// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: "off", @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off", */ import pb from "../backend/proto"; import { interpolateBlues } from "d3-scale-chromatic"; import "d3-transition"; import { select, mouse } from "d3-selection"; import { scaleLinear, scaleSequential } from "d3-scale"; import { showTooltip, hideTooltip } from "./tooltip"; import { GraphBounds, setDataAvailable, RevlogRange } from "./graphs"; import { timeDay, timeYear, timeWeek } from "d3-time"; import { I18n } from "../i18n"; export interface GraphData { // indexed by day, where day is relative to today reviewCount: Map; } interface DayDatum { day: number; count: number; // 0-51 weekNumber: number; // 0-6 weekDay: number; date: Date; } export function gatherData(data: pb.BackendProto.GraphsOut): GraphData { const reviewCount = new Map(); for (const review of data.revlog as pb.BackendProto.RevlogEntry[]) { if (review.buttonChosen == 0) { continue; } const day = Math.ceil( ((review.id as number) / 1000 - data.nextDayAtSecs) / 86400 ); const count = reviewCount.get(day) ?? 0; reviewCount.set(day, count + 1); } return { reviewCount }; } export function renderCalendar( svgElem: SVGElement, bounds: GraphBounds, sourceData: GraphData, targetYear: number, i18n: I18n, nightMode: boolean, revlogRange: RevlogRange ): void { const svg = select(svgElem); const now = new Date(); const nowForYear = new Date(); nowForYear.setFullYear(targetYear); const x = scaleLinear() .range([bounds.marginLeft, bounds.width - bounds.marginRight]) .domain([0, 53]); // map of 0-365 -> day const dayMap: Map = new Map(); let maxCount = 0; for (const [day, count] of sourceData.reviewCount.entries()) { const date = new Date(now.getTime() + day * 86400 * 1000); if (date.getFullYear() != targetYear) { continue; } const weekNumber = timeWeek.count(timeYear(date), date); const weekDay = timeDay.count(timeWeek(date), date); const yearDay = timeDay.count(timeYear(date), date); dayMap.set(yearDay, { day, count, weekNumber, weekDay, date } as DayDatum); if (count > maxCount) { maxCount = count; } } if (!maxCount) { setDataAvailable(svg, false); return; } else { setDataAvailable(svg, true); } // fill in any blanks const startDate = timeYear(nowForYear); const oneYearAgoFromNow = new Date(now); oneYearAgoFromNow.setFullYear(now.getFullYear() - 1); for (let i = 0; i < 365; i++) { const date = new Date(startDate.getTime() + i * 86400 * 1000); if (date > now) { // don't fill out future dates continue; } if (revlogRange == RevlogRange.Year && date < oneYearAgoFromNow) { // don't fill out dates older than a year continue; } const yearDay = timeDay.count(timeYear(date), date); if (!dayMap.has(yearDay)) { const weekNumber = timeWeek.count(timeYear(date), date); const weekDay = timeDay.count(timeWeek(date), date); dayMap.set(yearDay, { day: yearDay, count: 0, weekNumber, weekDay, date, } as DayDatum); } } const data = Array.from(dayMap.values()); const cappedRange = scaleLinear().range([0.2, nightMode ? 0.8 : 1]); const blues = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateBlues(cappedRange(n))).domain([ 0, maxCount, ]); function tooltipText(d: DayDatum): string { const date = d.date.toLocaleString(i18n.langs, { weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", }); const cards = i18n.tr(i18n.TR.STATISTICS_REVIEWS, { reviews: d.count }); return `${date}
${cards}`; } const height = bounds.height / 10; let emptyColour = "#ddd"; if (nightMode) { emptyColour = "#333"; } svg.select(`g.days`) .selectAll("rect") .data(data) .join("rect") .attr("fill", emptyColour) .attr("width", (d) => { return x(d.weekNumber + 1) - x(d.weekNumber) - 2; }) .attr("height", height - 2) .attr("x", (d) => x(d.weekNumber)) .attr("y", (d) => bounds.marginTop + d.weekDay * height) .on("mousemove", function (this: any, d: any) { const [x, y] = mouse(document.body); showTooltip(tooltipText(d), x, y); }) .on("mouseout", hideTooltip) .transition() .duration(800) .attr("fill", (d) => { if (d.count === 0) { return emptyColour; } else { return blues(d.count); } }); }