# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from __future__ import annotations import base64 import html import itertools import json import mimetypes import re import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request import warnings from enum import Enum from random import randrange from typing import Any, Callable, Match, cast import bs4 import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import aqt import aqt.forms import aqt.operations import aqt.sound from anki._legacy import deprecated from anki.cards import Card from anki.collection import Config, SearchNode from anki.consts import MODEL_CLOZE from anki.hooks import runFilter from anki.httpclient import HttpClient from anki.models import NotetypeId, StockNotetype from anki.notes import Note, NoteFieldsCheckResult, NoteId from anki.utils import checksum, is_lin, is_win, namedtmp from aqt import AnkiQt, colors, gui_hooks from aqt.operations import QueryOp from aqt.operations.note import update_note from aqt.operations.notetype import update_notetype_legacy from aqt.qt import * from aqt.sound import av_player from aqt.theme import theme_manager from aqt.utils import ( HelpPage, KeyboardModifiersPressed, disable_help_button, getFile, openHelp, qtMenuShortcutWorkaround, restoreGeom, saveGeom, shortcut, showInfo, showWarning, tooltip, tr, ) from aqt.webview import AnkiWebView, AnkiWebViewKind pics = ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tif", "tiff", "gif", "svg", "webp", "ico", "avif") audio = ( "3gp", "aac", "avi", "flac", "flv", "m4a", "mkv", "mov", "mp3", "mp4", "mpeg", "mpg", "oga", "ogg", "ogv", "ogx", "opus", "spx", "swf", "wav", "webm", ) class EditorMode(Enum): ADD_CARDS = 0 EDIT_CURRENT = 1 BROWSER = 2 class Editor: """The screen that embeds an editing widget should listen for changes via the `operation_did_execute` hook, and call set_note() when the editor needs redrawing. The editor will cause that hook to be fired when it saves changes. To avoid an unwanted refresh, the parent widget should check if handler corresponds to this editor instance, and ignore the change if it does. """ def __init__( self, mw: AnkiQt, widget: QWidget, parentWindow: QWidget, addMode: bool | None = None, *, editor_mode: EditorMode = EditorMode.EDIT_CURRENT, ) -> None: self.mw = mw self.widget = widget self.parentWindow = parentWindow self.note: Note | None = None # legacy argument provided? if addMode is not None: editor_mode = EditorMode.ADD_CARDS if addMode else EditorMode.EDIT_CURRENT self.addMode = editor_mode is EditorMode.ADD_CARDS self.editorMode = editor_mode self.currentField: int | None = None # Similar to currentField, but not set to None on a blur. May be # outside the bounds of the current notetype. self.last_field_index: int | None = None # current card, for card layout self.card: Card | None = None self._init_links() self.setupOuter() self.add_webview() self.setupWeb() self.setupShortcuts() gui_hooks.editor_did_init(self) # Initial setup ############################################################ def setupOuter(self) -> None: l = QVBoxLayout() l.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) l.setSpacing(0) self.widget.setLayout(l) self.outerLayout = l def add_webview(self) -> None: self.web = EditorWebView(self.widget, self) self.web.set_bridge_command(self.onBridgeCmd, self) self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.web, 1) def setupWeb(self) -> None: if self.editorMode == EditorMode.ADD_CARDS: mode = "add" elif self.editorMode == EditorMode.BROWSER: mode = "browse" else: mode = "review" # then load page self.web.stdHtml( "", css=["css/editor.css"], js=[ "js/mathjax.js", "js/editor.js", ], context=self, default_css=False, ) self.web.eval(f"setupEditor('{mode}')") self.web.show() lefttopbtns: list[str] = [] gui_hooks.editor_did_init_left_buttons(lefttopbtns, self) lefttopbtns_defs = [ f"uiPromise.then((noteEditor) => noteEditor.toolbar.notetypeButtons.appendButton({{ component: editorToolbar.Raw, props: {{ html: {json.dumps(button)} }} }}, -1));" for button in lefttopbtns ] lefttopbtns_js = "\n".join(lefttopbtns_defs) righttopbtns: list[str] = [] gui_hooks.editor_did_init_buttons(righttopbtns, self) # legacy filter righttopbtns = runFilter("setupEditorButtons", righttopbtns, self) righttopbtns_defs = ", ".join([json.dumps(button) for button in righttopbtns]) righttopbtns_js = ( f""" require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() => require("anki/NoteEditor").instances[0].toolbar.toolbar.append({{ component: editorToolbar.AddonButtons, id: "addons", props: {{ buttons: [ {righttopbtns_defs} ] }}, }})); """ if len(righttopbtns) > 0 else "" ) self.web.eval(f"{lefttopbtns_js} {righttopbtns_js}") # Top buttons ###################################################################### def resourceToData(self, path: str) -> str: """Convert a file (specified by a path) into a data URI.""" if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) with open(path, "rb") as fp: data = fp.read() data64 = b"".join(base64.encodebytes(data).splitlines()) return f"data:{mime};base64,{data64.decode('ascii')}" def addButton( self, icon: str | None, cmd: str, func: Callable[[Editor], None], tip: str = "", label: str = "", id: str = None, toggleable: bool = False, keys: str = None, disables: bool = True, rightside: bool = True, ) -> str: """Assign func to bridge cmd, register shortcut, return button""" if func: self._links[cmd] = func if keys: def on_activated() -> None: func(self) if toggleable: # generate a random id for triggering toggle id = id or str(randrange(1_000_000)) def on_hotkey() -> None: on_activated() self.web.eval( f'toggleEditorButton(document.getElementById("{id}"));' ) else: on_hotkey = on_activated QShortcut( # type: ignore QKeySequence(keys), self.widget, activated=on_hotkey, ) btn = self._addButton( icon, cmd, tip=tip, label=label, id=id, toggleable=toggleable, disables=disables, rightside=rightside, ) return btn def _addButton( self, icon: str | None, cmd: str, tip: str = "", label: str = "", id: str | None = None, toggleable: bool = False, disables: bool = True, rightside: bool = True, ) -> str: if icon: if icon.startswith("qrc:/"): iconstr = icon elif os.path.isabs(icon): iconstr = self.resourceToData(icon) else: iconstr = f"/_anki/imgs/{icon}.png" imgelm = f"""""" else: imgelm = "" if label or not imgelm: labelelm = label or cmd else: labelelm = "" if id: idstr = f"id={id}" else: idstr = "" if toggleable: toggleScript = "toggleEditorButton(this);" else: toggleScript = "" tip = shortcut(tip) if rightside: class_ = "linkb" else: class_ = "rounded" if not disables: class_ += " perm" return """""".format( imgelm=imgelm, cmd=cmd, tip=tip, labelelm=labelelm, id=idstr, togglesc=toggleScript, class_=class_, ) def setupShortcuts(self) -> None: # if a third element is provided, enable shortcut even when no field selected cuts: list[tuple] = [] gui_hooks.editor_did_init_shortcuts(cuts, self) for row in cuts: if len(row) == 2: keys, fn = row # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking fn = self._addFocusCheck(fn) else: keys, fn, _ = row QShortcut(QKeySequence(keys), self.widget, activated=fn) # type: ignore def _addFocusCheck(self, fn: Callable) -> Callable: def checkFocus() -> None: if self.currentField is None: return fn() return checkFocus def onFields(self) -> None: self.call_after_note_saved(self._onFields) def _onFields(self) -> None: from aqt.fields import FieldDialog FieldDialog(self.mw, self.note.note_type(), parent=self.parentWindow) def onCardLayout(self) -> None: self.call_after_note_saved(self._onCardLayout) def _onCardLayout(self) -> None: from aqt.clayout import CardLayout if self.card: ord = self.card.ord else: ord = 0 CardLayout( self.mw, self.note, ord=ord, parent=self.parentWindow, fill_empty=False, ) if is_win: self.parentWindow.activateWindow() # JS->Python bridge ###################################################################### def onBridgeCmd(self, cmd: str) -> Any: if not self.note: # shutdown return # focus lost or key/button pressed? if cmd.startswith("blur") or cmd.startswith("key"): (type, ord_str, nid_str, txt) = cmd.split(":", 3) ord = int(ord_str) try: nid = int(nid_str) except ValueError: nid = 0 if nid != self.note.id: print("ignored late blur") return try: self.note.fields[ord] = self.mungeHTML(txt) except IndexError: print("ignored late blur after notetype change") return if not self.addMode: self._save_current_note() if type == "blur": self.currentField = None # run any filters if gui_hooks.editor_did_unfocus_field(False, self.note, ord): # something updated the note; update it after a subsequent focus # event has had time to fire self.mw.progress.timer( 100, self.loadNoteKeepingFocus, False, parent=self.widget ) else: self._check_and_update_duplicate_display_async() else: gui_hooks.editor_did_fire_typing_timer(self.note) self._check_and_update_duplicate_display_async() # focused into field? elif cmd.startswith("focus"): (type, num) = cmd.split(":", 1) self.last_field_index = self.currentField = int(num) gui_hooks.editor_did_focus_field(self.note, self.currentField) elif cmd.startswith("toggleStickyAll"): model = self.note.note_type() flds = model["flds"] any_sticky = any([fld["sticky"] for fld in flds]) result = [] for fld in flds: if not any_sticky or fld["sticky"]: fld["sticky"] = not fld["sticky"] result.append(fld["sticky"]) update_notetype_legacy(parent=self.mw, notetype=model).run_in_background( initiator=self ) return result elif cmd.startswith("toggleSticky"): (type, num) = cmd.split(":", 1) ord = int(num) model = self.note.note_type() fld = model["flds"][ord] new_state = not fld["sticky"] fld["sticky"] = new_state update_notetype_legacy(parent=self.mw, notetype=model).run_in_background( initiator=self ) return new_state elif cmd.startswith("lastTextColor"): (_, textColor) = cmd.split(":", 1) self.mw.pm.profile["lastTextColor"] = textColor elif cmd.startswith("lastHighlightColor"): (_, highlightColor) = cmd.split(":", 1) self.mw.pm.profile["lastHighlightColor"] = highlightColor elif cmd.startswith("saveTags"): (type, tagsJson) = cmd.split(":", 1) self.note.tags = json.loads(tagsJson) gui_hooks.editor_did_update_tags(self.note) if not self.addMode: self._save_current_note() elif cmd.startswith("setTagsCollapsed"): (type, collapsed_string) = cmd.split(":", 1) collapsed = collapsed_string == "true" self.setTagsCollapsed(collapsed) elif cmd in self._links: return self._links[cmd](self) else: print("uncaught cmd", cmd) def mungeHTML(self, txt: str) -> str: return gui_hooks.editor_will_munge_html(txt, self) # Setting/unsetting the current note ###################################################################### def set_note( self, note: Note | None, hide: bool = True, focusTo: int | None = None ) -> None: "Make NOTE the current note." self.note = note self.currentField = None if self.note: self.loadNote(focusTo=focusTo) elif hide: self.widget.hide() def loadNoteKeepingFocus(self) -> None: self.loadNote(self.currentField) def loadNote(self, focusTo: int | None = None) -> None: if not self.note: return data = [ (fld, self.mw.col.media.escape_media_filenames(val)) for fld, val in self.note.items() ] flds = self.note.note_type()["flds"] collapsed = [fld["collapsed"] for fld in flds] plain_texts = [fld.get("plainText", False) for fld in flds] descriptions = [fld.get("description", "") for fld in flds] notetype_meta = {"id": self.note.mid, "modTime": self.note.note_type()["mod"]} self.widget.show() note_fields_status = self.note.fields_check() def oncallback(arg: Any) -> None: if not self.note: return self.setupForegroundButton() # we currently do this synchronously to ensure we load before the # sidebar on browser startup self._update_duplicate_display(note_fields_status) if focusTo is not None: self.web.setFocus() gui_hooks.editor_did_load_note(self) text_color = self.mw.pm.profile.get("lastTextColor", "#0000ff") highlight_color = self.mw.pm.profile.get("lastHighlightColor", "#0000ff") js = f""" saveSession(); setFields({json.dumps(data)}); setNotetypeMeta({json.dumps(notetype_meta)}); setCollapsed({json.dumps(collapsed)}); setPlainTexts({json.dumps(plain_texts)}); setDescriptions({json.dumps(descriptions)}); setFonts({json.dumps(self.fonts())}); focusField({json.dumps(focusTo)}); setNoteId({json.dumps(self.note.id)}); setColorButtons({json.dumps([text_color, highlight_color])}); setTags({json.dumps(self.note.tags)}); setTagsCollapsed({json.dumps(self.mw.pm.tags_collapsed(self.editorMode))}); setMathjaxEnabled({json.dumps(self.mw.col.get_config("renderMathjax", True))}); setShrinkImages({json.dumps(self.mw.col.get_config("shrinkEditorImages", True))}); setCloseHTMLTags({json.dumps(self.mw.col.get_config("closeHTMLTags", True))}); triggerChanges(); setIsImageOcclusion({json.dumps(self.current_notetype_is_image_occlusion())}); setIsEditMode({json.dumps(self.editorMode != EditorMode.ADD_CARDS)}); """ if self.addMode: sticky = [field["sticky"] for field in self.note.note_type()["flds"]] js += " setSticky(%s);" % json.dumps(sticky) if ( self.editorMode != EditorMode.ADD_CARDS and self.current_notetype_is_image_occlusion() ): io_options = self._create_edit_io_options(note_id=self.note.id) js += " setupMaskEditor(%s);" % json.dumps(io_options) js = gui_hooks.editor_will_load_note(js, self.note, self) self.web.evalWithCallback( f'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() => {{ {js} }})', oncallback ) def _save_current_note(self) -> None: "Call after note is updated with data from webview." update_note(parent=self.widget, note=self.note).run_in_background( initiator=self ) def fonts(self) -> list[tuple[str, int, bool]]: return [ (gui_hooks.editor_will_use_font_for_field(f["font"]), f["size"], f["rtl"]) for f in self.note.note_type()["flds"] ] def call_after_note_saved( self, callback: Callable, keepFocus: bool = False ) -> None: "Save unsaved edits then call callback()." if not self.note: # calling code may not expect the callback to fire immediately self.mw.progress.single_shot(10, callback) return self.web.evalWithCallback("saveNow(%d)" % keepFocus, lambda res: callback()) saveNow = call_after_note_saved def _check_and_update_duplicate_display_async(self) -> None: note = self.note if not note: return def on_done(result: NoteFieldsCheckResult.V) -> None: if self.note != note: return self._update_duplicate_display(result) QueryOp( parent=self.parentWindow, op=lambda _: note.fields_check(), success=on_done, ).run_in_background() checkValid = _check_and_update_duplicate_display_async def _update_duplicate_display(self, result: NoteFieldsCheckResult.V) -> None: cols = [""] * len(self.note.fields) cloze_hint = "" if result == NoteFieldsCheckResult.DUPLICATE: cols[0] = "dupe" elif result == NoteFieldsCheckResult.NOTETYPE_NOT_CLOZE: cloze_hint = tr.adding_cloze_outside_cloze_notetype() elif result == NoteFieldsCheckResult.FIELD_NOT_CLOZE: cloze_hint = tr.adding_cloze_outside_cloze_field() self.web.eval( 'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() => {' f"setBackgrounds({json.dumps(cols)});\n" f"setClozeHint({json.dumps(cloze_hint)});\n" "}); " ) def showDupes(self) -> None: aqt.dialogs.open( "Browser", self.mw, search=( SearchNode( dupe=SearchNode.Dupe( notetype_id=self.note.note_type()["id"], first_field=self.note.fields[0], ) ), ), ) def fieldsAreBlank(self, previousNote: Note | None = None) -> bool: if not self.note: return True m = self.note.note_type() for c, f in enumerate(self.note.fields): f = f.replace("
", "").strip() notChangedvalues = {"", "
"} if previousNote and m["flds"][c]["sticky"]: notChangedvalues.add(previousNote.fields[c].replace("
", "").strip()) if f not in notChangedvalues: return False return True def cleanup(self) -> None: self.set_note(None) # prevent any remaining evalWithCallback() events from firing after C++ object deleted if self.web: self.web.cleanup() self.web = None # legacy setNote = set_note # Tag handling ###################################################################### def setupTags(self) -> None: import aqt.tagedit g = QGroupBox(self.widget) g.setStyleSheet("border: 0") tb = QGridLayout() tb.setSpacing(12) tb.setContentsMargins(2, 6, 2, 6) # tags l = QLabel(tr.editing_tags()) tb.addWidget(l, 1, 0) self.tags = aqt.tagedit.TagEdit(self.widget) qconnect(self.tags.lostFocus, self.on_tag_focus_lost) self.tags.setToolTip(shortcut(tr.editing_jump_to_tags_with_ctrlandshiftandt())) border = theme_manager.var(colors.BORDER) self.tags.setStyleSheet(f"border: 1px solid {border}") tb.addWidget(self.tags, 1, 1) g.setLayout(tb) self.outerLayout.addWidget(g) def updateTags(self) -> None: if self.tags.col != self.mw.col: self.tags.setCol(self.mw.col) if not self.tags.text() or not self.addMode: self.tags.setText(self.note.string_tags().strip()) def on_tag_focus_lost(self) -> None: self.note.tags = self.mw.col.tags.split(self.tags.text()) gui_hooks.editor_did_update_tags(self.note) if not self.addMode: self._save_current_note() def blur_tags_if_focused(self) -> None: if not self.note: return if self.tags.hasFocus(): self.widget.setFocus() def hideCompleters(self) -> None: self.tags.hideCompleter() def onFocusTags(self) -> None: self.tags.setFocus() # legacy def saveAddModeVars(self) -> None: pass saveTags = blur_tags_if_focused # Audio/video/images ###################################################################### def onAddMedia(self) -> None: """Show a file selection screen, then add the selected media. This expects initial setup to have been done by TemplateButtons.svelte.""" extension_filter = " ".join( f"*.{extension}" for extension in sorted(itertools.chain(pics, audio)) ) filter = f"{tr.editing_media()} ({extension_filter})" def accept(file: str) -> None: self.resolve_media(file) file = getFile( parent=self.widget, title=tr.editing_add_media(), cb=cast(Callable[[Any], None], accept), filter=filter, key="media", ) self.parentWindow.activateWindow() def addMedia(self, path: str, canDelete: bool = False) -> None: """Legacy routine used by add-ons to add a media file and update the current field. canDelete is ignored.""" try: html = self._addMedia(path) except Exception as e: showWarning(str(e)) return self.web.eval(f"setFormat('inserthtml', {json.dumps(html)});") def resolve_media(self, path: str) -> None: """Finish inserting media into a field. This expects initial setup to have been done by TemplateButtons.svelte.""" try: html = self._addMedia(path) except Exception as e: showWarning(str(e)) return self.web.eval( f'require("anki/TemplateButtons").resolveMedia({json.dumps(html)})' ) def _addMedia(self, path: str, canDelete: bool = False) -> str: """Add to media folder and return local img or sound tag.""" # copy to media folder fname = self.mw.col.media.add_file(path) # return a local html link return self.fnameToLink(fname) def _addMediaFromData(self, fname: str, data: bytes) -> str: return self.mw.col.media._legacy_write_data(fname, data) def onRecSound(self) -> None: aqt.sound.record_audio( self.parentWindow, self.mw, True, self.resolve_media, ) # Media downloads ###################################################################### def urlToLink(self, url: str) -> str | None: fname = self.urlToFile(url) if not fname: return '{}'.format( url, html.escape(urllib.parse.unquote(url)) ) return self.fnameToLink(fname) def fnameToLink(self, fname: str) -> str: ext = fname.split(".")[-1].lower() if ext in pics: name = urllib.parse.quote(fname.encode("utf8")) return f'' else: av_player.play_file(fname) return f"[sound:{html.escape(fname, quote=False)}]" def urlToFile(self, url: str) -> str | None: l = url.lower() for suffix in pics + audio: if l.endswith(f".{suffix}"): return self._retrieveURL(url) # not a supported type return None def isURL(self, s: str) -> bool: s = s.lower() return ( s.startswith("http://") or s.startswith("https://") or s.startswith("ftp://") or s.startswith("file://") ) def inlinedImageToFilename(self, txt: str) -> str: prefix = "data:image/" suffix = ";base64," for ext in ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"): fullPrefix = prefix + ext + suffix if txt.startswith(fullPrefix): b64data = txt[len(fullPrefix) :].strip() data = base64.b64decode(b64data, validate=True) if ext == "jpeg": ext = "jpg" return self._addPastedImage(data, ext) return "" def inlinedImageToLink(self, src: str) -> str: fname = self.inlinedImageToFilename(src) if fname: return self.fnameToLink(fname) return "" def _pasted_image_filename(self, data: bytes, ext: str) -> str: csum = checksum(data) return f"paste-{csum}.{ext}" def _read_pasted_image(self, mime: QMimeData) -> str: image = QImage(mime.imageData()) buffer = QBuffer() buffer.open(QBuffer.OpenModeFlag.ReadWrite) if self.mw.col.get_config_bool(Config.Bool.PASTE_IMAGES_AS_PNG): ext = "png" quality = 50 else: ext = "jpg" quality = 80 image.save(buffer, ext, quality) buffer.reset() data = bytes(buffer.readAll()) # type: ignore fname = self._pasted_image_filename(data, ext) path = namedtmp(fname) with open(path, "wb") as file: file.write(data) return path def _addPastedImage(self, data: bytes, ext: str) -> str: # hash and write fname = self._pasted_image_filename(data, ext) return self._addMediaFromData(fname, data) def _retrieveURL(self, url: str) -> str | None: "Download file into media folder and return local filename or None." # urllib doesn't understand percent-escaped utf8, but requires things like # '#' to be escaped. url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) if url.lower().startswith("file://"): url = url.replace("%", "%25") url = url.replace("#", "%23") local = True else: local = False # fetch it into a temporary folder self.mw.progress.start(immediate=not local, parent=self.parentWindow) content_type = None error_msg: str | None = None try: if local: req = urllib.request.Request( url, None, {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Anki)"} ) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: filecontents = response.read() else: with HttpClient() as client: client.timeout = 30 with client.get(url) as response: if response.status_code != 200: error_msg = tr.qt_misc_unexpected_response_code( val=response.status_code, ) return None filecontents = response.content content_type = response.headers.get("content-type") except (urllib.error.URLError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as e: error_msg = tr.editing_an_error_occurred_while_opening(val=str(e)) return None finally: self.mw.progress.finish() if error_msg: showWarning(error_msg) # strip off any query string url = re.sub(r"\?.*?$", "", url) fname = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.unquote(url)) if not fname.strip(): fname = "paste" if content_type: fname = self.mw.col.media.add_extension_based_on_mime(fname, content_type) return self.mw.col.media.write_data(fname, filecontents) # Paste/drag&drop ###################################################################### removeTags = ["script", "iframe", "object", "style"] def _pastePreFilter(self, html: str, internal: bool) -> str: # https://anki.tenderapp.com/discussions/ankidesktop/39543-anki-is-replacing-the-character-by-when-i-exit-the-html-edit-mode-ctrlshiftx if html.find(">") < 0: return html with warnings.catch_warnings() as w: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) doc = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") tag: bs4.element.Tag if not internal: for tag in self.removeTags: for node in doc(tag): node.decompose() # convert p tags to divs for node in doc("p"): node.name = "div" for tag in doc("img"): try: src = tag["src"] except KeyError: # for some bizarre reason, mnemosyne removes src elements # from missing media continue # in internal pastes, rewrite mediasrv references to relative if internal: m = re.match(r"\d+/(.*)$", src) if m: tag["src"] = m.group(1) else: # in external pastes, download remote media if self.isURL(src): fname = self._retrieveURL(src) if fname: tag["src"] = fname elif src.startswith("data:image/"): # and convert inlined data tag["src"] = self.inlinedImageToFilename(src) html = str(doc) return html def doPaste(self, html: str, internal: bool, extended: bool = False) -> None: html = self._pastePreFilter(html, internal) if extended: ext = "true" else: ext = "false" self.web.eval(f"pasteHTML({json.dumps(html)}, {json.dumps(internal)}, {ext});") gui_hooks.editor_did_paste(self, html, internal, extended) def doDrop( self, html: str, internal: bool, extended: bool, cursor_pos: QPoint ) -> None: def pasteIfField(ret: bool) -> None: if ret: self.doPaste(html, internal, extended) self.web.evalWithCallback( f"focusIfField({cursor_pos.x()}, {cursor_pos.y()});", pasteIfField ) def onPaste(self) -> None: self.web.onPaste() def onCutOrCopy(self) -> None: self.web.user_cut_or_copied() # Image occlusion ###################################################################### def current_notetype_is_image_occlusion(self) -> bool: return bool(self.note) and ( self.note.note_type().get("originalStockKind", None) == StockNotetype.OriginalStockKind.ORIGINAL_STOCK_KIND_IMAGE_OCCLUSION ) def setup_mask_editor(self, image_path: str) -> None: try: if self.editorMode == EditorMode.ADD_CARDS: self.setup_mask_editor_for_new_note( image_path=image_path, notetype_id=0 ) else: self.setup_mask_editor_for_existing_note( note_id=self.note.id, image_path=image_path ) except Exception as e: showWarning(str(e)) def select_image_and_occlude(self) -> None: """Show a file selection screen, then get selected image path.""" extension_filter = " ".join( f"*.{extension}" for extension in sorted(itertools.chain(pics)) ) filter = f"{tr.editing_media()} ({extension_filter})" file = getFile( parent=self.widget, title=tr.editing_add_media(), cb=cast(Callable[[Any], None], self.setup_mask_editor), filter=filter, key="media", ) self.parentWindow.activateWindow() def select_image_from_clipboard_and_occlude(self) -> None: """Set up the mask editor for the image in the clipboard.""" clipoard = self.mw.app.clipboard() mime = clipoard.mimeData() if not mime.hasImage(): showWarning(tr.editing_no_image_found_on_clipboard()) return path = self._read_pasted_image(mime) self.setup_mask_editor(path) self.parentWindow.activateWindow() def setup_mask_editor_for_new_note( self, image_path: str, notetype_id: NotetypeId | int = 0, ): """Set-up IO mask editor for adding new notes Presupposes that active editor notetype is an image occlusion notetype Args: image_path: Absolute path to image. notetype_id: ID of note type to use. Provided ID must belong to an image occlusion notetype. Set this to 0 to auto-select the first found image occlusion notetype in the user's collection. """ image_field_html = self._addMedia(image_path) io_options = self._create_add_io_options( image_path=image_path, image_field_html=image_field_html, notetype_id=notetype_id, ) self._setup_mask_editor(io_options) def setup_mask_editor_for_existing_note( self, note_id: NoteId, image_path: str | None = None ): """Set-up IO mask editor for editing existing notes Presupposes that active editor notetype is an image occlusion notetype Args: note_id: ID of note to edit. image_path: (Optional) Absolute path to image that should replace current image """ io_options = self._create_edit_io_options(note_id) if image_path: image_field_html = self._addMedia(image_path) self.web.eval(f"resetIOImage({json.dumps(image_path)})") self.web.eval(f"setImageField({json.dumps(image_field_html)})") self._setup_mask_editor(io_options) def _setup_mask_editor(self, io_options: dict): self.web.eval( 'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() =>' f"setupMaskEditor({json.dumps(io_options)})" "); " ) @staticmethod def _create_add_io_options( image_path: str, image_field_html: str, notetype_id: NotetypeId | int = 0 ) -> dict: return { "mode": {"kind": "add", "imagePath": image_path, "notetypeId": notetype_id}, "html": image_field_html, } @staticmethod def _create_edit_io_options(note_id: NoteId) -> dict: return {"mode": {"kind": "edit", "noteId": note_id}} # Legacy editing routines ###################################################################### _js_legacy = "this routine has been moved into JS, and will be removed soon" @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def onHtmlEdit(self) -> None: field = self.currentField self.call_after_note_saved(lambda: self._onHtmlEdit(field)) @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def _onHtmlEdit(self, field: int) -> None: d = QDialog(self.widget, Qt.WindowType.Window) form = aqt.forms.edithtml.Ui_Dialog() form.setupUi(d) restoreGeom(d, "htmlEditor") disable_help_button(d) qconnect( form.buttonBox.helpRequested, lambda: openHelp(HelpPage.EDITING_FEATURES) ) font = QFont("Courier") font.setStyleHint(QFont.StyleHint.TypeWriter) form.textEdit.setFont(font) form.textEdit.setPlainText(self.note.fields[field]) d.show() form.textEdit.moveCursor(QTextCursor.MoveOperation.End) d.exec() html = form.textEdit.toPlainText() if html.find(">") > -1: # filter html through beautifulsoup so we can strip out things like a # leading html_escaped = self.mw.col.media.escape_media_filenames(html) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) html_escaped = str(BeautifulSoup(html_escaped, "html.parser")) html = self.mw.col.media.escape_media_filenames( html_escaped, unescape=True ) self.note.fields[field] = html if not self.addMode: self._save_current_note() self.loadNote(focusTo=field) saveGeom(d, "htmlEditor") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def toggleBold(self) -> None: self.web.eval("setFormat('bold');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def toggleItalic(self) -> None: self.web.eval("setFormat('italic');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def toggleUnderline(self) -> None: self.web.eval("setFormat('underline');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def toggleSuper(self) -> None: self.web.eval("setFormat('superscript');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def toggleSub(self) -> None: self.web.eval("setFormat('subscript');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def removeFormat(self) -> None: self.web.eval("setFormat('removeFormat');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def onCloze(self) -> None: self.call_after_note_saved(self._onCloze, keepFocus=True) @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def _onCloze(self) -> None: # check that the model is set up for cloze deletion if self.note.note_type()["type"] != MODEL_CLOZE: if self.addMode: tooltip(tr.editing_warning_cloze_deletions_will_not_work()) else: showInfo(tr.editing_to_make_a_cloze_deletion_on()) return # find the highest existing cloze highest = 0 for name, val in list(self.note.items()): m = re.findall(r"\{\{c(\d+)::", val) if m: highest = max(highest, sorted(int(x) for x in m)[-1]) # reuse last? if not KeyboardModifiersPressed().alt: highest += 1 # must start at 1 highest = max(1, highest) self.web.eval("wrap('{{c%d::', '}}');" % highest) def setupForegroundButton(self) -> None: self.fcolour = self.mw.pm.profile.get("lastColour", "#00f") # use last colour @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def onForeground(self) -> None: self._wrapWithColour(self.fcolour) # choose new colour @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def onChangeCol(self) -> None: if is_lin: new = QColorDialog.getColor( QColor(self.fcolour), None, None, QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption.DontUseNativeDialog, ) else: new = QColorDialog.getColor(QColor(self.fcolour), None) # native dialog doesn't refocus us for some reason self.parentWindow.activateWindow() if new.isValid(): self.fcolour = new.name() self.onColourChanged() self._wrapWithColour(self.fcolour) @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def _updateForegroundButton(self) -> None: pass @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def onColourChanged(self) -> None: self._updateForegroundButton() self.mw.pm.profile["lastColour"] = self.fcolour @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def _wrapWithColour(self, colour: str) -> None: self.web.eval(f"setFormat('forecolor', '{colour}')") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def onAdvanced(self) -> None: m = QMenu(self.mw) for text, handler, shortcut in ( (tr.editing_mathjax_inline(), self.insertMathjaxInline, "Ctrl+M, M"), (tr.editing_mathjax_block(), self.insertMathjaxBlock, "Ctrl+M, E"), ( tr.editing_mathjax_chemistry(), self.insertMathjaxChemistry, "Ctrl+M, C", ), (tr.editing_latex(), self.insertLatex, "Ctrl+T, T"), (tr.editing_latex_equation(), self.insertLatexEqn, "Ctrl+T, E"), (tr.editing_latex_math_env(), self.insertLatexMathEnv, "Ctrl+T, M"), (tr.editing_edit_html(), self.onHtmlEdit, "Ctrl+Shift+X"), ): a = m.addAction(text) qconnect(a.triggered, handler) a.setShortcut(QKeySequence(shortcut)) qtMenuShortcutWorkaround(m) m.exec(QCursor.pos()) @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def insertLatex(self) -> None: self.web.eval("wrap('[latex]', '[/latex]');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def insertLatexEqn(self) -> None: self.web.eval("wrap('[$]', '[/$]');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def insertLatexMathEnv(self) -> None: self.web.eval("wrap('[$$]', '[/$$]');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def insertMathjaxInline(self) -> None: self.web.eval("wrap('\\\\(', '\\\\)');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def insertMathjaxBlock(self) -> None: self.web.eval("wrap('\\\\[', '\\\\]');") @deprecated(info=_js_legacy) def insertMathjaxChemistry(self) -> None: self.web.eval("wrap('\\\\(\\\\ce{', '}\\\\)');") def toggleMathjax(self) -> None: self.mw.col.set_config( "renderMathjax", not self.mw.col.get_config("renderMathjax", False) ) # hackily redraw the page self.setupWeb() self.loadNoteKeepingFocus() def toggleShrinkImages(self) -> None: self.mw.col.set_config( "shrinkEditorImages", not self.mw.col.get_config("shrinkEditorImages", True), ) def toggleCloseHTMLTags(self) -> None: self.mw.col.set_config( "closeHTMLTags", not self.mw.col.get_config("closeHTMLTags", True), ) def setTagsCollapsed(self, collapsed: bool) -> None: aqt.mw.pm.set_tags_collapsed(self.editorMode, collapsed) # Links from HTML ###################################################################### def _init_links(self) -> None: self._links: dict[str, Callable] = dict( fields=Editor.onFields, cards=Editor.onCardLayout, bold=Editor.toggleBold, italic=Editor.toggleItalic, underline=Editor.toggleUnderline, super=Editor.toggleSuper, sub=Editor.toggleSub, clear=Editor.removeFormat, colour=Editor.onForeground, changeCol=Editor.onChangeCol, cloze=Editor.onCloze, attach=Editor.onAddMedia, record=Editor.onRecSound, more=Editor.onAdvanced, dupes=Editor.showDupes, paste=Editor.onPaste, cutOrCopy=Editor.onCutOrCopy, htmlEdit=Editor.onHtmlEdit, mathjaxInline=Editor.insertMathjaxInline, mathjaxBlock=Editor.insertMathjaxBlock, mathjaxChemistry=Editor.insertMathjaxChemistry, toggleMathjax=Editor.toggleMathjax, toggleShrinkImages=Editor.toggleShrinkImages, toggleCloseHTMLTags=Editor.toggleCloseHTMLTags, addImageForOcclusion=Editor.select_image_and_occlude, addImageForOcclusionFromClipboard=Editor.select_image_from_clipboard_and_occlude, ) # Pasting, drag & drop, and keyboard layouts ###################################################################### class EditorWebView(AnkiWebView): def __init__(self, parent: QWidget, editor: Editor) -> None: AnkiWebView.__init__(self, kind=AnkiWebViewKind.EDITOR) self.editor = editor self.setAcceptDrops(True) self._store_field_content_on_next_clipboard_change = False # when we detect the user copying from a field, we store the content # here, and use it when they paste, so we avoid filtering field content self._internal_field_text_for_paste: str | None = None clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() qconnect(clip.dataChanged, self._on_clipboard_change) gui_hooks.editor_web_view_did_init(self) def user_cut_or_copied(self) -> None: self._store_field_content_on_next_clipboard_change = True def _on_clipboard_change(self) -> None: if self._store_field_content_on_next_clipboard_change: # if the flag was set, save the field data self._internal_field_text_for_paste = self._get_clipboard_html_for_field() self._store_field_content_on_next_clipboard_change = False elif ( self._internal_field_text_for_paste != self._get_clipboard_html_for_field() ): # if we've previously saved the field, blank it out if the clipboard state has changed self._internal_field_text_for_paste = None def _get_clipboard_html_for_field(self): clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() mime = clip.mimeData() if not mime.hasHtml(): return return mime.html() def onCut(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.WebAction.Cut) def onCopy(self) -> None: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.WebAction.Copy) def _wantsExtendedPaste(self) -> bool: strip_html = self.editor.mw.col.get_config_bool( Config.Bool.PASTE_STRIPS_FORMATTING ) if KeyboardModifiersPressed().shift: strip_html = not strip_html return not strip_html def _onPaste(self, mode: QClipboard.Mode) -> None: extended = self._wantsExtendedPaste() if html := self._internal_field_text_for_paste: self._internal_field_text_for_paste = None print("reuse internal") self.editor.doPaste(html, True, extended) else: print("use clipboard") mime = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard().mimeData(mode=mode) html, internal = self._processMime(mime, extended) if html: self.editor.doPaste(html, internal, extended) def onPaste(self) -> None: self._onPaste(QClipboard.Mode.Clipboard) def onMiddleClickPaste(self) -> None: self._onPaste(QClipboard.Mode.Selection) def dragEnterEvent(self, evt: QDragEnterEvent) -> None: evt.accept() def dropEvent(self, evt: QDropEvent) -> None: extended = self._wantsExtendedPaste() mime = evt.mimeData() cursor_pos = self.mapFromGlobal(QCursor.pos()) if evt.source() and mime.hasHtml(): # don't filter html from other fields html, internal = mime.html(), True else: html, internal = self._processMime(mime, extended, drop_event=True) if not html: return self.editor.doDrop(html, internal, extended, cursor_pos) # returns (html, isInternal) def _processMime( self, mime: QMimeData, extended: bool = False, drop_event: bool = False ) -> tuple[str, bool]: # print("html=%s image=%s urls=%s txt=%s" % ( # mime.hasHtml(), mime.hasImage(), mime.hasUrls(), mime.hasText())) # print("html", mime.html()) # print("urls", mime.urls()) # print("text", mime.text()) internal = False mime = gui_hooks.editor_will_process_mime( mime, self, internal, extended, drop_event ) # try various content types in turn if mime.hasHtml(): html_content = mime.html()[11:] if internal else mime.html() return html_content, internal # favour url if it's a local link if ( mime.hasUrls() and (urls := mime.urls()) and urls[0].toString().startswith("file://") ): types = (self._processUrls, self._processImage, self._processText) else: types = (self._processImage, self._processUrls, self._processText) for fn in types: html = fn(mime, extended) if html: return html, True return "", False def _processUrls(self, mime: QMimeData, extended: bool = False) -> str | None: if not mime.hasUrls(): return None buf = "" for qurl in mime.urls(): url = qurl.toString() # chrome likes to give us the URL twice with a \n if lines := url.splitlines(): url = lines[0] buf += self.editor.urlToLink(url) return buf def _processText(self, mime: QMimeData, extended: bool = False) -> str | None: if not mime.hasText(): return None txt = mime.text() processed = [] lines = txt.split("\n") for line in lines: for token in re.split(r"(\S+)", line): # inlined data in base64? if extended and token.startswith("data:image/"): processed.append(self.editor.inlinedImageToLink(token)) elif extended and self.editor.isURL(token): # if the user is pasting an image or sound link, convert it to local, otherwise paste as a hyperlink link = self.editor.urlToLink(token) processed.append(link) else: token = html.escape(token).replace("\t", " " * 4) # if there's more than one consecutive space, # use non-breaking spaces for the second one on def repl(match: Match) -> str: return f"{match.group(1).replace(' ', ' ')} " token = re.sub(" ( +)", repl, token) processed.append(token) processed.append("
") # remove last
processed.pop() return "".join(processed) def _processImage(self, mime: QMimeData, extended: bool = False) -> str | None: if not mime.hasImage(): return None path = self.editor._read_pasted_image(mime) fname = self.editor._addMedia(path) return fname def contextMenuEvent(self, evt: QContextMenuEvent) -> None: m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction(tr.editing_cut()) qconnect(a.triggered, self.onCut) a = m.addAction(tr.actions_copy()) qconnect(a.triggered, self.onCopy) a = m.addAction(tr.editing_paste()) qconnect(a.triggered, self.onPaste) gui_hooks.editor_will_show_context_menu(self, m) m.popup(QCursor.pos()) # QFont returns "Kozuka Gothic Pro L" but WebEngine expects "Kozuka Gothic Pro Light" # - there may be other cases like a trailing 'Bold' that need fixing, but will # wait for further reports first. def fontMungeHack(font: str) -> str: return re.sub(" L$", " Light", font) def munge_html(txt: str, editor: Editor) -> str: return "" if txt in ("
", "

") else txt def remove_null_bytes(txt: str, editor: Editor) -> str: # misbehaving apps may include a null byte in the text return txt.replace("\x00", "") def reverse_url_quoting(txt: str, editor: Editor) -> str: # reverse the url quoting we added to get images to display return editor.mw.col.media.escape_media_filenames(txt, unescape=True) gui_hooks.editor_will_use_font_for_field.append(fontMungeHack) gui_hooks.editor_will_munge_html.append(munge_html) gui_hooks.editor_will_munge_html.append(remove_null_bytes) gui_hooks.editor_will_munge_html.append(reverse_url_quoting) def set_cloze_button(editor: Editor) -> None: action = "show" if editor.note.note_type()["type"] == MODEL_CLOZE else "hide" editor.web.eval( 'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() =>' f'require("anki/NoteEditor").instances[0].toolbar.toolbar.{action}("cloze")' "); " ) def set_image_occlusion_button(editor: Editor) -> None: action = "show" if editor.current_notetype_is_image_occlusion() else "hide" editor.web.eval( 'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() =>' f'require("anki/NoteEditor").instances[0].toolbar.toolbar.{action}("image-occlusion-button")' "); " ) gui_hooks.editor_did_load_note.append(set_cloze_button) gui_hooks.editor_did_load_note.append(set_image_occlusion_button)