish to use a system install, you will need to set up the pyenv folder yourself, making sure you have PyQt5, the WebEngine module and development tools (eg pyqt5-dev-tools) installed as well. You'll need to create the venv with --system-site-packages. Debian/Ubuntu users ------------------- Install Python 3.7+ if it's not installed. Install other dependencies: ``` sudo apt install portaudio19-dev mpv lame npm rsync gcc gettext git curl curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh source $HOME/.cargo/env wget sudo unzip -d /usr/local/ -x readme.txt rustup update cargo install ripgrep ``` Mac users ---------- You can use homebrew to install some dependencies: $ brew install python mpv lame portaudio protobuf npm rustup-init gettext rename ripgrep $ brew link gettext --force Windows users (using Visual Studio) ---------- User-contributed instructions for building using Cygwin: 1. Download and install Cygwin and put its `/bin/` directory on your system path (This PC > Properties > Advancded system settings > Environment Variables > double-click Path > New). 1. Install the Cygwin Packages: `apt-cyg install rsync make` OR select rsync package during Cygwin installation 1. Download `gettext` 0.20.1 or superior and put its `bin` directory on your system path. 1. 1. Download and install Python for Windows (not from Cygwin) and put `python.exe` (not `python3.exe`) on your system path. 1. Download and install pip for your Windows Python (`python -m ensurepip`). 1. Download and install rust (compiler), npm, git and put them your system path. 1. Download and install the pyaudio wheel from: 1. After download the file for your Python version, you need to define the following environment variable before running Anki: `set "ANKI_EXTRA_PIP=python -m pip install full/path/to/PyAudio‑0.2.11‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl"` 1. If there is not an wheel available for your Python version, you can built it from the source following the installation instructions on: After building and installing portaudio, you need to define the following environment variable before running Anki: `set "ANKI_EXTRA_PIP=python -m pip install git+"` 1. Open a `cmd.exe` (command prompt) on the Anki repository and run the command `sh run` 1. Do not use `bash run` because it my call for Windows Subsystem for Linux 1. Do not use any Cygwin terminal as `mintty.exe` because the `rust lang` compiler does not work with them Enviromental Variables ----------------------- If ANKIDEV is set before starting Anki, some extra log messages will be printed on stdout, and automatic backups will be disabled - so please don't use this except on a test profile. If LOGTERM is set before starting Anki, warnings and error messages that are normally placed in the collection2.log file will also be printed on stdout.